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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Deleted member

anyways now that we're talking about xenoblade

sauce, it's pixiv nsfw stuff is to be expected at this point


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Here's a fun project, take the Smash Ultimate Character roster and re-do the stage list. Same number of stages as the current game, but each playable franchise needs to be thoroughly represented and every non-echo fighter needs to have a unique home stage. You can bring in stages from past Smashes, but I encourage you to get creative and think of new ones.
To simplify this, I'll just give everyone a home stage. :p New/returning stages in bold.
:ultmario: - New Donk City
:ultluigi: - Luigi's Mansion
:ultpeach: - Princess Peach's Castle
:ultdaisy: - Figure-8 Circuit
:ultyoshi: - Yoshi's Island
:ultrosalina: - Mario Galaxy
:ultdoc: - Dr. Mario
:ultbowser: - Bowser's Castle

:ultbowserjr: - Delfino Plaza
:ultpiranha: - Super Mario Maker

:ultwario: - WarioWare, Inc.

:ultdk: - Kongo Jungle
:ultdiddy: - Jungle Hijinxs
:ultkrool: - Gangplank Galleon

:ultlink: - Great Plateau Tower
:ultyounglink: - Termina Bay
:ulttoonlink: - Pirate Ship
:ultzelda: - Hyrule Castle
:ultsheik: - Temple
:ultganondorf: - Gerudo Valley

:ultsamus: - Brinstar Depths
:ultzss: - Brinstar
:ultridley: - Norfair
:ultdarksamus: - Frigate Orpheon

:ultkirby: - Green Greens
:ultmetaknight: - Halberd
:ultkingdedede: - Fountain of Dreams

:ultfox: - Corneria
:ultfalco: - Lylat Cruise
:ultwolf: - Venom

:ultpikachu: - Pokémon Stadium 2
:ultjigglypuff: - Saffron City
:ultpokemontrainer: - Pokémon Stadium
:ultmewtwo: - Victory Road
:ultpichu: - Lake of Rage
- Spear Pillar
:ultgreninja: - Kalos Pokémon League
:ultincineroar: - Iki Town

:ultness: - Onett
:ultlucas: - New Pork City

:ultfalcon: - Port Town Aero Dive

:ulticeclimbers: - Summit

:ultgnw: - Flatzone X

:ultmarth: - Anri's Way
:ultroy: - Castle Ostia
:ultike: - Tower of Guidance
:ultchrom: - Divine Dragon Grounds
:ultrobin: - Grima
- Arena Ferox
:ultcorrinf:- Opera House

:ultpit: - Skyworld
:ultdarkpit: - Reset Bomb Forest
:ultpalutena: - Palutena's Temple

:ultolimar: - Distant Planet
:ultalph: - Garden of Hope

:ultrob: - Gyromite

:ultvillager: - Smashville
:ultisabelle: - Tortimer Island

:ultwiifittrainer: - Wii Fit Studio

:ultlittlemac: - Boxing Ring

:ultbrawler: - Tomodachi Life
:ultswordfighter: - Find Mii
:ultgunner: - Wuhu Island

:ultshulk: - Gaur Plain

:ultduckhunt: - Duck Hunt

:ultinkling: - Moray Towers

:ultsnake: - Shadow Moses Island
:ultsonic: - Green Hill Zone
:ultmegaman: - Wily Castle
:ultpacman: - Pac-Maze
- Suzaku Castle
:ultken: - Battle Harbor
:ultcloud: - Midgar
:ultbayonetta: - Umbra Clock Tower
:ultsimon: - Clock Tower
:ultrichter: -
Dracula's Castle
:ultjoker: - Mementos


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
But is it better than Sawano composing XCX.

Because that's the bar I'm setting. I liked that game a lot. Its soundtrack was the ****ing bomb.
Ha, I wasn't a fan of the battle music, and a lot of the emotional tracks had that typical "buildup, short silence, Engrish yelling" which I got tired of in Kill la Kill.

Deleted member

Tots, listen to me:

I would love to pick XC2 a lot... But first I must beat XC1 to be prepared gameplay-wise.

