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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Bayonetta got 11 tracks I believe, while Ryu got 6. Cloud is the outlier. Joker will probably get like, 8 tracks but only from P5.


Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
Mii Brawler should just make the game play like Brawl, causing the opponent to immediately SD.
sakurai: "in hindsight we really made mii brawler too powerful, so now just like its namesake it constantly trips over and has its speed halved"


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
MCU is a good and fun idea but it's also not the most sustainable for newer viewers or those who just want one specific thing. If you need supplementary material to understand a movie that's not a sequel or pequel, you're doing something wrong. It's the exact problem comics face, the only difference is that the MCU has a much better archive but it still is stupid that I won't understand a Spider-Man movie if I didn't watch an Iron Man one.
The MCU operates on the benefit of being like Netflix once was: it has no direct competition. Several other movie studios have tried and failed to create cinematic universes since Avengers first broke box office records (DC, Universal, Transformers, and arguably Star Wars), like many times when competitors try to imitate a product without knowing what made it successful in the first place. The last several MCU movies all made close to or over a billion dollars at the box office. It doesn't need to be sustainable for new viewers--it just needs to retain its current audience.

Now, if there was another successful cinematic universe to compete with Marvel and vie for people's money at the box office, then there'd be a sustainability issue. But because Marvel is still consistently putting out quality movies that are winning audiences over, there's no need. As long as they keep telling great stories, they'll be fine, at least for the foreseeable future.

As for the "needing to see X movie to understand Y movie" issue, I don't think it's as big a problem as you think it is. Most of the individual movies are fairly self-contained and don't play too much into the plots of the crossover movies. The understanding and enjoyability is definitely enhanced by watching the other movies because you may pick up on more details and characterization, but the only movie I can think of where watching the previous ones is essential is Captain America: Civil War, where watching the two other CA movies and Avengers 2 are kinda necessary. But many other movies, like the Ant Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Spider-Man movies are very self-contained and not essential.

Besides, compared to how difficult it is to follow and get into many other types of media, the MCU is incredibly streamlined. Kingdom Hearts being a relevant example of late, with the third game coming out, and getting caught up on all the plot and story being a nightmare because of it being spread out amongst myriad spinoff games on multiple systems with no clear order, including one flash game, and even a freaking orchestra concert. And then there's actual comic books, where a single story will span multiple issues with completely different titles, requiring a reference to follow if there isn't a more convenient collection option, with side-stories happening in other comic series that aren't entirely clear, either.

Deleted member

What? All you need to know about Iron Man before you watch Homecoming is that he's rich, he has a cool suit and he made Peter's suit, all of which is told to you in the movie. Even the Chitauri stuff, which is a bit confusing to those who didn't watch the first Avengers, is aptly explained: aliens invaded NYC, Avengers stopped them, and now their tech is all over the place. Homecoming is one of the most standalone MCU movies.
It may be an exaggeration but a lot of MCU relies on you having watched older movies to know what even is going on. Even if they explain things to you, it still gets weird for you to watch, say, Ant-Man 1 and 2 and suddenly Scott is on house arrest for offscreen war crimes.

Deleted member

It may be an exaggeration but a lot of MCU relies on you having watched older movies to know what even is going on. Even if they explain things to you, it still gets weird for you to watch, say, Ant-Man 1 and 2 and suddenly Scott is on house arrest for offscreen war crimes.
Pretty sure they show what he did at the airport and such in Ant Man 2 iirc.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I think there’s going to be interesting stuff with DLC.

If the one leak is true, it’s Joker with Mementos, then Erdrick with a female alt, and an alt of the Luminary. The stage would be Alefgard.

I think, in part, we’d get some Mii Fighter costumes from the series we’re getting, and from the companies themselves. Like, when Erdrick is revealed, I could see the Geno Mii Fighter costume return.

I could see Skull get revealed as a Mii Swordfighter, not sure about Panther (I just finished the first Palace, so I don’t know much aside from those dudes). I expect the Lloyd Mii Fighter costume to come back, unless Lloyd himself becomes playable.

