But wouldn't everything besides male and female be within the scope of non-binary? The term literaly means not male amd not female.
Sure, and looking back on it, I think I might have confused the description for gender-fluidity. Honestly, I don't remember the specifics of it, but I
vaguely remember non-binary referring to either bigender or agender. Meanwhile, the "other" category leaves room for all the different kinds of alternative genders people go by that does not conform to the binary, nor its grey option.
Best analogy I can use for this are color and shades, if color and shades used gender identity as opposed to sex at birth. Black and White are Male and Female, and Grey can be classified as both or neither depending on the person. Meanwhile, red, blue, green, yellow, etc. are all other unlisted gender identities separate from the three I mentioned, that are neither male or female in any combination, but not neutral either.
would know the specifics for it since the system was implemented by them. Don't take any of my words for it unless Word of God says so.
For a brief moment, I thought I hit the zeitgeist of pages, but then an extra 20 or so blew up on my end and I realized I responded too late, so that is a total bad on my part.