You are not. There are people who genuinely don't believe in trans people. That doesn't mean their delusional, because it's an opinion. Human rights are a fact, but trans rights additional to that is an opinion that people have debates over.
"Trans rights shouldn't have
human rights" is hate speech, yes. But transphobia is still an opinion that people have, whether it is right or wrong. You and I both may agree that transphobia is terrible, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Hate speech is only hate speech if you actually use it in speech. Things can be believed and not said, and while we may disagree with their beliefs, those who have them certainly, genuinely believe themselves to be in the right. And it becomes an opinion.
This is where we are going to agree to disagree. Those people who have believed such their whole life and do not mean ill will against anybody will one day express their ideas respectful and thoughtfully. T h i s i s n o t h a t e s p e e c h. Transphobic people don't exist to simply force their ideas upon anybody; in fact, I don't know a single transphobic person who has subjected somebody to such.
This is about to get really meta. Whether you realize it,
the thought process that "trans rights is not an opinion, but fact" is in fact an opinion. Look at the Middle East, they certainly don't believe in trans rights. I guess they become the opposing argument for this matter. (Yes, I am aware that this is a really low blow that I'm sure trans people here all too often as a case against them. However, I don't intend to use this as a case against trans rights, because I am for such, but it is being used to show that it isn't a "guaranteed", it isn't "assumed". Civil Rights is an opinion that has been turned into law, yet racism still exists. That is the opposing viewpoint, no matter how disrespectful it is. It shouldn't be written off as invalid just because it isn't moral, and it isn't guaranteed to be used as hate speech, even though blatant attempts of trolling has led us to assume otherwise.)
I don't mean to spread hate. Please do not interpret the previous as such.
Off-topic, but
@Moydow , have you always identified as non-binary? I am fairly sure I remember you labeling yourself as female, but I couldn't be sure. Same goes to
, because your author description that I'm fairly sure you wrote uses male pronouns, yet you stated before that you were non-binary now (?)