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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island

Caddicarus makes another good video
Not a fan of this one. I feel betrayed by a creator i’ve loved for years. When I first started watching him, he was a different person than he is now. He talked about different games than other reviewers did and he said different things about those games than other reviewers would. This video could have been made by ANY reviewer on the sight and it would be the same. I could go on and on with conspiracy theories I have about why, but all they’d do is cause controversy. (His complaint about the stages is a little BS though. What is a stage in a platform fighter but a bunch of platforms with a hazard)

I still like All-Star. I love the differences in gameplay from Smash and think they make it unique and fun. And I still stand by the fact that if they had exactly copied Smash’s gameplay it would have been received just as badly, if not worse. And you know what All-Stars has that Smash doesn’t, PERSONALITY. Those cutscenes, and the constant dialogue and noises from all the characters tell me so much more about who the characters are and what they’re about than I’ve ever seen in Smash. Aside from the characters face (which you almost never see in gameplay), unless you’re name is Incineroar you have no outwardly visable personality traits. And the few that get shown are all practically identical. Compare Link to Marth to Pit. If you’ve ONLY played Smash and don’t know who they are or what they’re about, what are you going to learn about them here besides surface level appearance traits.

Deleted member

Not a fan of this one. I feel betrayed by a creator i’ve loved for years. When I first started watching him, he was a different person than he is now. He talked about different games than other reviewers did and he said different things about those games than other reviewers would. This video could have been made by ANY reviewer on the sight and it would be the same. I could go on and on with conspiracy theories I have about why, but all they’d do is cause controversy. (His complaint about the stages is a little BS though. What is a stage in a platform fighter but a bunch of platforms with a hazard)

I still like All-Star. I love the differences in gameplay from Smash and think they make it unique and fun. And I still stand by the fact that if they had exactly copied Smash’s gameplay it would have been received just as badly, if not worse. And you know what All-Stars has that Smash doesn’t, PERSONALITY. Those cutscenes, and the constant dialogue and noises from all the characters tell me so much more about who the characters are and what they’re about than I’ve ever seen in Smash. Aside from the characters face (which you almost never see in gameplay), unless you’re name is Incineroar you have no outwardly visable personality traits. And the few that get shown are all practically identical. Compare Link to Marth to Pit. If you’ve ONLY played Smash and don’t know who they are or what they’re about, what are you going to learn about them here besides surface level appearance traits.
You brought good points, if I am honest.
We’ll see if his next video improves on those problems.

And yes, Smash would be even better with cutscenes like the ones in PS All Stars. The closest to them was Snake’s codec, Palutena’s Guidance and the SSE cutscenes in Brawl.

Deleted member

I honestly do not know why people defend pirating.
Pirating / Emulating is literally stealing.

I understand you can not afford the game, but come on it is the exact same thing as stealing games from a gaming store.
It is disrespectful to the creators that worked hard on the game as well.
I emulate games, but just stuff like Smash, and I always buy the games first.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
You brought good points, if I am honest.
We’ll see if his next video improves on those problems.

And yes, Smash would be even better with cutscenes like the ones in PS All Stars. The closest to them was Snake’s codec, Palutena’s Guidance and the SSE cutscenes in Brawl.
Though it would be very difficult to manage sense about... 1% of Smash’s characters actually talk. Unless Nintendo’s finally gonna let Mario and Link talk.

Deleted member

Though it would be very difficult to manage sense about... 1% of Smash’s characters actually talk. Unless Nintendo’s finally gonna let Mario and Link talk.
Subspace had some neat interactions without the need of dialogues, so maybe it is possible to work a way over that.

Regarding piracy or emulation: there are times were i am unable to access certain games since i either don’t own the console and i can’t find it for a good price, or i have the console but i can’t found specific games without paying too much on places like Ebay. Emulation helps me a lot, since it allows me to try games that i am just unable to adquire in any other way.

