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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2014
Oof, complimenting myself? I mean, I guess since other people are doing it, I may as well...

Ummm, I exist...I guess? That's about it, really.

Deleted member

It's not complimenting yourself if you put yourself down during it! Dig deep! What do you like about yourself? No negatives! Don't say "oh i'm this good thing but i'm also this bad thing and also i don't really think i'm even that good thing"! Only good things about yourself! Go!
Fine I guess I'll try one more time. I'm a very loyal person, I'm determined, I guess I'm decent at being an okay person and I guess I don't look terrible.

As I previously mentioned I am a very loyal person and I'm someone who cares deeply about their friends and interests and wouldn't abandon them just cause things aren't going my way.

I'm determined and I won't give up on my interests nor would I give up on my friends cause I care about them deeply and I would do anything for them as the friends I do have mean the world to me.

I'm a decent person who is apparently in touch with his emotions and is a kind person, maybe. and I guess I'm not terrible looking either.

That's the best I can do.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Game. Amalgam Smash Bros. Combine each Character on the roster with a PlayStation Character. Get creative. Sonic+Crash, Spyro+Mario, Dante+Bayonetta, Ryu+Heihachi, Ratchet and Clank + Star Fox, Wario+Lara Croft! Stuff like that.
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Deleted member

@ SmashBoards
I know this website is primitive compared to big icons like Twitter, Dicord, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and more, but there is something special and more home-feeling about this place. It is easier for me to vent about certain things, yet come to appreciate other things too. You all taught me about great things that I never learned, you all set me to the correct path when I made some major mistakes, and you all are fun and nice. You all feel like an actual community that is willing to help people in need. Most of you in here have good humor and are quite knowledgeable and talented. If this society ever becomes Fahrenheit 451's society, this place will shine for me as a memory of how nice strangers can be. Thank you, everyone.
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
I won't lie, I used to be kind of arrogant when I was younger. I dislike complimenting myself because of it.

These days I try to be humble. I'm not extraordinary special or above anyone else and I ought to be okay with that.

Deleted member

MSmariosonic MSmariosonic , I have known you for a long time.
How are things going? You are a relaxed person, and I can appreciate that, out of the bundles of energy in this website.
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Deleted member

Compliment myself? That's like...the number one thing I dislike doing but okay:

- You draw...competently. They're not scribbles, so that's good.
- You have an okay understanding of what colors go well together.
- You're not awful at things when you put your mind to it.
- You're told you have a very active imagination and that you are funny, even if you don't think that yourself.
- You value family above anything.
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
@Shishœ : They have been my friend ever since the beginning. They are funny, kind, fun to play with in Smash, smart, and the slayer of bigots. I remember all of those Ganon dittos we did in Smash 4, those were good times. Also I would like to thank them for defending me during the bad times.

@Brelooming Disaster : A nice user who is a blast to have as of now. He also likes Pokemon, something I like as well, and I think most of us. I hope things improve for him!

@Idon : That Lyn-Loving SMTV weeb who is really fun to be. He is good at Smash Bros, and he can be funny as well while retaining his cleverness.

@Mythra : I remember you from the beginning, and you never changed. You continue to be funny, and you are never old. You are also a good artist, and I hope you stay safe.

@Yellowlord : Okay, I probably tagged him too many times, but he is such a nice user. He just wants everyone to be happy and have a good time, and I hope he is doing good in college.

@Coricus : A nice user who has the same tastes as I do, and is quite smart. I really like how she is friendly to everyone, and she understands the indie games that I have just started playing.

praline praline : I have remembered you since the beginning as well. A nice user who is also quite chill, and they are very nice to me. They can be funny as well, like that time when she destroyed Pokechu recently.

@FalKoopa : I do not remember him for SmashBoards, but he is a very nice Twitter user. I highly recommend you go see his twitter: https://twitter.com/FalKoopa_
He is super funny, super nice and he makes really good art!

