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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I mean I get the concern, but ****ing Piranha Plant can't even canonically move and Sakurai made an incredibly fun to use and watch moveset just based off a couple things it did. I'm sure he could do the same with Tracer.

To another extent, Rosalina only ever shows up in cutscenes and Saks gave her a good moveset as well. Tracer will be fine if she gets in.
I guess the issue i might have makes me think of how bayonetta's guns feel so secondary, which can be alright for her. And I have trouble thinking how a character could use guns prominently without having too many drawbacks for them. But maybe there's easy ways i just havent thought about, dunno.
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Masked Marshmallow

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2019
So, Richter, Daisy and Dark Samus in a nutshell according to fans? XD
The main difference is that these 2 could make sense as echoes. They only need tools that also fit them and certain moves that they could easily perform themselves. Minato and Joker on the other hand share literally almost nothing in common, and their most fundamental features (their Personas and main equipment) are completely different. Arsene and Thanatos are completely different in the way they fight, with one being a caster and the other being a swordsman, Joker is fast while Minato is relatively slow, they use different elements in their spells and their weapons work in completely different ways (a sword is too different from a knife in how they're used).

Deleted member

People are sleeping on Sora. I think he'll be announced alongside KH 3 on Switch.


Sep 26, 2013
When someone who defends a 4chan text leak this much, I can only think of 2 reasons:

1# They want it to be real soo badly that they're willing to toss all logic aside(*COUGHGOTHITELLECOUGH*)

2# They made it

Deleted member

A lot, and I mean a LOT of insiders were calling a Square rep as early as September.

The fact that Brave's data is already being worked on is, well, straight up we'll flat out never know if they got swapped in development.
Thats fair, but it's just something to keep in mind. I personally have a gut feeling PolarPanda is right in that nobody really 100% knows the DLC (within Nintendo at least, and obviously the dev team knows but you get what I mean) and most leakers are just saying the rumors they heard the most. Vergeben confirmed this with his 7 SE characters all being rumors, and he just thinks its Erdrick because he's the one who was thrown around the most/the most credible going by his info.

However I do think Vergeben has sources outside Nintendo and in other third party companies that, while there, are a bit more unreliable (base game MC boss and SE rep being released first) but they still might know about the DLC from that company
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Deleted member

So I just got back from a call from my mom wishing me a happy birthday, and I heard about a few things...

First, I totally forgot that I share the same birthday with my brother-in-law Aaron. I should get on that...

Second, she's sending me a present, but due to the snow she had to wait. Since I never said what I wanted for a birthday present, I'm legitimately curious on what it is.

Third, more info on my recently passed away Aunt Diane. Apparently she had liver cancer and told no one about it. Like I said before, she had personal problems with drugs and had to go to treatment for years. She told everyone that she was fine afterwards, but apparently everything was not fine.
Ahh dude. . I’m really sorry about your aunt’s death.
On a lighter note, happy birthday to your brother-in-law!
My grandmother and I share the same birthday, too.
To top it off, we’re also both left-handed. .
Anyway, I hope you’re all okay. :)


Sep 26, 2013
Thats fair, but it's just something to keep in mind. I personally have a gut feeling PolarPanda is right in that nobody really 100% knows the DLC (within Nintendo at least, and obviously the dev team knows but you get what I mean) and most leakers are just saying the rumors they heard the most. Vergeben confirmed this with his 7 SE characters all being rumors, and he just thinks its Erdrick because he's the one who was thrown around the most/the most credible going by his info.

However I do think Vergeben has sources outside Nintendo and in other third party companies that, while there, are a bit more unreliable (base game MC boss and SE rep being released first) but they still might know about the DLC from that company
I mean, at this point, Brave is, if they're the Square rep, Erdrick.

They're Tink's height and have Megaman's fall speed, if we're just going off of the "List" characters, it can't be anyone but him.

Except maybe Geno but, yeah, not opening that can of worms.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Ahh dude. . I’m really sorry about your aunt’s death.
On a lighter note, happy birthday to your brother-in-law!
My grandmother and I share the same birthday, too.
To top it off, we’re also both left-handed. .
Anyway, I hope you’re all okay. :)
Also my mom's birthday is on the 11th and my stepdad's is on the 14th. Needless to say this used to be a busy week for us :yoshi:

Deleted member

If there is a Direct on the 13th/14th, you got about a week to make peace with your god, because there are very few other characters that Brave's fighter data could realistically be.
It;s like DQ, but I'm going to keep hope alive that its Crono.

