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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Agreed, considering we have characters who are added only to fill a quota (:ultzss::ultivysaur::ulticeclimbers:) and people are okay with them. It's the same thing in practice.

Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to.
I don’t quite understand you’re point. How were :ultzss::ultivysaur::ulticeclimbers: added to fill a quota? :ulticeclimbers: in particular had a bit of a creative process to their selection.

Plus, the only time they’ve ever done 100% confirmed promo picks were :roymelee: and :4corrin:. Then again, they always “never do something” until they do.

I still think it makes more sense financially to promote new releases with spirits (which are extremely easy to make) and have the actual characters be ones who will sell on their own merits. That (IMO) will make them more money.
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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
I don’t quite understand you’re point. How were :ultzss::ultivysaur::ulticeclimbers: added to fill a quota? :ulticeclimbers: in particular had a bit of a creative process to their selection.
:ultzss: Basically only added for a second Metroid rep, as well as showing off final Smashes
:ultivysaur: Just added to even out Pokemon trainer's starter Pokemon team of :ultcharizard: and :ultsquirtle:. Unlike the other two, Ivysuar really isn't a popular Pokemon
:ulticeclimbers:Solely added because Sakurai wanted a retro rep from the NES days
I still think it makes more sense financially to promote new releases with spirits (which are extremely easy to make) and have the actual characters be ones who will sell on their own merits. That (IMO) will make them more money.
I mean... assuming the inclusion of Fire Emblem characters in Smash as whole, saved the franchise from cancellation, fighters definitely work better...
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I don’t quite understand you’re point. How were :ultzss::ultivysaur::ulticeclimbers: added to fill a quota? :ulticeclimbers: in particular had a bit of a creative process to their selection.
:ulticeclimbers:: "Hey, we need a NES character"
:ultzss:: "Hey, we need a Metroid character"
:ultivysaur:: "Hey, we need a third to Squirtle and Charizard"
:ultcorrin:: "Hey, we need a character from a game that just released"

It's all the same for me. Note all of them also had gameplay reasons that helped them being selected, so they do have their own merits, it's just weren't their popularity.

I still think it makes more sense financially to promote new releases with spirits (which are extremely easy to make) and have the actual characters be ones who will sell on their own merits. That (IMO) will make them more money.
As I said, Roy and Corrin weren't added just to make people flock towards a game, they also had other reasons.

Also I'm not arguing whether or not it makes business sense (I think it does, to an extend), I just think people are overreacting to fighters that came with promotion.

I mean... assuming the inclusion of Fire Emblem characters in Smash as whole, saved the franchise from cancellation, fighters definitely work better...
I thought it was because of Awakening.
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Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
:ultzss: Basically only added for a second Metroid rep, as well as showing off final Smashes
:ultivysaur: Just added to even out Pokemon trainer's team of :ultcharizard: and :ultsquirtle:. Unlike the other two, Ivysuar really isn't a popular Pokemon
:ulticeclimbers:Solely added because Sakurai wanted a retro rep from the NES days

I mean... assuming the inclusion of Fire Emblem characters in Smash as whole, saved the franchise from cancellation, fighters definitely work better...
None of those are.... bad reasons to include a character. Certainly doesn’t make them quota fillers.

And as for your last point.... I mean, if your goal is only to promote other games at the potential cost of profits and fan opinions than yes. Didn’t people give PlayStation All-Stars crap for this?


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
:ulticeclimbers:: "Hey, we need a NES character"
:ultzss:: "Hey, we need a Metroid character"
:ultivysaur:: "Hey, we need a third to Squirtle and Charizard"
:ultcorrin:: "Hey, we need a character from a game that just released"

It's all the same for me. Note all of them also had gameplay reasons that helped them being selected, so they do have their own merits, it's just weren't their popularity.

As I said, Roy and Corrin weren't added just to make people flock towards a game, they also had other reasons.

Also I'm not arguing whether or not it makes business sense (I think it does, to an extend), I just think people are overreacting to fighters that came with promotion.

