If I went to school you'd be the kinda teacher i'd want.
That’s kind of you. I’m actually somewhat closer in age to my senior students, so I maintain a beard to try and separate myself.
I’m doomed though, because i’m a meme lord.
I am sure
Scoliosis Jones
is a good teacher though,
even if the dabbing is meh.
Dabbing is the best.
What’s even better is when somebody says, “Bruh, i’m tired”, to which I say “Hi Tired! I’m Mr.H!”
The groans can be heard for miles.
Wait, your a teacher?
Could you tell us the stupidest thing a kid in your class has done?
The worst thing recently was a student, a smarter one, talking to me about the earth being flat.
I cut her off and showed her this image on my projector:
Was basically like, “Get rekt kid”.