AndreaAC AndreaAC : A really friendly user who makes very nice Ridley drawings. I remember all of the funny drawings they made, such as the one of my internet router burning, Yoshi getting flung by Ridley, and the nice Rosaliana and Ridley images. All of your drawings are a blast, and you are an ice user in general!

@Opossum : Another user I have met since the beginning. He is quite nice, relaxed, and an expert on almost anything. Mythology, Fire Emblem, you name it. I really like his points that are quite honest and he pulls this thread to the right direction. Also congratulations to him for Chrom in Smash Bros.
XD Hehe, I remember those! Kinda old works, but gold ones at that for me! C: thank you, Shiny. I am glad that I could give you a laugh with those silly doodles of mine. And I try to be the best I can be to my self judging way of being, but I still need a lot to go through as a person and as an artist. I have been coming across videos about the journeys and experiences other artist have gone through before reaching their current point...and it is so relatable it scares me. As I still have to work a lot more and learn new things I hesitated about out of fear. I hope that when I get my laptop back I can go full on art and maybe Ultimate as a way to relax and continue my Ridley projects beside the non-game related ones. And the commissions, of course.

I am still scared, but I want that to be over.

Deleted member

Uh oh, I'm going to make a compliment MEGA-POST! Y'all only have yourselves to blame for this. :mybodyisreggie:
@staindgrey My fellow Oregonian, you may be kind of grumpy, but you're absolutely a pleasure to have in the thread. I can always be sure you'll be mature about things. And you're good at Smash. At least enough to kick my *** numerous times.
@Opossum You're just the best. I appreciate that you can both enjoy a ****post, and also put your foot down and be serious, too.
Noipoi Noipoi You have a fun and excellent style to your art, and you're just friendly all around. I enjoy your positivity.
@tehponycorn You sir, are quite perspicacious. Know that you're pretty smart, and your efforts in this thread aren't wasted.
@osby Congrats on becoming a mod. You certainly have earned it. Your willingness to be understanding is there, and you're also not afraid to call out bull**** when you see it.
@Idon I'm glad you put up with your frustration about Smash's roster and your favorite series to hang out here. You're pretty funny and can be quite insightful, too.
@Onereasonanddone You're just a premier ****poster. And that's wonderful. I can trust your posts will give me a good laugh.
Gentlepanda Gentlepanda Same for you, my guy. You have great comedic timing and the thread would be duller without your humorous interjection.
@faygoshill You're also pretty funny. You've got lots of heart and keep the thread positive.
@JDCabrera I know you don't always know how to react to the thread, but you're just such a wholesome and friendly guy. Keep it up.
@Moydow You're a great presence in the thread. I can trust you to be level-headed and concerned for others. Also you have given me more Lucina match-up knowledge than I could ask for.
@Diem You're a great writer. I'm glad you're willing to type out so much without fear of no one reading it. You bring a nice rationality to the thread.
@ShinyLegendary I know you insist no one likes you, but you're great. You have a boundless energy that is nice to see. Don't worry about likes. People here like you.
Pyra Pyra You're just such a nice guy. No one is as open and earnest as you can be.
@Shroob You're a great all-around fellow. You're just great to see around, since you are very welcoming and chill.
PsySmasher PsySmasher You're also good all-around. If one person can give good feedback about the game we all claim to play, it's you.
KarneraMythos KarneraMythos You're such a friendly person. I'm always surprised by what you might bring next, be it a drawing, writing, or joke.
@ClaTheBae You're a wonderfully amicable guy who's willing to have fun, but you're also pretty no-nonsense, and I respect that.
@Cutie Gwen I don't interact with you much, but you're smart and perceptive and you don't tolerate bull****. That's pretty good.
@Shishœ I respect you for similar reasons. Also you can claim to stan Etrian Odyssey, and that's pretty cool.
@ShotoStar You're an earnest guy and you always mean well. I feel like you always try your best to improve and that's great.
@NonSpecificGuy You were and are the "cool mod." You still carry out your mod duties, but you are super friendly and funny all the same.
@GothFluttershy I know you have struggled with the thread in the past, and for this moment I'm ignoring that. I know you can be amicable and jovial, and I don't hate you. Just know that I know that you usually mean well, and you can always improve for the better.
@Scoliosis Jones I always find reading your posts a treat. You have such a great way of presenting yourself that I'm always pleased to see you. And your analytical posts are great.
@Bolderousness I don't know you too well, seeing as how you only recently popped into this thread, but you're willing to discuss and be chums with us. And you mentioned me in your post, so I gotta return the favor.
@KMDP You've always been a very friendly person, and you can bring a real pleasantness to the thread when you're here.
Okay. This took more than 30 minutes and might be out-of-date when it arrives, but I had to be kinda thorough. Please, there are others who browse this thread that I probably didn't mention, don't worry. You're all great, too. :)
Aw thanks! I try to be the best I can be and both improve and learn things to better myself, I also try to be kind and do well.