Of course, when i manage to find the game for a good price, i don’t emulate it anymore.
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Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2018
Unpopular Opinions:
The 3D Mario games are better than the 2D Mario games
Metroid is about exploration. They need to stop upgrading the difficulty to backtrack through areas.
Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess were a lull in the Zelda franchise.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has many excellent character designs
A DLC fighter should be compelling enough people look up the source material rather than vice versa
Blizzard should get a rep in smash bros

Deleted member

Unpopular Opinions:
Metroid is about exploration. They need to stop upgrading the difficulty to backtrack through areas.
A DLC fighter should be compelling enough people look up the source material rather than vice versa
I agree with these a lot.


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2016
The 3D Mario games are better than the 2D Mario games
Not unpopular.

Metroid is about exploration. They need to stop upgrading the difficulty to backtrack through areas.
I don't understand what you mean by this. Didn't Nintendo add a teleport device for Samus Return?

Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess were a lull in the Zelda franchise.
Not sure what you mean at all.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has many excellent character designs
Not exactly unpopular either, just some people find it distasteful. Me though found best bird girl ever in it.

A DLC fighter should be compelling enough people look up the source material rather than vice versa
Not unpopular either.

Blizzard should get a rep in smash bros
Not a very common opinion, maybe if we see Overwatch for Switch this can be more popular.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Subspace had some neat interactions without the need of dialogues, so maybe it is possible to work a way over that.

Regarding piracy or emulation: there are times were i am unable to access certain games since i either don’t own the console and i can’t find it for a good price, or i have the console but i can’t found specific games without paying too much on places like Ebay. Emulation helps me a lot, since it allows me to try games that i am just unable to adquire in any other way.

Of course, when i manage to find the game for a good price, i don’t emulate it anymore.
While Brawl's cut scenes were.... fine..... I just wish they actually had dialogue. It's a complaint I've had ever sense Brawl actually. When the characters can speak you just have more of an ability to craft unique cutscenes and interactions. I honestly think Nintendo just needs to.... get over it, maybe?

Not a very common opinion, maybe if we see Overwatch for Switch this can be more popular.
Tracer! Please, yes Tracer!


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Though it would be very difficult to manage sense about... 1% of Smash’s characters actually talk. Unless Nintendo’s finally gonna let Mario and Link talk.
I mean, Mario can talk, so I don't think there'd be anything too weird about giving Mario dialogue.

Ignoring the Mario cast though, there'd still be:
:ultzelda::ultsheik::ultganondorf::ultsamus:/:ultzss::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultpalutena::ultmarth::ultroy::ultike::ultchrom::ultlucina::ultrobin::ultcorrinf::ultfalcon::ultmetaknight::ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf::ultpokemontrainer::ultmewtwo::ultlucario::ultwiifittrainer::ultshulk::ultsnake::ultsonic::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultryu::ultken::ultcloud::ultbayonetta: and Joker.

Then there's also the fringe cases.

:ultolimar: and :ultisabelle: speak in their home series and have digitized voices, but they don't speak in Smash.
:ultmegaman: and :ultpacman: straight up speak in their home series, without the need for text boxes, but don't speak in Smash.
:ultlittlemac: is a weird case. He cheers and stuff when he wins, even going "Yeah!" and stuff, and he speaks through text boxes in the NES game, but he mostly stays quiet. He's not incapable of speech though. So he's like the Mario cast in this way.
:ultridley: speaks in the Metroid manga, which is apparently canon.
:ultness: and :ultlucas: speak a bit in Smash, but mostly in short bursts to say their attack names and "Okay" for Ness.

So that's a good amount of the cast covered. The only truly silent/unintelligible ones would be, off the top of my head:


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Though it would be very difficult to manage sense about... 1% of Smash’s characters actually talk. Unless Nintendo’s finally gonna let Mario and Link talk.
I mean, Mario can talk, so I don't think there'd be anything too weird about giving Mario dialogue.

Ignoring the Mario cast though, there'd still be:
:ultzelda::ultsheik::ultganondorf::ultsamus:/:ultzss::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultpalutena::ultmarth::ultroy::ultike::ultchrom::ultlucina::ultrobin::ultcorrinf::ultfalcon::ultmetaknight::ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf::ultpokemontrainer::ultmewtwo::ultlucario::ultwiifittrainer::ultshulk::ultsnake::ultsonic::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultryu::ultken::ultcloud::ultbayonetta: and Joker.

Then there's also the fringe cases.

