Yeah I have to agree Josuke is the best Jojo in my opinion with Joseph being a close second. Josuke is such a cool and awesome Character with a decent amount of depth to him which makes him a really, really likable Jojo Josuke's Stand really captures his character well too. Josuke is all around an amazing JoJo.
For Joseph, I understand that Battle Tendency isn't the best Written Part and it may have a lot of glaring flaws but Battle Tendency is what made me become a Jojo fan and I really like Joseph's personality. So while BT is definitely not the best part Joseph is my favorite Jojo for getting me into JoJo in the first place.
Though I guess this doesn't have any relation to what you're talking about besides being about JoJo..
I agree with this 100% actually. BT is what made me really get into Jojo and I still remember it very fondly because I think it had the most stylish of moments. The ****ing final battle was so good too.
As much as I love Stands as a Power System(easily my favorite in fiction), their fights aren't nearly as stylish as what Part 2 had.
But yeah, Josuke is too good and it helps he has one of my favorite Stands(Killer Queen actively disputes for that spot with it actually) and I love how Araki managed to make a Stand whose only power is healing(besides the super strength that is) into the most versatile, creative and fun to watch of them all. It's a simple power but can be used in so many creative ways because it diverges from that one point.
I actually think Golden Experience suffers from havibmng a really vague power and just having too many different variations to "giving life" that makes it harder for it to go indepth unlike Crazy Diamond's restoration abilities.