You're pretty cool to and your skill when playing Smash is seriously awesome and you're super fun to watch when you play in Arenas. You're also a cool person and also a kind one too.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
See? This is why I said y'all should compliment yourselves every once in a while. Because now everyone who's doin' it thinks it's the hardest goddamn thing to do. We're so used to complimenting other people, that when we try to look for something good about ourselves, we just don't see anything.

Y'all need to practice more self-love.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Okay I feel better now
I think I told myself a bunch of things I really really needed to hear.



Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
Man. This thread is so pure right now... I love it.

I'd make my own compliment list, but I'm drowning in Math homework right now and I kinda need the next 6 and 1/2 hours to finish that up.

Just know that I love all of you guys (platonically of course) and I'm really happy I decided to make this account almost a year ago. One of the best decisions I've made in the past couple years.

Also @ShotoStar and Alternis Alternis , thank you two so much for all of your kind words. I really appreciate it!
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Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2014
I'd probably put more effort into the self-love posts, but I genuinely think there's so much that needs to be done in my life before I feel I've earned the right to smile in the mirror. If there is one thing I can say I appreciate about myself though, however small that is, is that I really do exist right here and right now, and I get to see the world for how beautiful it is. I suppose that in itself is a better gift than never knowing life itself.

Deleted member

Uh oh, I'm going to make a compliment MEGA-POST! Y'all only have yourselves to blame for this. :mybodyisreggie:
@staindgrey My fellow Oregonian, you may be kind of grumpy, but you're absolutely a pleasure to have in the thread. I can always be sure you'll be mature about things. And you're good at Smash. At least enough to kick my *** numerous times.
@Opossum You're just the best. I appreciate that you can both enjoy a ****post, and also put your foot down and be serious, too.
Noipoi Noipoi You have a fun and excellent style to your art, and you're just friendly all around. I enjoy your positivity.
@tehponycorn You sir, are quite perspicacious. Know that you're pretty smart, and your efforts in this thread aren't wasted.
@osby Congrats on becoming a mod. You certainly have earned it. Your willingness to be understanding is there, and you're also not afraid to call out bull**** when you see it.
@Idon I'm glad you put up with your frustration about Smash's roster and your favorite series to hang out here. You're pretty funny and can be quite insightful, too.
@Onereasonanddone You're just a premier ****poster. And that's wonderful. I can trust your posts will give me a good laugh.
Gentlepanda Gentlepanda Same for you, my guy. You have great comedic timing and the thread would be duller without your humorous interjection.
@faygoshill You're also pretty funny. You've got lots of heart and keep the thread positive.
@JDCabrera I know you don't always know how to react to the thread, but you're just such a wholesome and friendly guy. Keep it up.
@Moydow You're a great presence in the thread. I can trust you to be level-headed and concerned for others. Also you have given me more Lucina match-up knowledge than I could ask for.
@Diem You're a great writer. I'm glad you're willing to type out so much without fear of no one reading it. You bring a nice rationality to the thread.
@ShinyLegendary I know you insist no one likes you, but you're great. You have a boundless energy that is nice to see. Don't worry about likes. People here like you.
Pyra Pyra You're just such a nice guy. No one is as open and earnest as you can be.
@Shroob You're a great all-around fellow. You're just great to see around, since you are very welcoming and chill.
PsySmasher PsySmasher You're also good all-around. If one person can give good feedback about the game we all claim to play, it's you.