:ultolimar: and :ultisabelle: speak in their home series and have digitized voices, but they don't speak in Smash.
:ultmegaman: and :ultpacman: straight up speak in their home series, without the need for text boxes, but don't speak in Smash.
:ultlittlemac: is a weird case. He cheers and stuff when he wins, even going "Yeah!" and stuff, and he speaks through text boxes in the NES game, but he mostly stays quiet. He's not incapable of speech though. So he's like the Mario cast in this way.
:ultridley: speaks in the Metroid manga, which is apparently canon.
:ultness: and :ultlucas: speak a bit in Smash, but mostly in short bursts to say their attack names and "Okay" for Ness.

So that's a good amount of the cast covered. The only truly silent/unintelligible ones would be, off the top of my head:
Dang it, Opossum! I was gonna talk about that!

Theory time: Little Mac and Doc Louis are the same race as Pauline and the other New Donk citizens (assuming they aren't just "humans").


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208

Dang it, Opossum! I was gonna talk about that!

Theory time: Little Mac and Doc Louis are the same race as Pauline and the other New Donk citizens (assuming they aren't just "humans").
I think the one thing that throws a wrench into this is that Little Mac is pretty explicitly from the Bronx and not New Donk. :p

Though the two worlds are definitely connected somehow, considering how often stuff from the Mario universe appears in Punch-Out!! and all.

Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
I mean, Mario can talk, so I don't think there'd be anything too weird about giving Mario dialogue.

Ignoring the Mario cast though, there'd still be:
:ultzelda::ultsheik::ultganondorf::ultsamus:/:ultzss::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultpalutena::ultmarth::ultroy::ultike::ultchrom::ultlucina::ultrobin::ultcorrinf::ultfalcon::ultmetaknight::ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf::ultpokemontrainer::ultmewtwo::ultlucario::ultwiifittrainer::ultshulk::ultsnake::ultsonic::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultryu::ultken::ultcloud::ultbayonetta: and Joker.

Then there's also the fringe cases.

:ultolimar: and :ultisabelle: speak in their home series and have digitized voices, but they don't speak in Smash.
:ultmegaman: and :ultpacman: straight up speak in their home series, without the need for text boxes, but don't speak in Smash.
:ultlittlemac: is a weird case. He cheers and stuff when he wins, even going "Yeah!" and stuff, and he speaks through text boxes in the NES game, but he mostly stays quiet. He's not incapable of speech though. So he's like the Mario cast in this way.
:ultridley: speaks in the Metroid manga, which is apparently canon.
:ultness: and :ultlucas: speak a bit in Smash, but mostly in short bursts to say their attack names and "Okay" for Ness.

So that's a good amount of the cast covered. The only truly silent/unintelligible ones would be, off the top of my head:
Kirby is capable of little speech in his games. Mostly saying “Hiiiii” but can speak more words in Smash.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
I think the one thing that throws a wrench into this is that Little Mac is pretty explicitly from the Bronx and not New Donk. :p

Though the two worlds are definitely connected somehow, considering how often stuff from the Mario universe appears in Punch-Out!! and all.
inb4 "The Bronx" is a world in Super Mario Odyssey 2.

Deleted member

I mean, Mario can talk, so I don't think there'd be anything too weird about giving Mario dialogue.

Ignoring the Mario cast though, there'd still be:
:ultzelda::ultsheik::ultganondorf::ultsamus:/:ultzss::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultpalutena::ultmarth::ultroy::ultike::ultchrom::ultlucina::ultrobin::ultcorrinf::ultfalcon::ultmetaknight::ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf::ultpokemontrainer::ultmewtwo::ultlucario::ultwiifittrainer::ultshulk::ultsnake::ultsonic::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultryu::ultken::ultcloud::ultbayonetta: and Joker.

Then there's also the fringe cases.

:ultolimar: and :ultisabelle: speak in their home series and have digitized voices, but they don't speak in Smash.
:ultmegaman: and :ultpacman: straight up speak in their home series, without the need for text boxes, but don't speak in Smash.
:ultlittlemac: is a weird case. He cheers and stuff when he wins, even going "Yeah!" and stuff, and he speaks through text boxes in the NES game, but he mostly stays quiet. He's not incapable of speech though. So he's like the Mario cast in this way.
:ultridley: speaks in the Metroid manga, which is apparently canon.
:ultness: and :ultlucas: speak a bit in Smash, but mostly in short bursts to say their attack names and "Okay" for Ness.