Problem is... I suck at that game. But I swear to Stan Lee that the moment I stop sucking at it and get myself to complete it, I will run to the closest store and pick it at first glance.

I promise to do so.
The problem is acquiring the original Xenoblade to begin with. Do you have a Wii U? Lucky you, cause it's on the eShop there as a Wii Virtual Console game. Though if you wanna get it through other means, either you have to pay an exorbitantly insane amount of money for a original Wii copy or buy a New 3DS and get the New 3DS port.

However, I will tell you whichever route you'll take, it'll be worth it. Though, remember that XC1 and XC2's combat, while the core is the same, mechanics are vastly different. I'll be honest, once you find the right arts line-up and core crystals with each character in XC1, you'll have a smooth time and some fights might even be too easy, depending on where you're at. I highly recommend Shulk/Reyn/Riki, but any form of team you want can work just as well. Fiora is exceptional and even Sharla is a pretty good healer, all things considered.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I wonder if she has to shave her legs. If she does is the hair red or blonde?
No, blades are as pure as the day they are born till they die where they are reset.

Which brings up a **** ton of ethical issues that I can't even begin to wrap my head around.

Deleted member

When it comes to Dragon Quest, now that we talk JRPGs, I would completely suggest DQ8, which is the game from the franchise I have the closest to my heart.

Another titles worth to check are the Builders games, the SNES remake of DQ3 or Monsters' Jokers.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
I had a weird dream last night where I came here and people were being mean to each other

Don't be mean, peoples


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
No, blades are as pure as the day they are born till they die where they are reset.

Which brings up a **** ton of ethical issues that I can't even begin to wrap my head around.
Poor bird man...

Deleted member

The problem is acquiring the original Xenoblade to begin with. Do you have a Wii U? Lucky you, cause it's on the eShop there as a Wii Virtual Console game. Though if you wanna get it through other means, either you have to pay an exorbitantly insane amount of money for a original Wii copy or buy a New 3DS and get the New 3DS port.

However, I will tell you whichever route you'll take, it'll be worth it. Though, remember that XC1 and XC2's combat, while the core is the same, mechanics are vastly different. I'll be honest, once you find the right arts line-up and core crystals with each character in XC1, you'll have a smooth time and some fights might even be too easy, depending on where you're at. I highly recommend Shulk/Reyn/Riki, but any form of team you want can work just as well. Fiora is exceptional and even Sharla is a pretty good healer, all things considered.
I have the game on 3DS.

And yeah, I'll follow these tips.
Thanks Tots!

I had a weird dream last night where I came here and people were being mean to each other

Don't be mean, peoples
My objective is to not be mean.
So don't worry when it comes to myself.
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I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
To simplify this, I'll just give everyone a home stage. :p New/returning stages in bold.

:ultmarth: - Anri's Way
:ultroy: - Castle Ostia
:ultike: - Tower of Guidance
:ultchrom: - Divine Dragon Grounds
:ultrobin: - Grima
- Arena Ferox
:ultcorrinf:- Opera House
I can't disagree with any of these.

Fighting on the back of a ****ing dragon would be dope.

Deleted member

Geez Gwen. Nice job rounding out the counter arguments. Between you, @ryumo, and myself I think we covered everything lol. Thank gosh I don't receive criticism like this on my pieces.

To play good cop for once, I hope you don't take any of this personally @ShinyLegendary. Our critiques are more towards your essay rather than yourself. You hyped up this essay that was already flawed from the start, changed very little based off of public feedback of your rough draft, and presented a final product on par with Fallout 76 or No Man's Sky that you evidently thought was better than it actually was. Take this as a lesson that you need to put more work into researching and structuring your arguments, unless you want to receive mass criticism like you did with this piece.

For reference, my own speculation pieces take around 1-2 days to type up. This is 1-2 days of research facts and putting them together in a form where they build off of each other to form a solid conclusion. For longer pieces this obviously takes longer; I want to say my Ultimate Square Enix Character Argument took about 3-4 days, with 1 day being devoted solely to Erdrick. Furthermore, I don't hype them up as amazing pieces meant to change opinions; you had a rather smug attitude with which you posted your essay, and that's not appreciated by anyone.

