I didn't pick up arms, are the characters so different that they couldn't just be alt costumes like the koopa kids?
Kamen Rider isn't inherently political, especially in the heisei era. I don't think beating up X group really counts as being "political", especially in the case of Shocker.
*condemning men for keeping their emotions to themselves
*condemning military which was ESPECIALLY topical back when Build was airing considering Shinzo Abe still wants to increase military power despite the country's objections
*gay rights
*condemning fascist governments and how neonazis easily hide among them
*Shotaro Ishinomori being considered a radical leftist due to his works
*condemning the use of lethal force by police
*condemning the false belief that you can simply talk evil people out of their evil mindset
*condemning incredibly powerful corporations
*condemning the filthy rich
*condemning politicians for pretending to take a stance on serious subjects to get votes but ultimately not care about said serious subjects
Sure, Jan