Sorry I’m over a day late.
It’s made in Unity.
It’s in the video I posted unless I’m missing something. It definitely handles better.
Look at Tails go. Where was this move.
Things still aren’t perfect, there’s still some stiffness but it’s still a demo.
Well yeah, 4 definitely had a problem since the game is programmed with no inertia, so in order to keep your momentum you have to constantly hold the direction you're heading. If Sonic Advance could faithfully recreate the Classic physics for the most part then why can’t a game on more powerful hardware years later produce similar or superior results?
None of them are comparable to ‘06 but it’s an issue that pops up even in a game as recent as Forces, which is... just... there’s no excuse for that.
Yeah, I wouldn’t mind it either. If the human designs were better I literally wouldn’t care about a potential relationship.
Or just fix ‘em up to look like the Sonic anthro’s and Eggman.
I’m not a fan of the Unleashed humans sorta... Dreamworks style? If the humans were designed by Uekawa then they would fit in stylistically with the, well... Uekawa designed characters.
Here’s what I mean. The characters that Uekawa-san designs a combination of the America “rubber hose” style (the style Ohshima-san created sonic and Eggman in) with a graffiti ideology for the purpose of communicating constant movement and an anime flair.
Look at the Billy Hatcher characters:
They’re designed exactly the same way he would design any Sonic character.
Look at Rolly Roll (the girl). Her style and proportions are basically the same as Cream’s.
Big round head, “rubber hose”/simple curves for limbs with no articulation followed by large hands/feet, and stylised eye designs.
Look at Bantam, extremely reminiscent of his large Sonic character designs.
Broader but still “rubber hose” style arms, short legs, beady eyes.
Billy and Sonic for the heck of it:
Because they’re both blue. And of course Uekawa-san’s style collimating into his human Sonic design:
Same kind of stylised design you’d see on Eggman and anyone from Billy Hatcher:
Now with Elise, Sonic artist Drawloverlala (really good at replicating Uekawa’s design philosophy)
Some quick examples:
Anyway, she made an Uekawa style Elise design, and it’s
Bro, this is peak Elise.
Look at how well this design fits with the style of the cast:
It’s so good. Humans being designed in the same manner as Uekawa’s character designs would give off better cohesion between the in-game styles.
Elise could be fun due to her... powers? Like she had that shield thing when you were in the Elise levels.