So that's a good amount of the cast covered. The only truly silent/unintelligible ones would be, off the top of my head:
Here’s what i would do for them:
>Make Piranha Plant sound a bit like Audrey II.
>Bring back DK’s voice actor from DK64.
>K.Rool actually talks in DK64, sounding a bit like Darth Vader.
>Just give Diddy a voice similar to the one in the cartoon, but less annoying.
>Use Navi for Young Link, and the voice of BOTW Zelda for the respective Link. Toon Link could be assisted by Phantom Zelda from Spirit Tracks.
>Kirby is Kirby. He is fine without any kind of dialogue. The take of the anime works.
>Dedede would be cool if he sounded similar to the anime counterpart.
>They can do something similar to the Pokémon anime and give them subtitles.
>Villager doesn’t really need a voice, tbh.
>Inklings can use subtitles too.
>The Ice Climbers don’t really need to talk.
>Mr.Game And Watch could kind of use Morse code with the alarm sound.
>Make R.O.B. sound like a typical robot (like in his AVGN episode).
>Duck Hunt Dog could just annoy the opponent without having to talk.
>The Mii can use default voices.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
I mean, Mario can talk, so I don't think there'd be anything too weird about giving Mario dialogue.

Ignoring the Mario cast though, there'd still be:
:ultzelda::ultsheik::ultganondorf::ultsamus:/:ultzss::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultpalutena::ultmarth::ultroy::ultike::ultchrom::ultlucina::ultrobin::ultcorrinf::ultfalcon::ultmetaknight::ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf::ultpokemontrainer::ultmewtwo::ultlucario::ultwiifittrainer::ultshulk::ultsnake::ultsonic::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultryu::ultken::ultcloud::ultbayonetta: and Joker.

Then there's also the fringe cases.

:ultolimar: and :ultisabelle: speak in their home series and have digitized voices, but they don't speak in Smash.
:ultmegaman: and :ultpacman: straight up speak in their home series, without the need for text boxes, but don't speak in Smash.
:ultlittlemac: is a weird case. He cheers and stuff when he wins, even going "Yeah!" and stuff, and he speaks through text boxes in the NES game, but he mostly stays quiet. He's not incapable of speech though. So he's like the Mario cast in this way.
:ultridley: speaks in the Metroid manga, which is apparently canon.
:ultness: and :ultlucas: speak a bit in Smash, but mostly in short bursts to say their attack names and "Okay" for Ness.

So that's a good amount of the cast covered. The only truly silent/unintelligible ones would be, off the top of my head:
Doesn't K.Rool have a full speaking line in DK64? (although I guess only in the prologue...)

Dee Dude

“Never ask Dee for anything again”
Oct 25, 2015
Kidnapped by Sakurai.
Hot take: The reason World of Light didn’t have more cutscenes like the first one and why :ultcloud: didn’t appear in it is not because of Square but because he still only speaks Japanese and would require to speak English like everyone, but Square’s strict VA contract prevented so.

So as long as Cloud is around, there won’t be any Subspace like stories with voice acting.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Literally nobody is near the same amount of anything as Pit (except for when it comes to being used the least)

Metroid needs a sequel way more than DK needs any new game. He and his crew can live off of Mario spinoffs and the Tropical Freeze port for some good amount of time. Prime 4 was also likely to have not been made/be released and hated more than Other M/get stuck in development hell without Retro (the company that got popular off of working on Metroid Prime) returning to what got them noticed in fhe first place. Donkey Kong doesn’t need to have Retro make their games when they have a larger variety in studios to make them new games due to being a Mario related series alone (that and DK is more popular than Samus, so his games don’t need to be trusted with one sole game company to make a new game)...and also add in some mumbo jumbo cause there isn’t really much explaining needed