I thought it was because of Awakening.
I think you’re being very cynical about this. Every time he includes a character based on something other than popularity he’s filling a quota?


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Am I the only one who think's :ultrobinf:'s victory dialogues is underutilized? I think she should've them for more characters than just Lucina, like

to :ultlink:: "How can you protect Hyrule if you can't protect yourself?"

or for :ultpit:: "How can you protect Palutena if you can't protect yourself?"

and :ultluigi: can be: "How can you love Daisy if you can't love yourself?"
Pit, Link, and Luigi would all take turns beating her *** for trying to start some ****

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
None of those are.... bad reasons to include a character. Certainly doesn’t make them quota fillers.
Yet apparently being only added to advertise a game, is a big no-no?
And as for your last point.... I mean, if your goal is only to promote other games at the potential cost of profits and fan opinions than yes. Didn’t people give PlayStation All-Stars crap for this?
Unlike PSABR, Smash already has the essential characters. PSABR was missing very notable characters like Crash, Spyro, Cloud, and even Sony owned characters like the Wanderer from Shadow of The Colossus.

Smash basically has all the important characters covered, so a couple promotional picks can't hurt
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I think you’re being very cynical about this. Every time he includes a character based on something other than popularity he’s filling a quota?

But some characters were picked to fill one and I'm completely fine with them. That's why I want to look to the characters themselves too, not just "they were added because of X".


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Yet apparently being only added to advertise a game, is a big no-no?

Unlike PSABR, Smash already has the essential characters. PSABR was missing very notable characters like Crash, Spyro, Cloud, and even Sony owned characters like the Wanderer from Shadow of The Colossus.

Smash basically has all the important characters covered, so a couple promotional picks can't hurt
It still feels dirty. Any time something is just done to advertise it feels sleezy and corporate. That’s different from wanting another character from Metroid, or needing another Pokémon to fill out this cool Pokémon Trainer idea he wants to do, or wanting a character to represent the NES. One is the creative process. The other is not.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
It still feels dirty. Any time something is just done to advertise it feels sleezy and corporate. That’s different from wanting another character from Metroid, or needing another Pokémon to fill out this cool Pokémon Trainer idea he wants to do, or wanting a character to represent the NES. One is the creative process. The other is not.
I don't see why one isn't creative. In both cases, you look at a limited character pool and make the last decision on whether they can provide a interesting moveset or not.

Nobody wanted Sheik in Melee, so it was definitely a shill pick. /s
Ocarina of Time was super new and it got four characters.

Yep, they were right.
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Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Banjo and Kazooie deserve a spot in Smash. They were icons in the N64 and I GUARANTEE you that if they had been bought by anyone else they’d still be around. MS is willing to do it, they probably did well on the Smash Ballot so Nintendo is at least aware of them. And it would be one of the first nostalgia pick newcomers that’s NOT an NES/SNES character. You’re catering to a whole new demographic of nostalgia.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
It still feels dirty. Any time something is just done to advertise it feels sleezy and corporate. That’s different from wanting another character from Metroid, or needing another Pokémon to fill out this cool Pokémon Trainer idea he wants to do, or wanting a character to represent the NES. One is the creative process. The other is not.
If you ask me, the promotional picks usually have some of the most unique moveset in the entire series... Take my main, :ultcorrinf:, for example... Glassily one of the most fun characters, with an amazing moveset... Same thing goes for Sakurai picks

The fan requested characters on the other hand imo, usually end up with uninteresting movesets and playstyles
I feel like people over hype Banjo Kazooie's importance a little bit.
They were in 2 well received Mario 64 clones, and that's it...
Besides :ultdiddy: and :ultkrool: have already filled our Rare quota...

I don't see why they're absolutely necessary
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Deleted member

I feel like people over hype Banjo Kazooie's importance..
They were in 2 well received Mario 64 clones, and that's it...
Besides :ultdiddy: and :ultkrool: have already filled our Rare quota...

