I live with my mother out of necessity, and we do not see eye to eye on most things. She's constantly making the most racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic comments. And worse than that, she's prone to anger very easily. And when she gets angry, her first response is always to get violent. She hits me when I don't back down to her will, and then tries to guilt trip me into submission by reminding me what she's done "for me" since I was a kid (which, honestly, just barely qualifies as the bare minimum a parent should do.)
As always, she threatened to kick me out in tonight's weekly argument, but this time it's different. I think she legitimately wants me gone. I admit, I said something nasty to her, but the fact she's basically told me that if I talked to her at all, she'd call the cops and have me dragged off of her property - which I pay half the bills for - is just wrong.
I can't even imagine what she'd do if she found out that I'm trans.