Yeah, that's definitely over the line.
The best thing to do is to discuss this now before the brother arrives. Because once he's there, the situation becomes way more complicated and difficult to handle. Confronting her about it is definitely going to be tough, but better to do it now than when there's another stranger in the house who's probably going to make things harder.
Yeah. I will tomorrow. Tonight is too emotionally charged; she won't take it well.
He's staying here because their parents are splitting up and he still lives with them. She's trying to give him a safe space. It's not that I'm apathetic to the situation. It's that she thought this place was hers to offer without my okay. It's
not her house, or her stuff, and I don't even know this guy. I have no idea what is being invited into my home, and now not only am I losing our workspace we had built specifically for our fledgling Youtube channel back when she moved in, but my goddamn living room too, to a guy that doesn't work and won't be paying me rent. With no expiration date on when he's leaving.
I just... I can't wrap my head around how self-centered and oblivious you have to be to think that's okay.
And if he eats so much as one crumb of my food I will charge her for it.