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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Dee Dude

“Never ask Dee for anything again”
Oct 25, 2015
Kidnapped by Sakurai.
Alright fine.

I’m a straight, cis, Black,Christian male.

What do you think about me?
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Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Am no Zelda buff but considering Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword got rather lukewarm reception and legacy I actually wonder if this is a big deal for the majority of the fans.

I played both. TP isn't as "bad" as people say but I do agree it was nothing special. Skyward Sword gives me diarrhea though.
I loved TP. But one of my big things with games is that I want them to look good, and I'm really a fan of the gritty real-is-brown thing. Yes, a lot of what I loved about TP did have to do with the charactrization, which comes through dialogue, but neither Zelda nor Midna needed to be fully voiced since you could tell their personalities through the writing.

SS I've actually never played. As much as I'm big on console Zeldas, I was too pissed that they made Link a righty there so I boycotted it. Works out better for me though, since I found from other games that the Wii is almost unplayable when you're left handed since all of your controls are flipped, especially for games like SS that ask you to swing the remote to attack. So I'm left moving with the wrong thumb or trying to do precision attacks with my off hand.

BotW was good because it felt like a western RPG. Yes, the VAd cutscenes were of poor quality since Mipha's and Zelda's actresses were really not that good, but I love the whole open world thing. I think the only major gripe I have about the weapon system is just that you should be able to repair your weapons instead of losing them every time (I'm still not over the fact that Bethesda's removing that from their latest games either - what new Skyrim/Fallout 4 players can't go to a smith and get things fixed like in Oblivion/Fallout 3). And yeah, I'd have also preferred more realistic graphics, but I'll give that you probably wouldn't have gotten that incredible draw distance with Skyrim's textures.


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
I'm learning quite a lot about everybody, and I didn't even have to ask. Yeah, just keep going.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
The only experience with a girl I’ve had is when I asked for her number and got shut down.

It was ****ing hilarious. You should’ve seen it, I had actual spaghetti falling out of my pockets.

Deleted member

I guess that i will tell a personal experience i had at high school:
The past year, my friend from Madrid was forced to leave the island since his parents had to return back to there forever. At first, I was worried about the way that the year would go for me without him... Until a person called Beatriz joined my class days after the classes began.

I was scared to talk with her the first time, since all the other new students turned out to be dumb or mocked me a lot for my voice... But she didn’t when we talked for the first time. After that, I enjoyed a lot the year with her and another person from Venezuela called Andrea, who we defended a lot through the year. However, certain people spread a lie about me trying to make her my girlfriend (which was false, since I only like to make friends and save the romantic stuff for the moment I can afford a house and a living). Luckily, she knew about that being a lie, but others took it seriously. She is a great person: kind, supportive, likes to read books, loves to read poems, is a vegan, always gets a score of 10 and some other stuff. Of course, she couldn’t come with my other friends and I to the cinema or home because she had to study a lot to get those great scores.

Now we move onto the current year, where something happened to change everything: I was having an hour free since a teacher didn’t come, and we heard that Beatriz was doing a big presentation at her class. Interested, I went to check it... and boy if i did good by checking it.

Beatriz was making with two other persons (who also find me as a great person, btw) a presentation about the discrimination towards the LGTB group and trans people... and he revealed that he was trans and getting opperated on December. He finished the presentation by showing a poem he made under his new name (Benjamín), and even cried after finishing it. After a lot of applauses from the students who were present, and the positive stuff they shared to him... I approached Ben, hugged him and made a promise: I would always do anything needed to help him as much as he did with me ever since we were friends.

To this day, we are still great friends: He can’t go with my friends and I because of the studies, but we interact a lot and help each other when needed. And since that presentation, the lie about me wanting to make him my girlfriend was finally burned from the memories of the ones who believed it.

I literally owe him a lot.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Pretty much. The Pit/Samus greatness is one thing that helps soothe my mind when approached right, and with my creative mind, it helps. Have a nightmare? Think of a character being comforted by a friend (in this case, Samus to Pit or vice versa). Sometimes the right imagination helps me feel better, and I need it a lot considering the lots of problems I have, including nightmares.
Pretty much the way to deal with them
To all those who headcanon that Ridley is a nice guy in Smash who comforts everyone, Waluigi included,

I present the truth to your headcanon Ridley. His true intentions.

