Was one announced?
I enjoyed Breath of the Wild a lot. On my first run, I got all the shrines and about half the Korok seeds. On my second, I made it a 100% completionist run where I explored every location, did every shrine, did every sidequest, and found all 900 Korok seeds.
But the game's sidequests mostly suck (get X amount of item, bring to person, get Rupees), the Divine Beasts are too short and too similar for how significant and built-up they are, and the story is anemic.
My issue with BoTW is too much empty space, the durability system, a lack of "proper" dungeons, and enemy variety.
There's a lot of space to explore and run around in in BoTW, but a solid half of that is empty space for you to either fight enemies or do nothing. I don't think it should be more condensed, but maybe add some more content worth running around in. They don't even tell you where the minigames are (or hint at it through NPCs) in the map, and I've only found three of the six on my own through blind searching. Every Zelda game (except Skyward Sword) has had this type of problem. It's like three minutes of walking around before you find something to do, and then you're off for another three minutes to do something else. Add something in there for gods' sake.
Durability system is easy enough to nitpick about. Just give me a meter about how much durability I'm using.
Outside of repetitive shrine environments. the Divine Beasts are the only dungeons, and they're lacking. Shrines usually have good puzzles, but I think there were a tad too many Blessings shrines, and the combat trials got really repetitive. The Pillar/Magnesis Block/Cryonis is good to do maybe twice for varying difficulties, but after that it's just not worth it. Especially if you end up finding all the Major Battle shrines before the Minor Battle shrines (like I did like a doofus being too scared to fight guardians). I want
actual envrionments with neat puzzles attached to it.
I would've loved more enemy types and variants.
Actual Stalfos, Darknuts, Iron Knuckles, other types of minibosses that isn't the generic three plus Lynel, and probably more that I can't think about right now. The DLC Monk is legit the most fun I've had fighting an enemy since when I was ready to fight Lynels and Thunderblight Ganon. Speaking of the blights, they suck, except Thunderblight for being an actual challenge. Calamity Ganon himself was pretty dumb though, it went from a pretty decent fight to just being plain dumb. What's sad is that the game implies that that's the literal end for Ganon (until they run out of ideas and need him again)
and BoTW is the end of all three timelines so far, and boy was that a terrible way to go out. Nintendo, recognize that I like Ganon
dorf, not just Ganon.
I'm totally down with this new formula of Zelda, I like the new spin they took on the series and the exploration. If they condense the map (which they probably will because of time restraints, Majora's Mask 2.0 I assume), I hope they will atleast shove a lot of content into the rough patches.
How many of the old 3D Zeldas have you played?
every one except skyward sword, but i know enough about it