I don't see why they're absolutely necessary
okay then
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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Banjo and Kazooie deserve a spot in Smash. They were icons in the N64 and I GUARANTEE you that if they had been bought by anyone else they’d still be around. MS is willing to do it, they probably did well on the Smash Ballot so Nintendo is at least aware of them. And it would be one of the first nostalgia pick newcomers that’s NOT an NES/SNES character. You’re catering to a whole new demographic of nostalgia.
No one deserves a spot in Smash...

Except Steve /s
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Deleted member

Okay I'm gonna repost my Zoe moveset concept cuz I just realized it would be hella busted and I need some ideas on how to nerf it a little
Jab: A standard 3-hit combo: left paw strike, right paw strike, and an overhead swipe with both paws.

F-Tilt: Swings a microphone in front of her.

Up-Tilt: Spins a scarf above her, similarly to Palutena’s up-tilt.

Down-Tilt: Rolls forward. Can be used quicker in succession than Dedede’s roll, but deals less damage and slightly higher knockback.

N-Air: Kicks with her front and back paws, damaging fighters both in front of her and behind her.

F-Air: A quick 2-hit swipe of her claws.

Back-Air: Slams the microphone used in her F-Tilt into any fighters behind her. Has a very slight windbox.

Up-Air: Whips the scarf used in her Up-Tilt straight upward.

Down-Air: Charges for a moment, then swings her tail down. Has a meteor effect right when she swings.

Grab: Grabs a foe and pummels them with a coat hanger.

F-Throw: Throws the grabbed opponent forward, quickly following up with a barrage of sequins.

Back-Throw: Throws the grabbed opponent backward and kicks them away.

Up-Throw: Throws the grabbed opponent upward and slices them with her claws.

Down-Throw: Slams the grabbed opponent down, burying them.

Get-Up Attack: Fires 2 quick bursts of sequins on either side of her.

Ledge Attack: Fires a burst of sequins in front of her. Slightly stronger than her Get-Up Attack.

Dash Attack: Zoe pounces forward.

F-Smash: Quickly extends a microphone stand forward.

Up-Smash: Quickly extends a microphone stand upward.

Down-Smash: Swings the scarf she uses for her Up-Tilt and Up-Air in a circle around her. Has a slight windbox.


Strikes a pose in place, damaging and launching nearby foes. If you hold the button, small shockwaves will be sent out on either side of Zoe, but this leaves her vulnerable to anyone who blocked the pose attack.

SIDE SPECIAL: Highest Note

Shoots a mid-low range, music note shaped projectile. It doesn’t deal much damage but has the second-highest knockback of any projectile, second only to Mega Man’s F-Smash.

UP SPECIAL: Spinnerrific Recovery

Zoe spins in an upward tornado motion, gaining height while also pushing opponents away. When used on the ground, this becomes a damaging move where she spins in place.

DOWN SPECIAL: Pocket Mirror

Zoe uses a pocket mirror to reflect projectiles at 1.5x the power and speed. If used when a fighter is right in front of Zoe, it does a small amount of damage but no knockback.

FINAL SMASH: Down the Runway

Like other characters with cutscene Final Smashes, Zoe attempts to trap fighters with an attack and, if successful, triggers the cutscene. For Zoe, the trapping attack is a dress rack that rolls onto the stage from the foreground, and the cutscene is her dazzling the trapped fighters with her runway moves. After the cutscene ends, the trapped fighters are launched.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I take it this is one of those "Character x deserves to be in Smash" and roster-related things? I suppose it is a relatively common topic. Tbh, I'm mostly over much of the roster stuff. It's true I'll still dislike some characters or how they play or their kit, or just mostly personal grudges against some of them, but I'm mostly over it. The only remaining frustration I can imagine myself having is depending on who the remaining DLC be (and I admit there's very high chances I will be annoyed at most of em, especially another FE character), should I lose to various things, and the overall balance among characters (which we know is almost impossible to do with 70+ different characters), and what the game patches will provide for us.