After that day, Mario and Mega Man mysteriously went missing, and the cast tasked Ridley with the job of searching for them. Samus didn't like this.
More and more fighters began to go missing one by one, but everyone figured it might've been due to someone like Ganondorf, or even Samus herself.
Samus knew otherwise. There was nothing she could do, however.
And yet only the Kid Icarus cast would actually know not to trust Ridley...and obviously Samus...but what about Disappointing Daddy Chrom?
Holy **** you seriously tell me to be content with JUST Mario spin off game appearances when they even went as far to cut Diddy 80% of the time? You can’t be ****ing serious.
Holy **** I did tell you that. Unlike Samus, Pit, Olimar, or even Captain Falcon, Diddy Kong can easily join whatever Mario game he wants while also getting to be in every DKC game. Before Samus returned to new games on the 3DS, she didn’t have anything between Other M and FF. Pikmin 4 is taking a good amount of time to be seen, Star Fox didn’t get a new game for years, and even then Zero still was like having another 64, Uprising is likely the last Kid Icarus game for another 18 years out of the 25, Mother 3 still isn’t out in America (legally), and Captain Falcon...no words are needed for that poor soul...complaining over Diddy Kong not being in a Mario spin-off however many different % of the time he does/doesn’t appear is nothing compared to Samus not getting a main game. That little guy will still get time in the spotlight, but for the likes of Samus Aran it’s way more important to give a spotlight to and keep on...but of course Samus getting to return big time isn’t as important as Diddy Kong missing out on a Mario spin-off, so why should other Nintendo franchises get attention
I’m a straight male, but I’m also black.

Does tumblr love me or hate me?
As a straight black man myself...Tumblr doesn’t mean **** cause they took away all the naughty stuff for no useful reason

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
The only experience with a girl I’ve had is when I asked for her number and got shut down.

It was ****ing hilarious. You should’ve seen it, I had actual spaghetti falling out of my pockets.
This is the first time i- what the **** does spaghetti falling out of your pockets mean??


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
The only experience with a girl I’ve had is when I asked for her number and got shut down.

It was ****ing hilarious. You should’ve seen it, I had actual spaghetti falling out of my pockets.
I asked out six different girls across my high school career total. All of them turned me down. One of them i had a SUPER huge crush on. I asked her to prom, with HOMEMADE CANDIES, and she turned me down TO GO WITH A FRIEND! God I was so mad. Not at her, but at myself. I thought I was unapealing or horrible or something. Two years into college. Still no girlfriend.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Pretty much the way to deal with them

And yet only the Kid Icarus cast would actually know not to trust Ridley...and obviously Samus...but what about Disappointing Daddy Chrom?

Holy **** I did tell you that. Unlike Samus, Pit, Olimar, or even Captain Falcon, Diddy Kong can easily join whatever Mario game he wants while also getting to be in every DKC game. Before Samus returned to new games on the 3DS, she didn’t have anything between Other M and FF. Pikmin 4 is taking a good amount of time to be seen, Star Fox didn’t get a new game for years, and even then Zero still was like having another 64, Uprising is likely the last Kid Icarus game for another 18 years out of the 25, Mother 3 still isn’t out in America (legally), and Captain Falcon...no words are needed for that poor soul...complaining over Diddy Kong not being in a Mario spin-off however many different % of the time he does/doesn’t appear is nothing compared to Samus not getting a main game. That little guy will still get time in the spotlight, but for the likes of Samus Aran it’s way more important to give a spotlight to and keep on...but of course Samus getting to return big time isn’t as important as Diddy Kong missing out on a Mario spin-off, so why should other Nintendo franchises get attention

As a straight black man myself...Tumblr doesn’t mean **** cause they took away all the naughty stuff for no useful reason
You still fail to see a point. DKC is a way bigger franchise than everything you mentioned. Metroid included. You CAN NOT compare a appearance in a Mario spin off game to a few game appearances in the main franchise. Just wtf is your logic? While Metroid has had Samus Returns 3DS, FF, and now getting Prime 4, Donkey Kong only had Tropical Freeze. This **** just doesn’t add up.

Deleted member

You still fail to see a point. DKC is a way bigger franchise than everything you mentioned. Metroid included. You CAN NOT compare a appearance in a Mario spin off game to a few game appearances in the main franchise. Just wtf is your logic? While Metroid has had Samus Returns 3DS, FF, and now getting Prime 4, Donkey Kong only had Tropical Freeze. This **** just doesn’t add up.
One thing you should do to justify the argument of DKC being bigger is mentioning the sales of the games in the franchise.
Because yes, DKC was and still is a big source of benefits from Nintendo, even close to Mario and Zelda.
Nintendo will keep making DKC games or even anything related to DK as long as it gives the benefits that it does to this day.

And of course, this means that the lack of any new stuff is weird with such a huge demand.
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Deleted member

Alright fine.

I’m a straight, cis, Black,Christian male.

What do you think about me?
Nobody in their right mind actually judges you as a person based on those features.

A smart person gets to know you as a person, not certain ultimately unimportant quirks.

Deleted member

Nobody in their right mind actually judges you as a person based on those features.

A smart person gets to know you as a person, not certain ultimately unimportant quirks.
I’d wouldn’t say religion is “ultimately unimportant.”


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
So, appearently, Sakurai wrote the lyrics of Lifelight (SourceGaming has it on twitter)

Quick question: Is there a thing this guy can't do?!


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
My ex still has my pink joycons, bought a japanese and north american green/pink joycon set to get left and right of both colors, i took the two green she took the two pink and she still has them. Get a prenup people (im just kidding, shes still cool in my book, but yes i did lose joycons to a relationship lol).

Deleted member

I’d wouldn’t say religion is “ultimately unimportant.”
It is when you don't use it as an excuse to be awful towards other people. Something that I usually start assuming people don't do, regardless of the religion.
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