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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Deleted member

...I stopped about halfway through the Cell Saga...
That's actually kind of funny considering that's the first arc where Goku doesn't beat the main antagonist of the arc lol.

Though you're right, it just boils back down into 'wait for Goku' for the arc directly after that. And then for Super, it's essentially the same thing, but with a couple of new characters that hang around the group while older ones are repeatedly humiliated for no reason.

Deleted member

I just wanna train with someone without losing GSP so is anyone up for an Arena?


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Yeah, characters don't need to be dynamic in order to be good or interesting. One of the complaints people have about Superman is that he's such a "boy scout" that never undergoes any major shifts in character, and that the only way to make him interesting is to make him evil, but there are some damn good Superman stories out there from people who really dig into the character without making him evil.

However, I do have an issue with Goku/DragonBall, though, because none the characters who are dynamic never get proper spotlight. I tried watching DragonBall Z for the first time like a decade ago when they started airing Kai on Nickelodeon, and I stopped about halfway through the Cell Saga when I realized "Okay wait, all this ever amounts to is the other characters having to stand around and wait for Goku to come in and solve everything." Like, there are moments when Piccolo, Vegeta, Tien, and other characters could have surprising and satisfying moments of victory, but the antagonist just shrugs off their attacks in order to make Goku look so much more powerful by comparison in the end.

Shows with similar setups get around this issue without much difficulty. Going back to DC coincidentally, the old Justice League cartoon had a cast of 6 very different characters, and it was anyone's guess which one of them might be the key hero in any given episode or against any particular villain. Each character was given time in the spotlight. If it was written more like DBZ, each character would just get battered around in order to make the villain seem more threatening for when Superman showed up.
All-Star Superman is the big "you should read this if you think Superman is boring" comic.

Hilariously, you stopped right in the middle of the arc where Goku isn't the one to solve the problem (Gohan is the one to finally kill Cell. Vegeta helps).

After that, the next arc is less about waiting for Goku and more about fixing their big screw up, Goku is still the guy to beat Majin Buu, but technically everyone contributes to the final blow in some way.

...At least everyone still relevant at that point.
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Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
I claim Chandelure for myself.

You can't have him, he's mine.

Deleted member

Ok so what Pokemon have been claimed
I've claimed Hawlucha edit: No Gengar cause against the rules
GEP has claimed edit: Kecleon (I thought he claimed salandit cause the dude was posting about it)
and I remember somebody claimed a Smeargle, somebody claimed a Whismur, and that's all I remember
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Ignore the user in front of you
May 28, 2018
Switch FC
Because everyone's doing it a̶n̶d̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶l̶o̶w̶-̶e̶f̶f̶o̶r̶t̶ ̶p̶o̶s̶t̶,̶ I'll claim :246:.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
i still dont know whats going on but claiming more than one pokemon is straight cheating

Deleted member

well Im claiming seveal. Pumpkaboo, Gorgiest, Mienshao, Mainfoo and Serperior and Ill kill anyone who tells me I cant
You can't claim one if you don't spell it correctly!

Ha ha! Gourgeist is mine, you fool! (I always loved its Design, typing, and even the name. Great pun of Poltergeist & Gourd!)

EDIT: Also, link is apparently broken for my image, but not the others I see in the thread. Real cool, Smashboards. Real cool.

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Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
More than one Pokemon may be cheating, but for me, there's really not one Pokemon that completely defines me. There's Ralts for timidity, *insert certain Pokemon here* to represent my short temper (the rage kind mostly), and I don't know if creative Pokemon (like me and my creative ideas) exist. So it's really hard. I really don't know what I'd be.
For now, I choose Ralts, though something tells me a fire type would fit me better, but again, I just don't. It's why I need help being evaluated.

If I went by favorites, it'd be Yanma, Gardevoir (who someone is likely to take), Gallade, Braixen (who is also likely to be taken), and something else... I keep forgetting.
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Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
well Im claiming seveal. Pumpkaboo, Gorgiest, Mienshao, Mainfoo and Serperior and Ill kill anyone who tells me I cant
WAITWAITWAIT We can claim multiple?

Okay, then I'll be taking Klinklang, Samurott, Ferrothorn, Vanilluxe, Vikavolt, Ninjask, Quilava, Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Klefki, Latias, Pikachu, Snivy, Umbreon, Lunala, and Magcargo.

Alongside Chandelure of course.
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Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Man this thread’s going nuts. I can barely follow what’s going on.

Anyway, if we’re all claiming Pokémon, I’m taking :059:. TPC needs to recognize the badassery that is Arcanine and promote him more.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
Diem Diem

So I was gonna make a joke about you and "Carpe", but nobody actually has that username.:(:(:(
View attachment 190889
I've actually studied quite a bit of Latin, and my initials are DM, so when I realized that that could be phonetically represented with "Diem," my username was born. That was about four years ago, but came after over a decade of just picking usernames that were just whatever characters I happened to be into at that period of time, since I couldn't come up with anything neutral and universal (that is, not just the name of some character) for just me.

There was a period of time starting in 2009 or early 2010 where I had a name that was fairly neutral (although a reference to a game), and that lasted for a couple years until I jokingly picked up a name for my Xbox Live Gamertag of the forum I used to frequent in 2012, and it actually grew on me. Until there was some drama a year later about me and the site administration decided to use that against me, banning me and then saying that they'd decide on unbanning me after I changed the gamertag. I changed it, and they decided to keep the ban.

In the end it took me a total of 13 years before I came up with a solid username for myself. Dunno how everyone else does it.

That's actually kind of funny considering that's the first arc where Goku doesn't beat the main antagonist of the arc lol.

Though you're right, it just boils back down into 'wait for Goku' for the arc directly after that. And then for Super, it's essentially the same thing, but with a couple of new characters that hang around the group while older ones are repeatedly humiliated for no reason.
All-Star Superman is the big "you should read this if you think Superman is boring" comic.

Hilariously, you stopped right in the middle of the arc where Goku isn't the one to solve the problem (Gohan is the one to finally kill Cell. Vegeta helps).

After that, the next arc is less about waiting for Goku and more about fixing their big screw up, Goku is still the guy to beat Majin Buu, but technically everyone contributes to the final blow in some way.

...At least everyone still relevant at that point.
Yeah, I did realize the irony of that as I typed it, as I did later become aware of how the Cell saga ends. But apparently that was an exception to the rule, and even up until the finale of DragonBall Super a year or two ago, the case is still that Goku's the only one who can ever save the day. Which, in a series with such a diverse and ecclectic cast of characters and powers, comes off as extremely wasteful.

I don't watch anime in the first place, though, so it's also just not entirely my cup of tea. Although I can't avoid hearing anime discussions, since they often come up in the same places as my video game interests, and from what I hear, My Hero Academia (the new hotness), Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and Naruto are all more interesting in that instead of relying on power levels to determine victories, it's more about unique and crazy abilities with distinct strengths and weaknesses that need to be used cleverly in order to win. I think that's exponentially more interesting by comparison.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
If Marvel vs. Capcom DID do an "Everyone is Here" style game, would you include all the pallet swap character. They technically did play differently. Do you include US Agent and Orange Hulk? Shadow Lady and Cyber Akuma? Do you include BOTH Wolverines and BOTH Jills? Who counts and who doesnt.

What do you think @JDCabrera
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