KarneraMythos KarneraMythos You're such a friendly person. I'm always surprised by what you might bring next, be it a drawing, writing, or joke.
@ClaTheBae You're a wonderfully amicable guy who's willing to have fun, but you're also pretty no-nonsense, and I respect that.
@Cutie Gwen I don't interact with you much, but you're smart and perceptive and you don't tolerate bull****. That's pretty good.
@Shishœ I respect you for similar reasons. Also you can claim to stan Etrian Odyssey, and that's pretty cool.
@ShotoStar You're an earnest guy and you always mean well. I feel like you always try your best to improve and that's great.
@NonSpecificGuy You were and are the "cool mod." You still carry out your mod duties, but you are super friendly and funny all the same.
@GothFluttershy I know you have struggled with the thread in the past, and for this moment I'm ignoring that. I know you can be amicable and jovial, and I don't hate you. Just know that I know that you usually mean well, and you can always improve for the better.
@Scoliosis Jones I always find reading your posts a treat. You have such a great way of presenting yourself that I'm always pleased to see you. And your analytical posts are great.
@Bolderousness I don't know you too well, seeing as how you only recently popped into this thread, but you're willing to discuss and be chums with us. And you mentioned me in your post, so I gotta return the favor.
@KMDP You've always been a very friendly person, and you can bring a real pleasantness to the thread when you're here.
Okay. This took more than 30 minutes and might be out-of-date when it arrives, but I had to be kinda thorough. Please, there are others who browse this thread that I probably didn't mention, don't worry. You're all great, too. :)
Aww, thank you! You have a really good Yoshi in Smash, and you are a chill user!


Ignore the user in front of you
May 28, 2018
Switch FC
I'd also like to add that if I knew any of you IRL, I'd more than willingly call you a friend. I'm more than happy to just be a part of a community that is so open and friendly.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Complimenting myself? OK! Huuuuuh........

You some time can make a post without making a single fault.

Your sprites aren't half bad.

And, huh, that's all I got about me...:lol:
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Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118
We all mustn't forget the one thing that introduced us to one another

Smash <3

MSmariosonic MSmariosonic , I have known you for a long time.
How are things going? You are a relaxed person, and I can appreciate that, out of the bundles of energy in this website.
Doing really great as of these last few months. Scrapped my life back together so I can start a whole new chapter in this story I call my life.

Now I'm even more relaxed than I used to be and I'm loving every second of it!


Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
also dare i ask what kind of rock-bottom depravity made us need a dosage of wholesomeness so badly

Deleted member

Brawl was the first Smash game I remember watching, but in terms of playing that was Smash 4 in the old days.
I remember watching Brawl before Smash 4 was out.

I remember being very excited about fighting Rayquaza.

Deleted member

Compliment myself?
If I made even one person just the tiniest bit happier with my posts, then it's worth it for me.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I'm passionate about things I love. I know what I want out of life, and I'll do whatever it takes to get it. I care about the people I've made bonds with, and there's nothing more important to me than making sure the family and friends I have are doing well. I'm not afraid to get a little confrontational if the situation calls for it.

I'm okay with who I am. Everyone has problems, and it's easy to let those cloud your vision. To see only what's wrong with yourself, instead of what good you offer to the world just by being here. But you can't let that be your viewpoint forever. Even if it's only a few moments every day, just take a second and remind yourself what you bring to the world. Remind yourself that you exist for a reason. Remind yourself that no matter how much you may think you're not worth it, there is something good about you. There's something good about everyone.

