Deleted member
Your solution to Sugiyama being in Smash Bros makes no sense.But then you end up with racists, homophobes, transphobes, holocaust deniers, climate change deniers, and flat-earthers in positions of power and they just keep ****ing everything up. This behavior isn't politics. It's just being evil. And we can't give evil people a pass for any reason. Letting them work and continue on in life unpunished it morally wrong and a slap in the face to all of the victims their actions and beliefs created.
- How are we going to filter out people with "bad political views?" You should know that this is an impossible feat because humans can lie, manipulate, and do other good things beyond their political views. We have historically been known to work around the system. Why do you think politicians can even be successful?
- How do we get rid of racism, homophobes, and transphobes? You really can't. This is not an issue that can be solved in a day, as it clearly still exists in America despite Americans moving away from some of the **** in the past. Our collective human psychology is literally designed to take shortcuts and generalize things, which include people. I don't mean to be personal, but you have admitted to misandry and you think you have a solution to the complex social, political, and cultural topics like racism? It does not start with kicking Sugiyama out of the business.
- We need people for jobs regardless of their views. I've already discussed this. Our societies cannot function unless our population work together to help bring it stability. If we just cut out about a third of the labor force, we'd have depression and stagnation, which would **** everyone over.
- If we isolate a group of people from society because of their views, they'll just organize. Why do you think we have interest groups in America? Look at Smashboards. We have support threads for people who want to discuss their favorite characters. There are literally movements on here who's goals are to revive dead franchises Super Mario RPG characters and Golden Sun. If people do that over video games, imagine them doing that for their political opinions, because they've historically have.
E: BRB. I need to eat lunch... at 4:48 PM. **** me.
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