Page 1234 SPECIAL!
Things you want in Smash:
1 Change
2 Stages
3 Musics
4 Characters
1 2 3 4 huh...?
1: Better online with better servers, proper overhaul that separates absurd rules from strictly playing BF/FD/hazardless SV, the latter part being the one thing that'll affect GSP. The ability to send/share snapshots and replays to friends like you used to be able to in Brawl.
2: An Underworld-themed stage for Kid Icarus, and Thundercloud Temple... and something Monster Hunter.
3: Just add more Kid Icarus songs, including some remixes... that also includes some from the original KI and Of Myths & Monsters.
4: Monster Hunter (as in an actual hunter), Pit (with a Palutena or First Blade as his primary weapon), Pit (with an EZ Cannon as his primary weapon), Dark Pit (with an Ogre Club as his primary weapon), Dark Pit (with a Violet Palm as his primary weapon), Medusa (Kid Icarus Uprising), Phosphora (promoted)
I think my bias might be a bit strong in this... well, and primary focus.