I guess that i will tell a personal experience i had at high school:
The past year, my friend from Madrid was forced to leave the island since his parents had to return back to there forever. At first, I was worried about the way that the year would go for me without him... Until a person called Beatriz joined my class days after the classes began.
I was scared to talk with her the first time, since all the other new students turned out to be dumb or mocked me a lot for my voice... But she didn’t when we talked for the first time. After that, I enjoyed a lot the year with her and another person from Venezuela called Andrea, who we defended a lot through the year. However, certain people spread a lie about me trying to make her my girlfriend (which was false, since I only like to make friends and save the romantic stuff for the moment I can afford a house and a living). Luckily, she knew about that being a lie, but others took it seriously. She is a great person: kind, supportive, likes to read books, loves to read poems, is a vegan, always gets a score of 10 and some other stuff. Of course, she couldn’t come with my other friends and I to the cinema or home because she had to study a lot to get those great scores.
Now we move onto the current year, where something happened to change everything: I was having an hour free since a teacher didn’t come, and we heard that Beatriz was doing a big presentation at her class. Interested, I went to check it... and boy if i did good by checking it.
Beatriz was making with two other persons (who also find me as a great person, btw) a presentation about the discrimination towards the LGTB group and trans people... and he revealed that he was trans and getting opperated on December. He finished the presentation by showing a poem he made under his new name (Benjamín), and even cried after finishing it. After a lot of applauses from the students who were present, and the positive stuff they shared to him... I approached Ben, hugged him and made a promise: I would always do anything needed to help him as much as he did with me ever since we were friends.
To this day, we are still great friends: He can’t go with my friends and I because of the studies, but we interact a lot and help each other when needed. And since that presentation, the lie about me wanting to make him my girlfriend was finally burned from the memories of the ones who believed it.
I literally owe him a lot.