The more I think about it, the more I really don’t think I can be mad however the DLC pans out. I got Snake back. I got Ridley and K.Rool. I’ve enjoyed characters from 10 years ago that I never enjoyed the first time I played. I love this roster, and this game.

Sure, i’ll be sad that Rex didn’t make it. There’s plenty of good music that could have made it in too, which is a shame. But hey, i’ve got like almost 80 other characters to play.

The worst part is...Mario is my best. The most basic of basic!

Deleted member

The MCU operates on the benefit of being like Netflix once was: it has no direct competition. Several other movie studios have tried and failed to create cinematic universes since Avengers first broke box office records (DC, Universal, Transformers, and arguably Star Wars), like many times when competitors try to imitate a product without knowing what made it successful in the first place. The last several MCU movies all made close to or over a billion dollars at the box office. It doesn't need to be sustainable for new viewers--it just needs to retain its current audience.

Now, if there was another successful cinematic universe to compete with Marvel and vie for people's money at the box office, then there'd be a sustainability issue. But because Marvel is still consistently putting out quality movies that are winning audiences over, there's no need. As long as they keep telling great stories, they'll be fine, at least for the foreseeable future.

As for the "needing to see X movie to understand Y movie" issue, I don't think it's as big a problem as you think it is. Most of the individual movies are fairly self-contained and don't play too much into the plots of the crossover movies. The understanding and enjoyability is definitely enhanced by watching the other movies because you may pick up on more details and characterization, but the only movie I can think of where watching the previous ones is essential is Captain America: Civil War, where watching the two other CA movies and Avengers 2 are kinda necessary. But many other movies, like the Ant Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Spider-Man movies are very self-contained and not essential.

Besides, compared to how difficult it is to follow and get into many other types of media, the MCU is incredibly streamlined. Kingdom Hearts being a relevant example of late, with the third game coming out, and getting caught up on all the plot and story being a nightmare because of it being spread out amongst myriad spinoff games on multiple systems with no clear order, including one flash game, and even a freaking orchestra concert. And then there's actual comic books, where a single story will span multiple issues with completely different titles, requiring a reference to follow if there isn't a more convenient collection option, with side-stories happening in other comic series that aren't entirely clear, either.
I'm not saying it's unsustainable to Marvel, I'm saying it's not a sustainable model to attract new fans. It scares people away that they have to watch 40+ just to get caught up with the newest release and if they don't, they have to rely on other sources to understand what's going on.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
If we're going to get Persona Mii costumes, Aigis Mii Gunner is a must. I can also see Crow, Queen and Mona getting their own because how popular they are in Japan.


Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
If we're going to get Persona Mii costumes, Aigis Mii Gunner is a must. I can also see Crow, Queen and Mona getting their own because how popular they are in Japan.
crow feels like a walking spoiler but that's never stopped sakurai before

Deleted member

I know I'm not the only one who would mind costume DLC for current fighters. Tbh it's weird that it hasn't happened yet.

That said, for Mii costumes, I'd like the mage costume back for the gunner. It's really odd that it isn't a part of the current setup.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
The MCU operates on the benefit of being like Netflix once was: it has no direct competition. Several other movie studios have tried and failed to create cinematic universes since Avengers first broke box office records (DC, Universal, Transformers, and arguably Star Wars), like many times when competitors try to imitate a product without knowing what made it successful in the first place. The last several MCU movies all made close to or over a billion dollars at the box office. It doesn't need to be sustainable for new viewers--it just needs to retain its current audience.

Now, if there was another successful cinematic universe to compete with Marvel and vie for people's money at the box office, then there'd be a sustainability issue. But because Marvel is still consistently putting out quality movies that are winning audiences over, there's no need. As long as they keep telling great stories, they'll be fine, at least for the foreseeable future.

As for the "needing to see X movie to understand Y movie" issue, I don't think it's as big a problem as you think it is. Most of the individual movies are fairly self-contained and don't play too much into the plots of the crossover movies. The understanding and enjoyability is definitely enhanced by watching the other movies because you may pick up on more details and characterization, but the only movie I can think of where watching the previous ones is essential is Captain America: Civil War, where watching the two other CA movies and Avengers 2 are kinda necessary. But many other movies, like the Ant Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Spider-Man movies are very self-contained and not essential.

