He can bring people back from the ****ing dead although it's temporary and the person needs to have a ridiculously strong will AND THERE'S REQUIEM, THE "I WIN" BUTTON. Requiem has it's own sentience and if Giorno is disabled then Requiem can still fully function without Giorno's command, Requiem has the highest possible stats for Destructive Power, Potential, Range, Speed and Durability. And then there's it's power, the ability to reset anything. If you try to do something, Requiem can go "Nuh uh that didn't happen" and then the action is erased from existence, and considering Requiem is immune to time manipulation, that's pretty ****ed. In the video games, characters with an install super lose the install if Giorno manages to activate Requiem, and Stands with forms that evolve get reset back to their weakest state. If you get killed by Requiem, you're doomed to constantly sit through a painful cycle of death, resurrection and then another painful death immediately afterwards.