At least I can still do snapshots, which seems to be part of my solace at this time.
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Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
No one deserves a spot in Smash...

Except Steve /s
Exactly: deserves implies the characters somehow have rights and feelings, which is part the reason why their fans get so salty when they aren't playable - cos it's seen as an insult to the character

You could say that a character's creator deserves to have their creation in Smash, but I don't think that's what people mean when they use deserve

Deleted member

Okay I'm gonna repost my Zoe moveset concept cuz I just realized it would be hella busted and I need some ideas on how to nerf it a little
Jab: A standard 3-hit combo: left paw strike, right paw strike, and an overhead swipe with both paws.

F-Tilt: Swings a microphone in front of her.

Up-Tilt: Spins a scarf above her, similarly to Palutena’s up-tilt.

Down-Tilt: Rolls forward. Can be used quicker in succession than Dedede’s roll, but deals less damage and slightly higher knockback.

N-Air: Kicks with her front and back paws, damaging fighters both in front of her and behind her.

F-Air: A quick 2-hit swipe of her claws.

Back-Air: Slams the microphone used in her F-Tilt into any fighters behind her. Has a very slight windbox.

Up-Air: Whips the scarf used in her Up-Tilt straight upward.

Down-Air: Charges for a moment, then swings her tail down. Has a meteor effect right when she swings.

Grab: Grabs a foe and pummels them with a coat hanger.

F-Throw: Throws the grabbed opponent forward, quickly following up with a barrage of sequins.

Back-Throw: Throws the grabbed opponent backward and kicks them away.

Up-Throw: Throws the grabbed opponent upward and slices them with her claws.

Down-Throw: Slams the grabbed opponent down, burying them.

Get-Up Attack: Fires 2 quick bursts of sequins on either side of her.

Ledge Attack: Fires a burst of sequins in front of her. Slightly stronger than her Get-Up Attack.

Dash Attack: Zoe pounces forward.

F-Smash: Quickly extends a microphone stand forward.

Up-Smash: Quickly extends a microphone stand upward.

Down-Smash: Swings the scarf she uses for her Up-Tilt and Up-Air in a circle around her. Has a slight windbox.


Strikes a pose in place, damaging and launching nearby foes. If you hold the button, small shockwaves will be sent out on either side of Zoe, but this leaves her vulnerable to anyone who blocked the pose attack.

SIDE SPECIAL: Highest Note

Shoots a mid-low range, music note shaped projectile. It doesn’t deal much damage but has the second-highest knockback of any projectile, second only to Mega Man’s F-Smash.

UP SPECIAL: Spinnerrific Recovery

Zoe spins in an upward tornado motion, gaining height while also pushing opponents away. When used on the ground, this becomes a damaging move where she spins in place.

DOWN SPECIAL: Pocket Mirror

Zoe uses a pocket mirror to reflect projectiles at 1.5x the power and speed. If used when a fighter is right in front of Zoe, it does a small amount of damage but no knockback.

FINAL SMASH: Down the Runway

Like other characters with cutscene Final Smashes, Zoe attempts to trap fighters with an attack and, if successful, triggers the cutscene. For Zoe, the trapping attack is a dress rack that rolls onto the stage from the foreground, and the cutscene is her dazzling the trapped fighters with her runway moves. After the cutscene ends, the trapped fighters are launched.
guys please
help me out
it's my birthday

Deleted member

Broke: *insert first character* deserves a spot in Smash more than *insert second character*

Woke: Sweet Victory deserved to be in the Super Bowl more than Psycho Mode.
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Smash Master
Dec 31, 2018
Tallon IV
Switch FC
SW 1995 0060 1138
Broke: *insert first character* deserves a spot in Smash more than *insert second character*

Woke: Sweet Victory deserved to be in the Super Bowl more than Psycho Mode.
I signed that petition... Never felt so cheated


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
As long as we don’t get a Gen 8 Pokemon as DLC I’m ok with any promotional pick tbh
I'm fine w/ most Nintendo characters getting into Smash, even a FE 3 Houses rep (depending on the uniqueness of the moveset) and a Gen 8 Pokemon (depending on design/moveset).