Besides, compared to how difficult it is to follow and get into many other types of media, the MCU is incredibly streamlined. Kingdom Hearts being a relevant example of late, with the third game coming out, and getting caught up on all the plot and story being a nightmare because of it being spread out amongst myriad spinoff games on multiple systems with no clear order, including one flash game, and even a freaking orchestra concert. And then there's actual comic books, where a single story will span multiple issues with completely different titles, requiring a reference to follow if there isn't a more convenient collection option, with side-stories happening in other comic series that aren't entirely clear, either.
Reason the Dark Universe failed was because it was trying way too hard to be like Marvel.

Reason the DCEU failed was because it wanted to catch up to the MCU rather then take its time and build up along with taking the Nolan approach which doesn't even fit Superman to begin with. Its to that point now they're desperate by trying to copy off the MCU's humor in order to be ''good''.

The MonsterVerse so far is what has been successful because its being its own thing rather then copying off Marvel. Sure its not as big of a hit as the MCU but its still done rather well. Both Godzilla (2014) and Kong: Skull Island having both made over 500 million equaling a over a billion dollars.
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Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
I know I'm not the only one who would mind costume DLC for current fighters. Tbh it's weird that it hasn't happened yet.

That said, for Mii costumes, I'd like the mage costume back for the gunner. It's really odd that it isn't a part of the current setup.
i'm hopeful for fighter costumes but the way the UI is set up to only accommodate for 8 (plus removing half of little mac's to shorten it down to that number) makes me think they'll stick with that as a cap

Deleted member

I just want those Megaman mii costumes back. Would be neat if we got more ips too, like a Dante mii costume or a Beat costume. Maybe a sigma one too
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I know I'm not the only one who would mind costume DLC for current fighters. Tbh it's weird that it hasn't happened yet.

That said, for Mii costumes, I'd like the mage costume back for the gunner. It's really odd that it isn't a part of the current setup.
I guess they want to keep everyone equal and adding additional alts for 70+ would be too much.

Deleted member

I'm not saying it's unsustainable to Marvel, I'm saying it's not a sustainable model to attract new fans. It scares people away that they have to watch 40+ just to get caught up with the newest release and if they don't, they have to rely on other sources to understand what's going on.
You definitely don’t have to watch 40 plus hours. A lot of it can easily be skimmed down. You don’t have to watch Hulk or even the Iron Man movies for instance. You can and it would be fine. But I think avengers establishes them well enough. They don’t really contribute much to the other movies.


Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
Tharja would not be hated.
>awakening character
>fanservice design character

if popular opinion of fateswakening characters being added to Heroes is any indication, she could have the most unique moveset in the game and would still be hated across the board

Deleted member

I guess they want to keep everyone equal and adding additional alts for 70+ would be too much.
Well true, but seeing as there are some pretty goshdarn great alts for the roster already (Bowser Jr, Mario, Olimar, Wario, Cloud, Bayo, you get the point) It'd be nice to see it for other characters that haven't seen as much visual attention.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Well true, but seeing as there are some pretty goshdarn great alts for the roster already (Bowser Jr, Mario, Olimar, Wario, Cloud, Bayo, you get the point) It'd be nice to see it for other characters that haven't seen as much visual attention.
You can't give the same attention to all characters.

Also, unpopular opinion but I don't think a lot of good costumes left.

Deleted member

Talking about mii costumes?

I want a shantae mii costume because its the plan b for her becoming a fighter


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
You can't give the same attention to all characters.

Also, unpopular opinion but I don't think a lot of good costumes left.
Fence sitting here because it depends on what we call 'good'

:ultdk:-Boxing gloves

:ultmewtwo:- Armour

:ultwario:- masked Wario

:ultyoshi:- Boshi

:ultpacman:- Ms. Pacman


:ultkrool:-All of if
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Deleted member

since we're all dropping hot takes i personally think that actually edelgard would be decently rad

Deleted member

I want a Mii Costume of the EO classes, please, tell me Atlus stuff won't end on Persona after all the great Mii Costumes we got last game as DLC.
I know I'm not the only one who would mind costume DLC for current fighters. Tbh it's weird that it hasn't happened yet.