Speculation pieces are meant to come from a primarily objective place, which means putting aside how you feel and arguing facts. Maybe that's why only a few people can really do it here. Regardless, if you want to keep making speculation pieces work on your argumentation skills and putting aside your own bias. Additionally, get someone else to help you write it. @ShotoStar's got a ways to go before he can write good speculation pieces himself, and I'd rather he focus on working on his own skills before helping other people hone their's.
Hey, I am not mad one bit. I appreciate the good feedback from all three of you ( Hinata, Gwen and you ), if anything. I know my essay is flawed, but that is how we develop. We learn from other's people mistakes and move on.

Also I am not an expert on leaks at all, you are right about me needing to do more research on stuff like marketing.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
To simplify this, I'll just give everyone a home stage. :p New/returning stages in bold.
:ultmario: - New Donk City
:ultluigi: - Luigi's Mansion
:ultpeach: - Princess Peach's Castle
:ultdaisy: - Figure-8 Circuit
:ultyoshi: - Yoshi's Island
:ultrosalina: - Mario Galaxy
:ultdoc: - Dr. Mario
:ultbowser: - Bowser's Castle

:ultbowserjr: - Delfino Plaza
:ultpiranha: - Super Mario Maker

:ultwario: - WarioWare, Inc.

:ultdk: - Kongo Jungle
:ultdiddy: - Jungle Hijinxs
:ultkrool: - Gangplank Galleon

:ultlink: - Great Plateau Tower
:ultyounglink: - Termina Bay
:ulttoonlink: - Pirate Ship
:ultzelda: - Hyrule Castle
:ultsheik: - Temple
:ultganondorf: - Gerudo Valley

:ultsamus: - Brinstar Depths
:ultzss: - Brinstar
:ultridley: - Norfair
:ultdarksamus: - Frigate Orpheon

:ultkirby: - Green Greens
:ultmetaknight: - Halberd
:ultkingdedede: - Fountain of Dreams

:ultfox: - Corneria
:ultfalco: - Lylat Cruise
:ultwolf: - Venom

:ultpikachu: - Pokémon Stadium 2
:ultjigglypuff: - Saffron City
:ultpokemontrainer: - Pokémon Stadium
:ultmewtwo: - Victory Road
:ultpichu: - Lake of Rage
- Spear Pillar
:ultgreninja: - Kalos Pokémon League
:ultincineroar: - Iki Town

:ultness: - Onett
:ultlucas: - New Pork City

:ultfalcon: - Port Town Aero Dive

:ulticeclimbers: - Summit

:ultgnw: - Flatzone X

:ultmarth: - Anri's Way
:ultroy: - Castle Ostia
:ultike: - Tower of Guidance
:ultchrom: - Divine Dragon Grounds
:ultrobin: - Grima
- Arena Ferox
:ultcorrinf:- Opera House

:ultpit: - Skyworld
:ultdarkpit: - Reset Bomb Forest
:ultpalutena: - Palutena's Temple

:ultolimar: - Distant Planet
:ultalph: - Garden of Hope

:ultrob: - Gyromite

:ultvillager: - Smashville
:ultisabelle: - Tortimer Island

:ultwiifittrainer: - Wii Fit Studio

:ultlittlemac: - Boxing Ring

:ultbrawler: - Tomodachi Life
:ultswordfighter: - Find Mii
:ultgunner: - Wuhu Island

:ultshulk: - Gaur Plain

:ultduckhunt: - Duck Hunt

:ultinkling: - Moray Towers

:ultsnake: - Shadow Moses Island
:ultsonic: - Green Hill Zone
:ultmegaman: - Wily Castle
:ultpacman: - Pac-Maze
- Suzaku Castle
:ultken: - Battle Harbor
:ultcloud: - Midgar
:ultbayonetta: - Umbra Clock Tower
:ultsimon: - Clock Tower
:ultrichter: -
Dracula's Castle
:ultjoker: - Mementos
This is good, probably what I'd have done (except I'd have not given echo fighters their own stages but that's just me)

Deleted member

But is it better than Sawano composing XCX.