It's the 3rd party additions I'm more concerned with.

Deleted member

Okay I'm gonna repost my Zoe moveset concept cuz I just realized it would be hella busted and I need some ideas on how to nerf it a little
Jab: A standard 3-hit combo: left paw strike, right paw strike, and an overhead swipe with both paws.

F-Tilt: Swings a microphone in front of her.

Up-Tilt: Spins a scarf above her, similarly to Palutena’s up-tilt.

Down-Tilt: Rolls forward. Can be used quicker in succession than Dedede’s roll, but deals less damage and slightly higher knockback.

N-Air: Kicks with her front and back paws, damaging fighters both in front of her and behind her.

F-Air: A quick 2-hit swipe of her claws.

Back-Air: Slams the microphone used in her F-Tilt into any fighters behind her. Has a very slight windbox.

Up-Air: Whips the scarf used in her Up-Tilt straight upward.

Down-Air: Charges for a moment, then swings her tail down. Has a meteor effect right when she swings.

Grab: Grabs a foe and pummels them with a coat hanger.

F-Throw: Throws the grabbed opponent forward, quickly following up with a barrage of sequins.

Back-Throw: Throws the grabbed opponent backward and kicks them away.

Up-Throw: Throws the grabbed opponent upward and slices them with her claws.

Down-Throw: Slams the grabbed opponent down, burying them.

Get-Up Attack: Fires 2 quick bursts of sequins on either side of her.

Ledge Attack: Fires a burst of sequins in front of her. Slightly stronger than her Get-Up Attack.

Dash Attack: Zoe pounces forward.

F-Smash: Quickly extends a microphone stand forward.

Up-Smash: Quickly extends a microphone stand upward.

Down-Smash: Swings the scarf she uses for her Up-Tilt and Up-Air in a circle around her. Has a slight windbox.


Strikes a pose in place, damaging and launching nearby foes. If you hold the button, small shockwaves will be sent out on either side of Zoe, but this leaves her vulnerable to anyone who blocked the pose attack.

SIDE SPECIAL: Highest Note

Shoots a mid-low range, music note shaped projectile. It doesn’t deal much damage but has the second-highest knockback of any projectile, second only to Mega Man’s F-Smash.

UP SPECIAL: Spinnerrific Recovery

Zoe spins in an upward tornado motion, gaining height while also pushing opponents away. When used on the ground, this becomes a damaging move where she spins in place.

DOWN SPECIAL: Pocket Mirror

Zoe uses a pocket mirror to reflect projectiles at 1.5x the power and speed. If used when a fighter is right in front of Zoe, it does a small amount of damage but no knockback.

FINAL SMASH: Down the Runway

Like other characters with cutscene Final Smashes, Zoe attempts to trap fighters with an attack and, if successful, triggers the cutscene. For Zoe, the trapping attack is a dress rack that rolls onto the stage from the foreground, and the cutscene is her dazzling the trapped fighters with her runway moves. After the cutscene ends, the trapped fighters are launched.
guys seriously
this moveset needs nerfing
help a fellow smash fan out
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Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
I don’t quite understand you’re point. How were :ultzss::ultivysaur::ulticeclimbers: added to fill a quota? :ulticeclimbers: in particular had a bit of a creative process to their selection.

Plus, the only time they’ve ever done 100% confirmed promo picks were :roymelee: and :4corrin:. Then again, they always “never do something” until they do.

I still think it makes more sense financially to promote new releases with spirits (which are extremely easy to make) and have the actual characters be ones who will sell on their own merits. That (IMO) will make them more money.
Like was said, those characters were chosen to fill a quota, being that they were more picked to fill particular roles then a desire for that character in particular..though, no, it's not a bad thing.

Promotional picks can also be good and still end up popular. Look at how popular Roy continues to be and he was a promotional pick. New also sells just as well as old if the new is something currently generating hype.

Having both is key to a good roster honestly.
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