Overall with how I'm feeling about Final Fantasy VII is that I'm still down to play, the story after arriving at Aerith's house after she got abducted definitely ramped up, for sure. I think the problem is that I played Final Fantasy IX first, and if you ask me, I think the writing, characterization and execution was done better during my time in Alexandria over Midgar. That is to say that VII's writing isn't good. Well... There ARE a few parts where I went "???" but aside from that, VII ain't nothing to scoff at, either.
One definite problem I have with FFVII, though, is that during my time at Midgar, I didn't get to go to the Honey Bee Inn. I don't remember if there was supposed to be any cues and thought it was a part of the main story. Didn't look at any walkthroughs and realized after the motorcycle chase, "wait, what about that Inn?" Really disappointed about that.
Other than that, the music is still pretty good, the polygons now become a charm for me, and overall I've still been having a good time, nonetheless.