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What are you most excited about for E3?

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The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
>Comes back after 1 night
>The Social is infested with Kasumi and Morganaposts


I will say that I really hope I'm not like, actually disappointing people when I throw my opinions out there. First of all, you don't have to take what I say so seriously. I know a good number of you respect me because of my "essay posts", but I don't necessarily think you should see it as a "Welp, Scol said it isn't happening. Looks like I should give up now."

Secondly, the only reason I put those out there is so that basically, people think about their wants vs. REALLY WANT/EXPECT, because all too often I've seen folks saying, "X, Y, and Z" are totally happening.

Going forward, after Erdrick is released (I'm pretty sure it's going to be Erdrick, but I would never say he's 100% without seeing actual, like, ESRB leak footage), unless there's another datamine hint we're not going to have pretty much any ideas as to who is coming next.

I can sit here and say, "Hey guys, think about Resident Evil" as a fan of Smash and Resident Evil. But just because I say that I think it's pretty likely, it doesn't mean that you all have to agree or blindly follow. It just seems like conversation about Smash has been completely dampened because of leaks, and conversations of "this is happening, other stuff isn't". I don't want to post things that kill conversation necessarily, but I'm putting those ideas out here so that we at least consider them.

For example, this latest PapaGeno's leak (which, in all fairness I'm calling BS on) still has Doomguy in it, but has something different in terms of Dark Souls. All of a sudden, the internet is super supportive of Dark Souls. Guess what? @vaanrose had suggested the idea of Dark Souls in Smash (not leaked, that's different), and nobody took it seriously. Now, somebody creates a rumor and it explodes.

I'm actually, as I'm typing this, thinking about it...if Sakurai said that they were working on Fighters 2 and 3 at around the beginning, but not the other 2, should we find DLC leaks suspect in general? Like, when people leak the entire lineup. Knowing a tidbit is one thing, but I'm finding that these "leaks" are all similar in that they seem to latch to western characters that are in the spotlight, and then mix it up only a little.

Those leaks have rarely come true.
Based off of how Sakurai is developing DLC, I think full DLC leaks should be considered suspect, if not disregarded altogether. However, individual character DLC leaks, such as that of Erdrick, should not.

That makes the only credible leaks Erdrick, Banjo, and maybe a Tales of character if we go off of what Polar and Fatman were saying months ago.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
small thing, but while it wasn't super "mainstream", there was a good amount of support for Solaire on reddit prior to release, probably due to his amiibo and dark souls remastered
That's fair, but that still effectively proves my point. Certain character ideas don't become mainstream or "accepted" until there's a leak that shows it. Those beginning fans are probably annoyed, because now people who have never played a Dark Souls game are probably going to be like, "OH WOW, THAT TOTALLY MAKES SENSE".
And that’s fine.
Supporting any character is good as long as you behave right with others regarding speculation.
This too.
Side note, I still think we can toss any leak with western characters in it into the trash, but that's still my own opinion. Just adds obstacles to the character inclusion itself.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
>Comes back after 1 night
>The Social is infested with Kasumi and Morganaposts

View attachment 219012


Based off of how Sakurai is developing DLC, I think full DLC leaks should be considered suspect, if not disregarded altogether. However, individual character DLC leaks, such as that of Erdrick, should not.

That makes the only credible leaks Erdrick, Banjo, and maybe a Tales of character if we go off of what Polar and Fatman were saying months ago.
Well I also made a Opo sprite.
Opossum Gang 7.gif

Soooooooo......Opossumposting anyone?

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
>Comes back after 1 night
>The Social is infested with Kasumi and Morganaposts

View attachment 219012


Based off of how Sakurai is developing DLC, I think full DLC leaks should be considered suspect, if not disregarded altogether. However, individual character DLC leaks, such as that of Erdrick, should not.

That makes the only credible leaks Erdrick, Banjo, and maybe a Tales of character if we go off of what Polar and Fatman were saying months ago.
I mean, even then, just because the people leaking don't have the whole roster that doesn't mean we should necessarily believe them. Or at least we shouldn't start believing people until they get their information proven correct. For example, Verg has built some cred for Smash leaks, but has had a few blunders. There are other leakers, but to my knowledge I don't know any others who have proven records for this current DLC period.

Specifically, I know a tad of what Polar and Fatman have said, but have absolutely no recollection as to why Banjo is considered likely from leakers.

Apparently Tansut has backed Erdrick being in, and Ryce at least has said there’s no Minecraft content in the game to their knowledge.
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Deleted member

I will say that I really hope I'm not like, actually disappointing people when I throw my opinions out there. First of all, you don't have to take what I say so seriously. I know a good number of you respect me because of my "essay posts", but I don't necessarily think you should see it as a "Welp, Scol said it isn't happening. Looks like I should give up now."

Secondly, the only reason I put those out there is so that basically, people think about their wants vs. REALLY WANT/EXPECT, because all too often I've seen folks saying, "X, Y, and Z" are totally happening.

