We're here for ya.
I've also had a... much trickier situation regarding someone living in my home. Except it wasn't my home, it's my family's--with my parents and six other siblings. And it was someone who was a very close friend of mine, who just happened to go through a terrible traumatic experience and had nowhere else to go. We helped get her into a school where she had a place to stay, but her roommates there were awful and the curriculum was insane. She ended up failing out after 8 months, and we took her back in. As it turns out, that school shut down in December because of how bad it was, so that's a testament that it wasn't entirely her fault.
And I've finally helped her get to another school and things are mostly fine, but her anxiety and depression are still affecting her, and it might make her wind back up at square one if she doesn't get it under control soon, and my family's definitely not taking her back for round three. She either has to succeed there, or go back to her family, which she doesn't want to do for a variety of reasons.
Tomorrow I'm going with her to a psychologist to see about getting her some help with her issues. I think things will be fine, she's just been through a lot and needs to sort things out.
The situation's been going on for over two years now. It's been the most consistently stressful two years of my life. It's part of the reason why I'm not as goofy as I used to be, and am so serious most of the time. I can't really afford to be too relaxed or silly when I never know what crisis is around the corner.