Umbran Gekka
- Strikers Armour, Hipster Bowser, Wedding Bowser, Dry Bowser, Dark Bowser (seriously, change the hair on his head, that's it)
- Shadow Mario colours
- Shirtless
- Dress, KH costume
- Nohr and Hoshido Noble, Cipher Summer, Heroes, Summer, New Years, Witch, Casual
- Strikers Armour
- Strikers Armour
- Plague Doctor
- Hyrule Warriors and Wind Waker alts
- Shiny
- Shirtless
- Gerudo, Royal Guard, Shirtless
- Mr L, Penguin, Frog, Ice
- Fire, Sunshine, Mafia
- Legendary, Pantless, Groom
- Yukata, Great Lord/Brave/Legendary,
Exalt, Easter and Cipher Summer
- Armour, Shadow Mewtwo
- Explorer, Winter, Overalls
- Omega, Neo, Xenomorph
- Summer, Winter
- Great Lord, Risen King,
Exalt, Exalted Knight, Winter, Easter
- Evil Ryu/Kage, Hot Ryu, Kage Battle Outfit 1
- Violent Ken, Dante costume, Holiday
- Light Suit, Fusion Suit, Dark Suit
- X-Ray version
- Tuxedo, Naked Snake, Octo Camo
- Outset, Conductor
- Hyrule Warriors