As for Zelda...we had BOTW back in 2017 (and that game took a ****”load of work to finish). People can wait for a new main title game (as for spinoffs, we had a Switch port of Hyrule Warriors)...wait for a better time

Fire Emblem however...that’s just having us wait for news (same with Bayo 3 and other big 2019-2020 games)

Samus got played

Supporting the Plant
Holy **** you seriously tell me to be content with JUST Mario spin off game appearances when they even went as far to cut Diddy 80% of the time? You can’t be ****ing serious.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Here’s what i would do for them:
>Make Piranha Plant sound a bit like Audrey II.
>Bring back DK’s voice actor from DK64.
>K.Rool actually talks in DK64, sounding a bit like Darth Vader.
>Just give Diddy a voice similar to the one in the cartoon, but less annoying.
>Use Navi for Young Link, and the voice of BOTW Zelda for the respective Link. Toon Link could be assisted by Phantom Zelda from Spirit Tracks.
>Kirby is Kirby. He is fine without any kind of dialogue. The take of the anime works.
>Dedede would be cool if he sounded similar to the anime counterpart.
>They can do something similar to the Pokémon anime and give them subtitles.
>Villager doesn’t really need a voice, tbh.
>Inklings can use subtitles too.
>The Ice Climbers don’t really need to talk.
>Mr.Game And Watch could kind of use Morse code with the alarm sound.
>Make R.O.B. sound like a typical robot (like in his AVGN episode).
>Duck Hunt Dog could just annoy the opponent without having to talk.
>The Mii can use default voices.
Doesn't K.Rool have a full speaking line in DK64? (although I guess only in the prologue...)
Real talk, I totally forgot about DK64 lol.

K. Rool, Yoshi, DK, and Diddy have also talked in certain Mario spin-off games through the use of subtitles, but they're often set off by parentheses to indicate they're not speaking English, so I guess they're all kind of fringe cases as well (except K. Rool who I somehow forgot can outright speak outside of the cartoon).

Deleted member

Holy **** you seriously tell me to be content with JUST Mario spin off game appearances when they even went as far to cut Diddy 80% of the time? You can’t be ****ing serious.
I would love to get Diddy, Dixie and K.Rool in MK8 and Mario Tennis Aces.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Just give characters "voice grunting" like Zelda games if you're gonna have long dialogues and make it visual novel style. Short skits like SSE don't need full voice acting.

Though, Pokemon or Duck Hunt would just be silly.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
I just found out that the Miis have a series symbol in the spirit gallery. So I will say again (maybe for the first time here but not in my lifetime), WHY ARE THE MII FIGHTERS FROM SMASH!!! They're not from Smash! They are Miis!

I mean, Mario can talk, so I don't think there'd be anything too weird about giving Mario dialogue.

Ignoring the Mario cast though, there'd still be:
:ultzelda::ultsheik::ultganondorf::ultsamus:/:ultzss::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultpalutena::ultmarth::ultroy::ultike::ultchrom::ultlucina::ultrobin::ultcorrinf::ultfalcon::ultmetaknight::ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf::ultpokemontrainer::ultmewtwo::ultlucario::ultwiifittrainer::ultshulk::ultsnake::ultsonic::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultryu::ultken::ultcloud::ultbayonetta: and Joker.

Then there's also the fringe cases.

:ultolimar: and :ultisabelle: speak in their home series and have digitized voices, but they don't speak in Smash.
:ultmegaman: and :ultpacman: straight up speak in their home series, without the need for text boxes, but don't speak in Smash.
:ultlittlemac: is a weird case. He cheers and stuff when he wins, even going "Yeah!" and stuff, and he speaks through text boxes in the NES game, but he mostly stays quiet. He's not incapable of speech though. So he's like the Mario cast in this way.
:ultridley: speaks in the Metroid manga, which is apparently canon.
:ultness: and :ultlucas: speak a bit in Smash, but mostly in short bursts to say their attack names and "Okay" for Ness.

So that's a good amount of the cast covered. The only truly silent/unintelligible ones would be, off the top of my head:
As for the Donkey Kong cast, the other characters in their world do speak, so it would be weird if they never did. How do they live their lives? Do the Kongs/Kremlings have sign language? That... would actually be pretty funny and fitting.