That said, for Mii costumes, I'd like the mage costume back for the gunner. It's really odd that it isn't a part of the current setup.
They cut the Mage costume??? That was my favorite Gunner one alongside the Old West outfits. What???

Deleted member

The opposite of Project M costumes.

More seriously, I would like to see more costumes, but the main one off the top of my head are Link’s other armours and the different versions of the Belmonts. Those would be cool


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
The MCU is literally structured like a comic book series. You'll get the most out of it if you follow all the series/cross-overs, but most can be enjoyed on their own. Really, Infinity War is the only one I watched where it just throws you into the middle of the story with no build-up.

People can be annoyed by the "homework" of a series like this, but:
  1. There are hundreds of other films with no inter-connectivity to worry about released every year.
  2. The connections you build to characters are not possible in a one-and-done film. Watching a character you've seen on screen for a decade bite the dust (ba-dum tsh) is something few franchises can offer.
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Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
I'm not saying it's unsustainable to Marvel, I'm saying it's not a sustainable model to attract new fans. It scares people away that they have to watch 40+ just to get caught up with the newest release and if they don't, they have to rely on other sources to understand what's going on.
On paper, that's what you would expect. But the box office doesn't reflect that. Avengers: Infinity War made over $2 billion at the box office. It's the fourth highest-grossing movie of all time (not adjusted for inflation), while also being the biggest crossover movie in the series, which on paper would make it the most inaccessible, yet instead it was one of the most popular movies of the generation. It helps that streaming services have made watching many of the MCU movies more convenient for those that didn't see them in theaters--many MCU movies were on Netflix for a long time.

Also, counting all released and announced but unreleased movies, there's only 23 movies in the MCU, not 40+. Even if it does reach that point, many people speculate that after Endgame, the universe is going to "soft reboot" and follow a new main cast with Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, etc. retiring their roles in one way or another for more of the newer cast to take center stage, meaning that new audiences don't have to watch movies from over a decade ago to understand the newer ones.

The real question is, will that shift be able to sustain the quality and popularity? We'll have to see.

Reason the Dark Universe failed was because it was trying way too hard to be like Marvel.

Reason the DCEU failed was because it wanted to catch up to the MCU rather then take its time and build up along with taking the Nolan approach which doesn't even fit Superman to begin with.

The MonsterVerse so far is what has been successful because its being its own thing rather then copying off Marvel. Sure its not as big of a hit as the MCU but its still done rather well. Both Godzilla (2014) and Kong: Skull Island having both made over 500 million equaling a over a billion dollars.
The Dark Universe's main issue was that its first movie wasn't very good to begin with. It was too preoccupied with starting a cinematic universe--which they even announced before the movie came out--instead of just being a good movie in its own right.

The DCEU's issue was that it tried to get caught up to Marvel in 3-4 movies, rather than taking its time. Marvel took its time establishing its characters and world before making its big crossover, but DC rushed it without a consistent vision and have now ruined most of their crossover potential, and are betting more on singular movies. Apparently Aquaman was decent, at least.

The MonsterVerse is also successful because, unlike the DCEU, it's not trying to expand too fast. It also really only focuses on two: Godzilla and King Kong. I'm curious to know if they actually have any plans after their crossover movie, or if that's the planned end. Can't wait for those movies, though.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
The DCEU's issue was that it tried to get caught up to Marvel in 3-4 movies, rather than taking its time. Marvel took its time establishing its characters and world before making its big crossover, but DC rushed it without a consistent vision and have now ruined most of their crossover potential, and are betting more on singular movies. Apparently Aquaman was decent, at least.
Exactly what I was saying. Another reason Aquaman probably did well is because now the DCEU is desperately trying to copy off the MCU's humor...:rolleyes:

That's also not getting started with how Suicide Squad was just made to begin with to cash in on Guardians success but failing miserably.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Like I get this one but the Luigi that becomes Mr.L is not the main line Luigi its Paper Luigi who is a different person.

Its not like say :ultpiranha: who is just an avatar for all of the plants regardless of series

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