Roses are red
Violets are blue
If you're going to add so much Fire Emblem, at least make the movesets interesting.
The Virgin Game Freak
>removes cool features with every new entry
>evolves their franchise at a slowpoke's pace
>panders constantly to genwunners and is stingy (but not Square-Tier) with how their property is handled elsewhere
>could have up the ante for Smash and include a rep for every gen given how big their money-schlong is, but doesn't because "relevance"
And yet no one complains :v
The Chad Intelligent Systems
>adds new components while keeping previous features in the new games
>innovate and upgrade visuals with every generation, with game-difficulty being consistent throughout
>is cool with other companies borrowing their characters and putting them in situations we didn't know we wanted
>chooses not to pander to whiny entitled veterans and SJWs, as well as the unironic "muh generic anime swordsmen" crowd
In all seriousness though, I don't want either series getting another rep so soon,
at least for the Fighter's Pass.