:ultpiranha:, :ultduckhunt:, and the Pokemon are literally animals so they get a pass. I think you could get around the Pokemon in a story mode setting if you gave each one a Trainer.

When Sakurai gave the okay to make the :ultkirby: anime, his only requirement was that :ultkirby: not speak. He was fine with :ultmetaknight: and :ultkingdedede:. So I think they could get away with that here.

:ultlink::ulttoonlink::ultyounglink:... I've always said that sense the reason they don't talk in the main games is because they're supposed to represent the player. That's not what they're supposed to be in Smash. In Smash they're supposed to represent themselves. So I think the Links speaking would make sense here, if nowhere else.

:ultvillager:and :ultinkling: get my Link defense. :ulticeclimbers: only don't speak because their only game is on NES. I don't think having them speak would be a stretch.

So that narrows it down to these guys. :ultyoshi::ultgnw::ultrob::ultmiifighters:

Here’s what i would do for them:
>Make :ultpiranha: sound a bit like Audrey II.
>Bring back :ultdk:’s voice actor from DK64.
>:ultkrool: actually talks in DK64, sounding a bit like Darth Vader.
>Just give :ultdiddy: a voice similar to the one in the cartoon, but less annoying.
>Use Navi for:ultyounglink:, and the voice of BOTW Zelda for the respective :ultlink:. :ulttoonlink: could be assisted by Phantom Zelda from Spirit Tracks.
>:ultkirby: is :ultkirby:. He is fine without any kind of dialogue. The take of the anime works.
>:ultkingdedede: would be cool if he sounded similar to the anime counterpart.
>They can do something similar to the Pokémon anime and give them subtitles.
>:ultvillager: doesn’t really need a voice, tbh.
>:ultinkling: can use subtitles too.
>The :ulticeclimbers: don’t really need to talk.
>:ultgnw: could kind of use Morse code with the alarm sound.
>Make :ultrob: sound like a typical robot (like in his AVGN episode).
>:ultduckhunt: could just annoy the opponent without having to talk.
>:ultmiifighters: can use default voices.
A lot of this would also work, if it came to it. The only character that really leaves out is Yoshi

Real talk, I totally forgot about DK64 lol.

K. Rool, Yoshi, DK, and Diddy have also talked in certain Mario spin-off games through the use of subtitles, but they're often set off by parentheses to indicate they're not speaking English, so I guess they're all kind of fringe cases as well (except K. Rool who I somehow forgot can outright speak outside of the cartoon).
I stand corrected. So everybody has a way that they can speak and interact. Great! See Sakurai? This is what EFFORT looks like. You should try it some time. (I'm kidding.... Half-Kidding)

Just give characters "voice grunting" like Zelda games if you're gonna have long dialogues and make it visual novel style. Short skits like SSE don't need full voice acting.

Though, Pokemon or Duck Hunt would just be silly.
Respectfully disagree. I cant stand the "visual novel style". No matter the case it always just feels cheap and lazy. Take the time and animate something. Spend time hiring GOOD voice actors. These extra little touches show you care.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I just found out that the Miis have a series symbol in the spirit gallery. So I will say again (maybe for the first time here but not in my lifetime), WHY ARE THE MII FIGHTERS FROM SMASH!!! They're not from Smash! They are Miis!
  1. There is no such thing as a Mii Fighter outside of Smash
  2. When I make a Mii Fighter, their game of origin is Smash, not another game

Deleted member

I mean, Mario can talk, so I don't think there'd be anything too weird about giving Mario dialogue.

Ignoring the Mario cast though, there'd still be:
:ultzelda::ultsheik::ultganondorf::ultsamus:/:ultzss::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultpalutena::ultmarth::ultroy::ultike::ultchrom::ultlucina::ultrobin::ultcorrinf::ultfalcon::ultmetaknight::ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf::ultpokemontrainer::ultmewtwo::ultlucario::ultwiifittrainer::ultshulk::ultsnake::ultsonic::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultryu::ultken::ultcloud::ultbayonetta: and Joker.

Then there's also the fringe cases.