Going forward, after Erdrick is released (I'm pretty sure it's going to be Erdrick, but I would never say he's 100% without seeing actual, like, ESRB leak footage), unless there's another datamine hint we're not going to have pretty much any ideas as to who is coming next.

I can sit here and say, "Hey guys, think about Resident Evil" as a fan of Smash and Resident Evil. But just because I say that I think it's pretty likely, it doesn't mean that you all have to agree or blindly follow. It just seems like conversation about Smash has been completely dampened because of leaks, and conversations of "this is happening, other stuff isn't". I don't want to post things that kill conversation necessarily, but I'm putting those ideas out here so that we at least consider them.

For example, this latest PapaGeno's leak (which, in all fairness I'm calling BS on) still has Doomguy in it, but has something different in terms of Dark Souls. All of a sudden, the internet is super supportive of Dark Souls. Guess what? @vaanrose had suggested the idea of Dark Souls in Smash (not leaked, that's different), and nobody took it seriously. Now, somebody creates a rumor and it explodes.

I'm actually, as I'm typing this, thinking about it...if Sakurai said that they were working on Fighters 2 and 3 at around the beginning, but not the other 2, should we find DLC leaks suspect in general? Like, when people leak the entire lineup. Knowing a tidbit is one thing, but I'm finding that these "leaks" are all similar in that they seem to latch to western characters that are in the spotlight, and then mix it up only a little.

Those leaks have rarely come true.
Tbh outside of Erdrick, I think all the other DLC is pretty much no man's land. Banjo and Steve are constantly in and then then the next moment they're disconfirmed. The rest? We don't have any reliable leaks to go off of, they really could be anyone.
anyways ezio is in baby

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC

Deleted member

Tbh outside of Erdrick, I think all the other DLC is pretty much no man's land. Banjo and Steve are constantly in and then then the next moment they're disconfirmed. The rest? We don't have any reliable leaks to go off of, they really could be anyone.
anyways ezio is in baby
When someone brings up the realistic chance that Banjo is probably still a pipe dream and you try to play it off.


Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
No more spriteposting please.

That joke got stale a long time ago.
Well my friend, while I can understand where you're coming from, I don't know if certain users are going to stop any time soon.

Still, my apologize if my sprites end up bothering you more than it should, they are harmless little joke to me, but I get why some would find it tiring after awhile.
do you accept Exposure Bucks?

View attachment 219017

think of all the Exposure™ you could get

Nah, I'm good fam, I don't need exposure, money is more important rn lol.


Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2019
That's fair, but that still effectively proves my point. Certain character ideas don't become mainstream or "accepted" until there's a leak that shows it. Those beginning fans are probably annoyed, because now people who have never played a Dark Souls game are probably going to be like, "OH WOW, THAT TOTALLY MAKES SENSE".
I feel like I agree with you, but I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say. If a character like Sans were to be in a big leak, he wouldn't cause any less controversy. Similarly Mach Rider and Chorus Kids didn't really become mainstream after the grinch leak.


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
Unpopular opinion time.

I think that if a character has "strong relations with Nintendo" in terms of their series being almost exclusively on Nintendo platforms, I think that actually hurts them rather than helps them at this point.

Think about it. If the idea is to spread a customer base with DLC, and those games began on Nintendo consoles (as in, didn't already have a reputation for people to flock to the system for them), most of their fans from the start likely already had Nintendo consoles, because by extension they're Nintendo fans.

Compare that to a series with iconic characters that have been on several gaming consoles, and there's nearly no comparison in terms of iconic status, recognizability, and star power. (No offense to any fans of series like that, but it's simply a belief I have on DLC this time around).
That's how I feel over Shantae. So what if she's got "history with Nintendo" dating back to the Game Boy Color. Her debut game sent her down to obscurity for a good eight years completely skipping out on the Game Boy Advance era. I didn't see Nintendo come to Shantae's rescue during those eight years of nothing.
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Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
When someone brings up the realistic chance that Banjo is probably still a pipe dream and you try to play it off.

hey look on the bright side, banjo may have been your free space on the bingo board but at least you've still got every line that doesn't go straight through the middle

Tots Woz

Hey y'all, Scott here!
May 8, 2019
Where the party is at!
Gonna make the boldest E3 prediction on this damn site.

They're gonna cold open with Xenoblade Chronicles for the third time in a row. :mybodyisreggie:
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Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
Gonna make the boldest E3 prediction on this damn site.

They're gonna cold upon with Xenoblade Chronicles for the third time in a row. :mybodyisreggie:
if they pull a cold open xenoblade X (port or 2) i swear to god whatever sakurai shows will pale in comparison

Deleted member

Real Bruh Momento

Can we move over this?
I made a word-play, it completely backfired like most of the things in my life right now, everyone said what was needed to be said and we are trying to get over it already.

Deleted member

Detective Pikachu was really good.
It did not disappoint me once.
Jwittz predicted the whole "Pikachu is the father!" thing.
Also, I didn't see Totodile. I got Bulbasaur as a card, which was nice. I accidently lost my original pack, and I am wondering if I would have gottne Mewtwo.
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