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What are you most excited about for E3?

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I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Scott knows Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a great game and respects it, but isn't an RPG guy and isn't planning on playing it.
Since you're so close to Scott, could you let him know he should stop speaking in the third person?


Ignore the user in front of you
May 28, 2018
Switch FC
ew ok nevermind

the only reason i'm watching endgame is to understand the new thanos memes that will inevitably spawn
No joke, I feel compelled to see Endgame purely because of the constant Thanos meme exposure. I'll admit it, I won't be ashamed about it either.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I'll be glad we'll finally get some new ones. I'm tired of our current batch of thanos.

Deleted member

Since you're so close to Scott, could you let him know he should stop speaking in the third person?
Sorry, but I'm not at that level yet. I still need to get my Race Card before I even get a shot at that.

...What? You thought I was joking about the Race Cards?

here's your RACE CARD.png


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
>tfw 1st month of endgame will be super ****ty phone-camera photos until the official Blu-Ray is out.



I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
I fell into it and became enamored because it has lots of what I like and

Why was I so hesitant to buy this before lmao
I wasn't hesitant to buy it. I'm hesitant to open it and play it. JRPGs are rarely my thing. I think I've enjoyed and completed maybe four traiditional JRPGs and all of them were on the Sega Genesis and Sega Saturn.

And the collectors' edition price keeps going up so I should keep it sealed, but half the people I like here won't shut up about it. So I'm tempted.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Yesterday I realized that Rule 63 is not as Iron-Clad as you may think.

My forced profile pic was causing me dysphoria so i tried to find fanart of a gender-bent Reggie. I was gonna ask if my pic could have been changed to that. But I couldn't find any.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
I wasn't hesitant to buy it. I'm hesitant to open it and play it. JRPGs are rarely my thing. I think I've enjoyed and completed maybe four traiditional JRPGs and all of them were on the Sega Genesis and Sega Saturn.

And the collectors' edition price keeps going up so I should keep it sealed, but half the people I like here won't shut up about it. So I'm tempted.
First, I'm sorry. I've just been playing it a lot recently and it excites me- I can tone it down a bit if you'd like.

Also, I'd just sell it and buy a normal copy and pocket the rest of the money tbh


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Lmao this dissidia newcomer.

****in' Triple Katana Revolver Sheath Armored Samurai


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Yesterday I realized that Rule 63 is not as Iron-Clad as you may think.

My forced profile pic was causing me dysphoria so i tried to find fanart of a gender-bent Reggie. I was gonna ask if my pic could have been changed to that. But I couldn't find any.
I have a feeling people hold Reggie as some sort of god that is immune to internet rules.

Perhaps someone could try drawing a Rule 63 Reggie?

Deleted member

I fell into it and became enamored because it has lots of what I like and

Why was I so hesitant to buy this before lmao
Pretty much the same sentiments I had. Before this got released, I genuinely did not like the direction this game went. Not a big anime guy, this had the gall to call itself a sequel to the original Xenoblade, didn't interest me at all.

Then after a month, people and friends say it was a good game, so I figured, "eh, don't have a December game to play on my Switch and I need a Pro Controller, why the hell not?"

Felt pretty mellow about it. Then each chapter came along. Then I started to get into it. Then the combat and sidequests came. Then I became obsessed to play it. Then the music came. Now I'm motiviated. Completed everything, and I can definitely tell you this is one of the greats and even excels at certain aspects better than it's original counterpart. Definitely was a mistake to judge it by its cover.

Hell, I even bought the expansion pass and a second copy for a Christmas present for a friend, so essentially, I spent $150USD on this damn game and sunk 367 hours of my time, which is the longest I've ever played. If you want the "Pseudo-Scott Seal of Approval", you got it from me, and I don't even like anime.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Yesterday I realized that Rule 63 is not as Iron-Clad as you may think.

My forced profile pic was causing me dysphoria so i tried to find fanart of a gender-bent Reggie. I was gonna ask if my pic could have been changed to that. But I couldn't find any.
Yup the closest thing is this:

(it's not that close.. )


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
First, I'm sorry. I've just been playing it a lot recently and it excites me- I can tone it down a bit if you'd like.

Also, I'd just sell it and buy a normal copy and pocket the rest of the money tbh
Lmao don't tone it down. I meant people I like are gaga over the game so I'm actually curious about it.

