I’ll leave the conversation alone, as I don’t really want to continue it.
The only reason I respond in these ways is simply because, well, i’m frustrated with the way the world has become when it comes to just an absence of compassion, empathy, or just basic ability to love. This doesn’t mean any one of you are bad people for sticking up for yourselves. You shouldn’t feel bad. It’s human nature to want to stick up for yourself when somebody is being antagonizing, whichever way that turns out.
It’s just unfortunate to me that situations such as these often end up with anger or sadness, for anyone involved. I hate seeing that. I’m sure a lot of people hate seeing it.
Bullying ****ing sucks. It’s the worst when you want to rid the world of something that...well, the world finds ways to reinforce or encourage.
Maybe it’s also because the internet is overloaded with negatives, and negative responses, and negative interaction most of the time that tend to try and look for things to be solved differently.
The only reason I got into it yesterday was because we’ve, at least sometimes only momentarily, lost users for a certain amount of time when things get heated in conversation. I remember the specific scenarios, and those situations...don’t always require making someone feel little or like a bad person. Forums are public places, and publicly shaming somebody isn’t always that effective in making a point.
Maybe a DM would be better? Who can say, I suppose.
But alas, new subject.
Maybe i’ll hop on Smash for an arena, if anybody makes one. Probably won’t be for a little bit.