Deleted member

Complimenting myself?

Well, I suppose that I am doing right in life if I have more friends than enemies IRL. I also try to be as clean as possible in a general form.

My english is fantastic for a spanish person, and I know a good person the moment I first interact with.
I also don’t judge others over their looks or tastes, and instead go for their amount of good actions.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
No but really.

I’ve had an incredibly sheltered lifestyle, no friends, no real experiences, etc. I was always afraid that when the time came I wouldn’t be able to make any friends, because I never learned how, because I was too weird. You’ve shown me otherwise.

Technically “Noipoi” is a character. Whenever I get all “Golly gee howdy woopsy soo” that’s me playing the character. But the character is me, I’m simply exaggerating certain traits about my self to be funny or to make someone happy. And the fact that you all seem to like me really...well it confuses me. I’d spent so long positive that I was too far gone for friendship, I’m still not entirely sure what to think about this. But I do know this.

From the deepest pits of my heart, thank you. For putting up with me, for encouraging me, for laughing at or with me, for being my friends.

Deleted member

XD Hehe, I remember those! Kinda old works, but gold ones at that for me! C: thank you, Shiny. I am glad that I could give you a laugh with those silly doodles of mine. And I try to be the best I can be to my self judging way of being, but I still need a lot to go through as a person and as an artist. I have been coming across videos about the journeys and experiences other artist have gone through before reaching their current point...and it is so relatable it scares me. As I still have to work a lot more and learn new things I hesitated about out of fear. I hope that when I get my laptop back I can go full on art and maybe Ultimate as a way to relax and continue my Ridley projects beside the non-game related ones. And the commissions, of course.

I am still scared, but I want that to be over.
Art is like a muscle, the more you train, the better.
I hope you continue to improve in your art skills. They are great already!

Deleted member

No but really.

I’ve had an incredibly sheltered lifestyle, no friends, no real experiences, etc. I was always afraid that when the time came I wouldn’t be able to make any friends, because I never learned how, because I was too weird. You’ve shown me otherwise.

Technically “Noipoi” is a character. Whenever I get all “Golly gee howdy woopsy soo” that’s me playing the character. But the character is me, I’m simply exaggerating certain traits about my self to be funny or to make someone happy. And the fact that you all seem to like me really...well it confuses me. I’d spent so long positive that I was too far gone for friendship, I’m still not entirely sure what to think about this. But I do know this.

From the deepest pits of my heart, thank you. For putting up with me, for encouraging me, for laughing at or with me, for being my friends.
Noipoi, I’m gonna be honest:

If you lived in Gran Canaria, I would go to meet you an offer to live in my house.
It may sound extreme, but I am serious. You are that great of a person for me, and I will always try to make you as happy as possible.

Deleted member

Oh gosh oh golly my monitor for my PC just got here in the mail
Congratulations! Now you can post images you actually want to.

No but really.

I’ve had an incredibly sheltered lifestyle, no friends, no real experiences, etc. I was always afraid that when the time came I wouldn’t be able to make any friends, because I never learned how, because I was too weird. You’ve shown me otherwise.

Technically “Noipoi” is a character. Whenever I get all “Golly gee howdy woopsy soo” that’s me playing the character. But the character is me, I’m simply exaggerating certain traits about my self to be funny or to make someone happy. And the fact that you all seem to like me really...well it confuses me. I’d spent so long positive that I was too far gone for friendship, I’m still not entirely sure what to think about this. But I do know this.

From the deepest pits of my heart, thank you. For putting up with me, for encouraging me, for laughing at or with me, for being my friends.
Anytime, my friend! I hope things improve!
I am also a sheltered person too, so we can relate to each other.

Edit: Double Post.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
On today’s episode of Toaster Tries to Draw, I’ll be drawing a bunch of things again and posting them occasionally.

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