I guess that is an option. Sell it now for roughly $150, buy a used copy for $30. Then if I don't like it I still made $40 in profit and can trade my copy in. Hmmm.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Why the **** not let's do this because I have nothing better to do
You mention you think armour doesn't make sense because he's slower than Young Link, Young Link is actually a pretty damn fast character in the context of Smash brothers. Either it's awful wording on your part or you're making no sense. 'Brave' translating to Yuusha, Erdrick's class is actually more of a deadringer than you're giving on, as Japan enjoys calling heroes the English word Brave. Not as in 'the brave hero' but as 'the brave' as evidenced by the rollcall of Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, in which the characters call themselves 'yuusha' individually but together, they refer to themselves as 'the greatest Braves in history', with Brave being in English there. While you're correct that Jack wouldn't have been correctly guessed as Joker had he not been revealed beforehand (I think we'd have had gunned for Raiden from MGS in that scenario), you forgot people used 'jack' as in the card category as a potential point as Joker does have a theme with calling cards. The reason people believe Brave is Erdrick is because realistically speaking, it's the most fitting character for the codename. You bring up some characters as examples but the ones who you bring to mind for being courageous do NOT have that so deeply woven into their identity as Erdrick's Yuusha class.
EDIT: Also the stats aren't always final as Piranha Plant's stats changed drastically since they were first found and the time Brave and Jack files were found

Leakers are completely irrelevant here as the reason we know of Brave is due to the game's files, a fact many people have been able to verify. Brave being Erdrick is speculation, not someone saying "Hey guys Erdrick is in I'm a leaker". This is important as the former is using objectivity with the files, the latter is trusting someone who could be wrong or could be right (for the record I believe leaks aren't really black-and-white). Also Geno mention number 1.

The entire 'marketing and fanservice' argument you're providing is absolute bull****, we've gotten multiple characters throughout the course of the series who are popular within specific regions and obscure in others. We've gotten a DLC character in 4 who's game is Japan only too. Plus you're heavily undermining Dragon Quest, which is ****ing phenomenonal in Japan to the point DQIII specifically, ERDRICK'S game might I add, is Japan's version of Halo 3's launch where EVERYONE wanted a piece of that. There's also the contradiction that an obscure character wouldn't surprise people who don't know the character, it's blatantly false as everyone who wouldn't know a character would go "Who the hell is this? Where are they from?" Also Geno mention number 2, which I'll actually go on about. Geno practically didn't exist in Europe, his game wouldn't be released until the Wii's virtual console and once more over a decade later with the SNES Classic, Geno is as a result, significantly more obscure and unknown than a franchise that while niche, is still released everywhere and even got games localized due to fan demand (See 3DS DQ8 only being localized at all due to Europe's strong demand convincing Square) Your argument of other characters doesn't really matter either because one can ALWAYS argue "Instead of adding the iconic character A, why not iconic character B, G, R, X, Z, T or L?" It's a nonexistent argument that REEKS of bias. Sora's inclusion here is also heavily ironic as we'll get into your next segment.

Complications. Sora is flatout owned by Disney alongside SE, and Disney is a HUGE company, with many people rightfully criticizing how much power it has, Disney characters is an important thing for the KH franchise and if people complained about no Final Fantasy characters in KHIII, how would they feel without their beloved trio of Sora, Donald and Goofy can't even be fully acknowledged? There's also the fact there's a major MISCONCEPTION here. Square isn't actually as stingy as we're letting on, but the rights for Final Fantasy content are all over the place, there's Uematsu owning music rights, meaning every song has to give extra royalties to him and there's Nomura's designs which are the same deal. Honestly that's as much of a hassle as Cloud, but Cloud has a union actor which Nintendo unfortunately chose not to include. Also ****ton of Geno mentions.

Joker. Nintendo chosing a character who's so ridiculously iconic in Japan that it would seem they're ignoring Dragon Quest is a huge surprise. Including a character from a more niche franchise is a huge surprise they've already done multiple times as DLC, as Joker also fits into that. There's also the huge misconception here with leakbait, you see, this is something found in the game's files and when word got out of the files, Nintendo panicked and removed evidence of the files in the next patch, at this point, Erdrick was already on everyone's radar. Nintendo isn't smart, they're ****ing idiots, there are COUNTLESS Nintendo games which get spoiled because people find data that Nintendo are too ****ing dumb to scrub out, Smash 4, Kirby Star Allies, etc. This idea that Nintendo is specifically trying to fool people with game files is expecting WAY too much of them, not even Netherrealm, the only studio that ACTUALLY does screw about with codenames a lot, delete evidence of files after they're found.

So Shotostar helped you with this? That's incredibly obvious as most of this 'essay' reads as "Please guys Geno might have a shot include Geno in your predictions please remember Geno" to the point of contradicting arguments. Bias is inevitable but considering I managed to write this defending the idea of Erdrick, someone who's never played Dragon Quest, someone who has no desire to play Dragon Quest, someone who's disgusted at the franchise's composer and wants them nowhere near me or the things I enjoy, you can do a lot ****ing better than this
Geez Gwen. Nice job rounding out the counter arguments. Between you, @ryumo, and myself I think we covered everything lol. Thank gosh I don't receive criticism like this on my pieces.

