That's the thing about that too, with gravity I mean.
How can it dicate
-When to turn off when leaving the atmosphere
- When and when not to pull things into larger things
Its odd.
Gravity is a hoax made by the U.S. government in order to control people from surpassing current technology and human evolution. In fact, in order to keep us grounded, the government releases Picture In Government; Erratical Operating Nanobots (PIGEON for short) up onto the sky to spy on us. This is also common in Israel, where they too, have been convicted of animal spying and espionage. These pigeons record our every move and if they (the government) see something off on us, they use the weather machine. The weather machine is able to literally control the weather. This all dates back in around the time of the Emerging Environmental Movement in the 40s and 70s, where we start making policies to protect and enhance our "crumbling environment". But these policies were actually just a faux to get the government's budget to construct and use this weather machine. The funding accelerated when Reagan took office where he decided to increase business profits over caring about the environment. So now that the government has the funds for a weather machine that can shape the whole world, why don’t they give rain (or other weathers) to other countries with the machine? Answer: They don’t want to after years of war and conflicts. BACK to the U.S. So this, “climate change” is really just the government toying with our ability to fly or be weightless by causing a fear that we are the ones destroying the planet. Chemtrails made by airplanes are government funded (a relatively small fund) from those who make the airplanes. Think of airplanes as minature weather machines and why there are so many in the world. The only reason why we are paying attention to climate change recent is because of terms “liberal bull****” and “climate change", which is really a term coined an escaped New World Order government elite who is trying to open our eyes. Yet those actions are still not enough because another government tactic to keep us distracted is actually the anti-vax movement- Do you really think people want to harm their kin by not vaccinating? Hell no, these people who participate in the anti-vax movement are actually government officials themselves working for this conspiracy (but some idiots still join without even knowing the main point for anti-vax). In fact, the reason why they don’t want vaccinations is because they want to further push human evolution and our ability to become stronger, faster, and smarter in order to join the New World Order and the Illuminati in harmony. However, this plan is failing because the mutations we want for this evolution are resulting in casualties because the exposure of these mutations are too strong to deal with. Remember that one of the points of the anti-vax movement is to finally being able to fly even with the conspiracy of gravity, but our minds have been trained and rewired to be grounded to other problems that the government suppressed us with. We are trying to close the gap with the chance of mutating rather than relearning how to fly but we are too distracted!