Because that's the bar I'm setting. I liked that game a lot. Its soundtrack was the ****ing bomb.

Oh boy, get ready for a pretty molten take. Having played the original Xenoblade, ACE+ did such a masterfully crafted job at making Xenoblade Chronicles' soundtrack. I think if you have a good amount of talented musicians working on the soundtrack, you're bound for greatness.

Xenoblade Chronicles X, however? Pretty terrible soundtrack with only very, very few tracks I can get behind. I don't like how they only had Hiroyuki Sawano as the only and main music composer, and honestly, once you've heard his style and music, you've heard them all. I can see why, to fit the whole setting, but as a "Xenoblade Soundtrack"? Nah, not even close. I can respect the efforts and hey, if people like it, all good. I'm just someone who doesn't wanna hear something that sounds like Kill la Kill's Don't Lose Your Way multiple times. Gotta diversify a bit.

I can guarantee you Xenoblade Chronicles 2's soundtrack, however, is amazing. It has Chrono Trigger's Yasunori Mitsuda and ACE+ at the helm, with others, and it really does make a lot of scenes, even doing a better job at some points than the original Xenoblade.
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I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Ha, I wasn't a fan of the battle music, and a lot of the emotional tracks had that typical "buildup, short silence, Engrish yelling" which I got tired of in Kill la Kill.
That exact recipe is what I love though. It's the best kind of trash.

Sawano is fantastic at making legitimate emotional scores, which XCX also has, but there's a strange sort of beauty to the Engrish rock tracks he makes as well. Kill la Kill won me over entirely because of its soundtrack. I gave up on the show four episodes in when I broke up with the girlfriend who made me watch it, but came back a year later after listening to the soundtrack on repeat. Now it's one of my favorite animated shows I've ever watched.

Just a penguin

Smash Master
Dec 19, 2018
Noipoi's Fan Club- Antarctica
To simplify this, I'll just give everyone a home stage. :p New/returning stages in bold.
:ultmario: - New Donk City
:ultluigi: - Luigi's Mansion
:ultpeach: - Princess Peach's Castle
:ultdaisy: - Figure-8 Circuit
:ultyoshi: - Yoshi's Island
:ultrosalina: - Mario Galaxy
:ultdoc: - Dr. Mario
:ultbowser: - Bowser's Castle

:ultbowserjr: - Delfino Plaza
:ultpiranha: - Super Mario Maker

:ultwario: - WarioWare, Inc.

:ultdk: - Kongo Jungle
:ultdiddy: - Jungle Hijinxs
:ultkrool: - Gangplank Galleon

:ultlink: - Great Plateau Tower
:ultyounglink: - Termina Bay
:ulttoonlink: - Pirate Ship
:ultzelda: - Hyrule Castle
:ultsheik: - Temple
:ultganondorf: - Gerudo Valley

:ultsamus: - Brinstar Depths
:ultzss: - Brinstar
:ultridley: - Norfair
:ultdarksamus: - Frigate Orpheon

:ultkirby: - Green Greens
:ultmetaknight: - Halberd
:ultkingdedede: - Fountain of Dreams

:ultfox: - Corneria
:ultfalco: - Lylat Cruise
:ultwolf: - Venom

:ultpikachu: - Pokémon Stadium 2
:ultjigglypuff: - Saffron City
:ultpokemontrainer: - Pokémon Stadium
:ultmewtwo: - Victory Road
:ultpichu: - Lake of Rage
- Spear Pillar
:ultgreninja: - Kalos Pokémon League
:ultincineroar: - Iki Town

:ultness: - Onett
:ultlucas: - New Pork City

:ultfalcon: - Port Town Aero Dive

:ulticeclimbers: - Summit

:ultgnw: - Flatzone X

:ultmarth: - Anri's Way
:ultroy: - Castle Ostia
:ultike: - Tower of Guidance
:ultchrom: - Divine Dragon Grounds
:ultrobin: - Grima
- Arena Ferox
:ultcorrinf:- Opera House