If you don't know. Metroid Prime 4 had been delayed granted I'd doubt that'd effect Sylux's chances given the DLC would had been probably been chosen long ago.
I'm aware, and there is enough time to change it, but'll probably still do it.
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Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
Ah yes, I remember when people said the same thing about Verg's leaks, or even the box theory. Suit yourself whichever way.

Only Castlevania Judgement. Which is the clearly non-canonical Buff Light Yagami spin-off fighting game.

Ignoring the whole vagueness of Brave, what have you got that actually solidifies such a claim? If "Brave" the codename even matters.
I'm sorry my friend, but you can't actually compare this to any of the somewhat reasonable stuff we've gotten over the speculation period.

This is a standard "4chan text leak".

If there was a leak containing: Bandana Waddle Dee, Elma, KOS-MOS, a Bravely Default Character, and Edelgard w/ T-elos and Anna (FEH) coming as echoes, it would make me the happiest guy alive.

But I wouldn't even give that leak the time of day.

It's fine if you want this leak to be true, but there is very little in this "leak" that actually makes sense.

And you can't actually be comparing this to stuff (Verg, Box Theory, Grinch leak) that at least had something of an argument for it.

Deleted member

I mean, at this point, Brave is, if they're the Square rep, Erdrick.

They're Tink's height and have Megaman's fall speed, if we're just going off of the "List" characters, it can't be anyone but him.

Except maybe Geno but, yeah, not opening that can of worms.
No I'm 1000% on the Erdrick train tbh

Too many things are lining up for him

While I wouldn't be too surprised if it isn't him, I would still be shocked nonetheless

Jovahexeon Joranvexeon

Smash Champion
Apr 13, 2016
Knives and Guns are literally what Joker uses to fight, even his spin-off appearances has him holding a knife,

Joker not using a Knife or a Gun would be like Goku not using a Kamehameha.
To be fair, this is a game where a potted Pirahna Plant can do all the crazy stuff that it can, to point of even flying.

Also, P3 protagonist does actually use a gun to summon his Persona, so, he'd already have that weapon on him. And it's not like the knife is too big a draw anyway.
With Joker he rips off his mask which is really easy to tone down (just remove the gore). But to have a character who literally shoots themselves in the head seems a bit much.
Considering some of the more risque character spirits *cough*bob-bombs*. They can easily just circumvent that by not stating it directly.
I'm sorry my friend, but you can't actually compare this to any of the somewhat reasonable stuff we've gotten over the speculation period.
Vergeben's leaks are literally text leaks too. Only difference is the locations they were posted on.
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Sep 26, 2013
To be fair, this is a game where a potted Pirahna Plant can do all the crazy stuff that it can, to point of even flying.

Also, P3 protagonist does actually use a gun to summon his Persona, so, he'd already have that weapon on him. And it's not like the knife is too big a draw anyway.

Considering some of the more risque character spirits *cough*bob-bombs*. They can easily just circumvent that by not stating it directly.
"To be fair"

Now we're just grabbing at straws here.

Sakurai gives 3rd Party characters extra love and attention to detail when it comes to their movesets, hell, Ken is an echo yet he's closer to a semi-clone arguably.

What you're suggesting is that Joker wouldn't use his most iconic weapons, and that a guy who's not known to use said weapons would.

And I don't think I need to explain this, but the Invoker gun doesn't really function as a 'weapon' in the sense that you shoot others with it.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
The issue with the comparison to Richter, Daisy, and Dark Samus is that while those characters have other things to draw from, nothing they do in Smash is outright contradicted in the source material. Having the P3 Protag as a Joker echo would be contradictory. None of Joker's three main ways of attacking (Gun, Knife, and Arsene) are usable for the P3 Protag, who explicitly cannot use knives and guns and has a completely different default Persona with a completely different element.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Alright then. And if Joker doesn't use knives or his gun, then your point is up the creek without a paddle. And that's assuming that Smash doesn't make that exception anyway.
The gun used to summon persona is used completely differently from the ones in p5.
Anyway, most of the time i completely ignore these random fake leaks. I dont think it's worth considering much unless there's some other reports from insiders that would give it a bit more weight. Just a date isn't enough for me.

Deleted member

yeah but he would still need that effect of the shards coming from the other side of his head like blood woukd
The P3 guy now does a finger gun toward his head and simultaneously holds a party popper on the other side and pops it so the confetti and such comes out

Masked Marshmallow

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2019
Also, P3 protagonist does actually use a gun to summon his Persona, so, he'd already have that weapon on him. And it's not like the knife is too big a draw anyway.
His gun can't even shoot anything. It was designed solely to force summon Personas. I'm starting to get the feeling that you haven't actually played P3.
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