To play good cop for once, I hope you don't take any of this personally @ShinyLegendary. Our critiques are more towards your essay rather than yourself. You hyped up this essay that was already flawed from the start, changed very little based off of public feedback of your rough draft, and presented a final product on par with Fallout 76 or No Man's Sky that you evidently thought was better than it actually was. Take this as a lesson that you need to put more work into researching and structuring your arguments, unless you want to receive mass criticism like you did with this piece.

For reference, my own speculation pieces take around 1-2 days to type up. This is 1-2 days of research facts and putting them together in a form where they build off of each other to form a solid conclusion. For longer pieces this obviously takes longer; I want to say my Ultimate Square Enix Character Argument took about 3-4 days, with 1 day being devoted solely to Erdrick. Furthermore, I don't hype them up as amazing pieces meant to change opinions; you had a rather smug attitude with which you posted your essay, and that's not appreciated by anyone.

Speculation pieces are meant to come from a primarily objective place, which means putting aside how you feel and arguing facts. Maybe that's why only a few people can really do it here. Regardless, if you want to keep making speculation pieces work on your argumentation skills and putting aside your own bias. Additionally, get someone else to help you write it. @ShotoStar's got a ways to go before he can write good speculation pieces himself, and I'd rather he focus on working on his own skills before helping other people hone their's.
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Deleted member

I wasn't hesitant to buy it. I'm hesitant to open it and play it. JRPGs are rarely my thing. I think I've enjoyed and completed maybe four traiditional JRPGs and all of them were on the Sega Genesis and Sega Saturn.

And the collectors' edition price keeps going up so I should keep it sealed, but half the people I like here won't shut up about it. So I'm tempted.
Here, let me settle the score with your conundrum by presenting you a piece of the soundtrack, which by the way, composed by Chrono Trigger's Yasunori Mitsuda, as well as ACE+ who worked on the original Xenoblade, Kenji Hiramatsu and Manami Kiyota.

AKA, the reason this game's OST is godlike.

Come take the plunge with us.



Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Lmao don't tone it down. I meant people I like are gaga over the game so I'm actually curious about it.

I guess that is an option. Sell it now for roughly $150, buy a used copy for $30. Then if I don't like it I still made $40 in profit and can trade my copy in. Hmmm.
It’s definitely one of those things I had to stick with for a little bit before it sunk it’s fangs into my pleasure centers and left a permanent mark

Deleted member

Here, let me settle the score with your conundrum by presenting you a piece of the soundtrack, which by the way, composed by Chrono Trigger's Yasunori Mitsuda, as well as ACE+ who worked on the original Xenoblade, Kenji Hiramatsu and Manami Kiyota.

AKA, the reason this game's OST is godlike.

Come take the plunge with us.

Tots, listen to me:

I would love to pick XC2 a lot... But first I must beat XC1 to be prepared gameplay-wise.

Problem is... I suck at that game. But I swear to Stan Lee that the moment I stop sucking at it and get myself to complete it, I will run to the closest store and pick it at first glance.

I promise to do so.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Tots, listen to me:

I would love to pick XC2 a lot... But first I must beat XC1 to be prepared gameplay-wise.

Problem is... I suck at that game. But I swear to Stan Lee that the moment I stop sucking at it and get myself to complete it, I will run to the closest store and pick it at first glance.

I promise to do so.
Ehh honestly the combat is completely different from XC2's. The biggest reason for playing XC1 would probably be for the plot, but that only becomes relevant to XC2's until near the end.

Basically feel free to play XC2 whenever.


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Here, let me settle the score with your conundrum by presenting you a piece of the soundtrack, which by the way, composed by Chrono Trigger's Yasunori Mitsuda, as well as ACE+ who worked on the original Xenoblade, Kenji Hiramatsu and Manami Kiyota.

AKA, the reason this game's OST is godlike.

Come take the plunge with us.
But is it better than Sawano composing XCX.

Because that's the bar I'm setting. I liked that game a lot. Its soundtrack was the ****ing bomb.

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Deleted member

I want a STAND called [KICK IN THE DOOR]
My stand would be [CONTRERA BLAST]

Ehh honestly the combat is completely different from XC2's. The biggest reason for playing XC1 would probably be for the plot, but that only becomes relevant to XC2's until near the end.

Basically feel free to play XC2 whenever.
Oh, glad to know then.

I'll see if I finally pick it around summer.
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