:ultpit: - Skyworld
:ultdarkpit: - Reset Bomb Forest
:ultpalutena: - Palutena's Temple

:ultolimar: - Distant Planet
:ultalph: - Garden of Hope

:ultrob: - Gyromite

:ultvillager: - Smashville
:ultisabelle: - Tortimer Island

:ultwiifittrainer: - Wii Fit Studio

:ultlittlemac: - Boxing Ring

:ultbrawler: - Tomodachi Life
:ultswordfighter: - Find Mii
:ultgunner: - Wuhu Island

:ultshulk: - Gaur Plain

:ultduckhunt: - Duck Hunt

:ultinkling: - Moray Towers

:ultsnake: - Shadow Moses Island
:ultsonic: - Green Hill Zone
:ultmegaman: - Wily Castle
:ultpacman: - Pac-Maze
- Suzaku Castle
:ultken: - Battle Harbor
:ultcloud: - Midgar
:ultbayonetta: - Umbra Clock Tower
:ultsimon: - Clock Tower
:ultrichter: -
Dracula's Castle
:ultjoker: - Mementos
If Alph gets a stage, the Koopalings ought to get one too.

Deleted member

I had a weird dream last night where I came here and people were being mean to each other

Don't be mean, peoples
What the [Profane word] did you just [profane adverb] say about me, you little [Profane term for women]? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the [Profane adverb] out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my [Profane adjective] words. You think you can get away with saying that [Profane word for animal excrement] to me over the Internet? Think again, [Derogatory term]. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, [Derogatory term]. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're [Profane adjective] dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable [Profane term for the Gluteus Maximus muscle group] off the face of the continent, you little [Profane word for animal excrement]. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your [profane adjective] tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will [verb using the profane word for animal excrement] fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're [Profane adjective] dead, kiddo.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC

When are we getting a direct announced?


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
No, blades are as pure as the day they are born till they die where they are reset.

Which brings up a **** ton of ethical issues that I can't even begin to wrap my head around.
You don’t think a blade’s innate purity


ok yeah sorry idon this is probably why you consider me your enemy

Deleted member



Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
Still waiting for the 1st Fighter's Pass Character for anohter couple of weeks has me like:

So uh weird dreams huh? Well I had ones where It was just me opening a jar of Pickles. Of course I remember having a few involving Erdrick being revealed.

Deleted member


Here's a quick link for you, when you get the chance. Remember, though, it's only playable on New Nintendo 3DS systems, and will not work on the original models. The reason why it's New 3DS only is that they just simply couldn't get the game to run or scale the game on the 3DS' original hardware limitations.
I know all of that.
I own the game.

The one I don’t own is 2.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
You don’t think a blade’s innate purity


ok yeah sorry idon this is probably why you consider me your enemy
There's a difference between innate purity and resetting the memory every death, especially when you factor in the technical slavery and/or romantic relationships.


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
You know, on all this talk about OSTs, you know what game didn't have a great OST?

Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

There's a ton of **** I liked about that game but the story, conversation system and constant shrill violins like a Halloween ambient CD being blared by that one annoying neighbor trying to make their place a haunted house are not some of those things. Playing through to get 100% and having to hear the same nails-on-a-chalkboard "scary" music all over again really hurts the post-game experience.

Deleted member


When are we getting a direct announced?
We're getting one this week.

And if not this week, then next week.

And then if not that week, then the week after that.

This is why I don't like speculating when directs happen.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Nintendo should release a Xenoblade gacha game for mobile so I can scratch that itch

I’ve played the fire emblem one also don’t get me wrong

Deleted member

Still waiting for the 1st Fighter's Pass Character for anohter couple of weeks has me like:

So uh weird dreams huh? Well I had ones where It was just me opening a jar of Pickles. Of course I remember having a few involving Erdrick being revealed.
Have I told you about the dream where I was looking a picture on my iPad?

One for the group. 7 extra mario stages would be ridiculous.
As I suspected.
Seems fair.
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Deleted member

Every month I say I think the 2nd DLC character will be revealed it doesn't happen lmao
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