I know it won't happen, but there were times when I mentioned Phosphora being playable. I remind myself of how fun she'd be if she was, and with my "battery gauge/meter" mechanic, where her strength and movement speed (run and walk speed) are affected by how high and low the battery gauge is.
Short version is the Battery Gauge has 3 stages: High, Low, Exhausted. High has Phosphora at her peak performance, and requires the meter at 50-100%. Low is 49% and lower, and weakens her performance. Exhausted is when she actually hits 0%, and her performance is at her worse, but at the same time, many of her electrical moves have reduced range, and some of those moves may not do electric damage at all. Down-B would be her way of recharging.
The concept in general I had for Phosphora, my vision on her style, would be timed aggression, short-burst pressure with a few ranged attacks, to get in and get out. As a bonus mechanic, "Shock Absorption" is her unique mechanic, which reduces electrical damage done to her (she takes only 80% of the damage instead of 100%), and it could slowly recharge her battery guage if she gets hit or blocks the attack.
So theoretically, would ppl be interested in this kinda character with those mechanics alone? Tbh, I did try to make a moveset for Phosphora with these mechanics, but after the deconfirm, and the complication of her moveset + the battery meter mechanic, it just overwhelmed me. I'd probably start up a Pit moveset (with another weapon) instead... Who knows?