:ultolimar: and :ultisabelle: speak in their home series and have digitized voices, but they don't speak in Smash.
:ultmegaman: and :ultpacman: straight up speak in their home series, without the need for text boxes, but don't speak in Smash.
:ultlittlemac: is a weird case. He cheers and stuff when he wins, even going "Yeah!" and stuff, and he speaks through text boxes in the NES game, but he mostly stays quiet. He's not incapable of speech though. So he's like the Mario cast in this way.
:ultridley: speaks in the Metroid manga, which is apparently canon.
:ultness: and :ultlucas: speak a bit in Smash, but mostly in short bursts to say their attack names and "Okay" for Ness.

So that's a good amount of the cast covered. The only truly silent/unintelligible ones would be, off the top of my head:
In regards to the Mother cast, Ness never really spoke in EarthBound, but Lucas definitely sure spoke quite a bit in Mother 3 during the end and some in Chapter 1.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
While Brawl's cut scenes were.... fine..... I just wish they actually had dialogue. It's a complaint I've had ever sense Brawl actually. When the characters can speak you just have more of an ability to craft unique cutscenes and interactions. I honestly think Nintendo just needs to.... get over it, maybe?
Honestly, I liked it that they didn't. It was impressive that you could get an entire story with only facial dialogue and acting, and have it make sense. That was really cool.

I've always liked that Nintendo characters don't really talk. It made the games feel a lot more ...accessible... in a way. I dunno, there was always some nostalgia factor about the fact that Ninty could make engrossing storylines even with written dialogue only.

But it'd also sound strange, and I don't think Nintendo prioritizes VA ability for some things. One of my biggest gripes with BotW is the voices - I'm used to them as silent, so hearing Zelda (especially since her voice actress was not good) was awkward to say the least. Especially Mipha and her terrible VA as well. Revali and Urbosa were about the only good VAs in that game. Add to that that some characters had voiced cutscenes (where they spoke Japanese so were obviously dubbed over) and then written in-game dialogue, and it just seemed like a mess. Most games now will have active lip synching, so the mouth will correctly match any language, but they didn't.

And then there's the other failing of voiced dialogue best exemplified for Fallout 3/NV to Fallout 4:


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
  1. There is no such thing as a Mii Fighter outside of Smash
  2. When I make a Mii Fighter, their game of origin is Smash, not another game
*grumble* I guess you're right. *grumble*

I still don't like it.

What if Mii Fighter costumes came with series symbols attacked (The K. Rool Costume gives you the DK Logo, for example)

Honestly, I liked it that they didn't. It was impressive that you could get an entire story with only facial dialogue and acting, and have it make sense. That was really cool.

I've always liked that Nintendo characters don't really talk. It made the games feel a lot more ...accessible... in a way. I dunno, there was always some nostalgia factor about the fact that Ninty could make engrossing storylines even with written dialogue only.

But it'd also sound strange, and I don't think Nintendo prioritizes VA ability for some things. One of my biggest gripes with BotW is the voices - I'm used to them as silent, so hearing Zelda (especially since her voice actress was not good) was awkward to say the least. Especially Mipha and her terrible VA as well. Revali and Urbosa were about the only good VAs in that game. Add to that that some characters had voiced cutscenes (where they spoke Japanese so were obviously dubbed over) and then written in-game dialogue, and it just seemed like a mess. Most games now will have active lip synching, so the mouth will correctly match any language, but they didn't.

And then there's the other failing of voiced dialogue best exemplified for Fallout 3/NV to Fallout 4:
Agree to disagree, I guess. I don't like it. You do. Nothing we can do about that.
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Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
Hot take: The reason World of Light didn’t have more cutscenes like the first one and why :ultcloud: didn’t appear in it is not because of Square but because he still only speaks Japanese and would require to speak English like everyone, but Square’s strict VA contract prevented so.

So as long as Cloud is around, there won’t be any Subspace like stories with voice acting.
Cloud is in World of Light but I don't think this matters. Worst case scenario they'll pull a :ultwolf::ulttoonlink::ultjigglypuff: and have him in a secret door after the story, except he'd be intentionally this way rather than due to development hell.

The reason they don't do it is because Sakurai got salty that people post things on the Internet ahead of time...when the game released earlier for Japan than the rest of the world.
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