This one has taken me a while, and not everyone's gonna be in it, otherwise I'd be here all day. I decided to go with 12 because that's a pretty believable roster for an Indie fighting game, or at least one that uses high-quality sprite work like Under Night In-Birth or (almost) all 2D fighters Arcsys has ever produced. Things are being kept gender-neutral with the writing, for obvious reasons.
I also challenged myself not to put more than one character from the same game, but there are exceptions if two characters debut in different games from the same franchise. Some characters also just have their franchise named instead of the specific sequel number, unless I need to make a distinction for characters that come from the same franchise. If a crossover game is listed instead of a character's home game, it's because their fighting game appearance is the main reference point.
Without further ado, a list of characters composed of friends and acquaintances alike. Don't worry if you're not on the list. It's like I said, there's just too many to go over. In no particular order:
@KarneraMythos - I'd play like a mix between Jin Saotome (Marvel vs. Capcom) and Hyde (Under Night In-Birth).
- Blodia's replaced with my own mech-like augments, so summonable jet thrusters are a thing. Grabs lead to explosive impacts.
- Sword deals significant chip damage like the Indulgence of Insulation (aka the Insulator), and non-sword moves are aggressively kick-heavy.
- Would play like the Demi-Fiend (Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne) and Dante (Devil May Cry).
- Has a wide array of hard-hitting physical magic that resembles the Sparda brothers' sword swipes. Also shirtless and covered in power tattoos.
- Can summon energy pistols with Gun-Fu–like movements. A little bit of a brawler, a sword-user, and a zoner all in one.
@NineS - Would play like a mix of 2B (NIer: Automata) and Raven (Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator).
- Wears a mask at all times that occasionally changes expression for certain weapons as an indicator for both players.
- Aided by a cynical and intelligent cybernetic yatagarasu which acts as a substitute to Pod A. Does stuff like Nakoruru's bird from SamSho as well.
@faygoshill - Would play like Malos (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) and Midna (Twilight Princess).
- Wields a sword in a way that would make Shulk and Zeke proud, and can drain life from opponents.
- Possesses an Assist-type character as well, akin to that of Sever, except it's their own shadow. Think Eddie's Forbidden Beast from Guilty Gear.
@Onereasonanddone - Would play like Sigma (Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite) and Doomguy (DOOM).
- Packs a beam-saber on their belt with their BFG. Specializes in heavy palm strikes and arm swipes, using their gun as a bludgeon weapon at times.
- Can telepathically command their beam-saber to distract enemies while shooting from a distance.
@ES. Dinah - Would play like KOS-MOS (Xenosaga) and Bayonetta (Bayonetta).
- Uses 4 gunblades resembling mini-Zohars. They're in similar placements to Bayonetta's guns, and can fire laser shots or act as beam-swords.
- Can summon a Familiar that traps opponents like an iron maiden. Likes to flash step and deliver clean strikes on helpless opponents.
- Would play like Joker (Persona 5) and Sora (Kingdom Hearts).
- Main weapon is a Skeleton-Keyblade. It can open dimensional doors that summons monsters and allies alike, either to attack, heal, or shield.
- Wields two sets of prison keys that can be used as chakrams. They have a z-axis–type dash that enables carefully-timed dodges.
- Would play like Undyne (Undertale) and Incineroar (Pokemon Sun & Moon).
- Carries a microphone stick around that doubles as a spear. They play a Kayfabe persona in battle, but breaks out into their kind self post-match.
- Surprisingly nimble for a grappler, utilizing their microphone spear to weaponize comicbook-style sound effects like Deadpool.
@Ralsei - Would play like... Ralsei (Deltarune) and Adeleine (Kirby 64).
- Wields a magic paintbrush that brings drawings to life. Can range from cute things like fairies to menacing things like the Jabberwocky.
- Has the ability to pacify opponents, basically being a "Friendship" option akin to Mortal Kombat. They are also adorably fluffy.
- Would play like Yoshi (Yoshi's Island) and Riptor (Killer Instinct 2013).
- The token Scaley to Ralsei's Furry. They have dieselpunk-style augmentations that emphasize fumes. Their eggs double as bombs.
- They are the leader of their own group, being able to command lesser members for pack-attacks. They display hedonistic tendencies.
@Shishœ - Would play like Crono (Chrono Trigger) and Wonder Red (Wonderful 101)
- Can travel through timelines to enlist the aid of alternate versions of themselves for coordinated attacks. Can form into a mecha made of bodies.
- Uses a Niten Ichi-Ryū style with a daishō set. They are nicknamed "Big Hand" and "Little Hand", with wind and light strikes respectively.
@Smashing Ramen - Would play like Karate Joe (Rhythm Heaven) and Steve (Minecraft)
- Is drawn entirely like a cartoon character and even animates like one. Parrying hits to the beat of background music fills up their crafting meter.
- Sculpts statues of themself with karate strikes, using them similarly to Sub-Zero. They can craft walls and mounds as well.