I was thinking Chris too as 3rd worst. I haven't seen much of MODOK yet.
Chris is still pretty good though. I'm just having a hard time thinking of other characters to fit for 3rd.
I disagree. I think Chris is worse than Arthur tbh. Arthur can at least cause a bullet hell like effect with his projectiles, like if Spiral had half of her brain and four of her arms removed and then she was only allowed to throw swords and knives at certain times and her teleport and aerial mobility and anti-air grab and part of her health were removed and OH MY GOD SPIRAL I MISS YOU SO MUCH WHY THE **** AM I STILL PLAYING THIS GAME.
I was rereading an issue of Cable and Deadpool (great comic series btw) and one of the early story arcs deals with Cable's psionic powers growing exponentially since he purged the techno-organic virus from his body (not surprising since his mother was a clone of Jean Grey). The growth of his powers was so great that it was eventually going to kill him, so in order to save himself he lobotomized part of his brain, putting him in a coma for a few issues, to save his life. Deadpool then had to find an alien symbiote similar in nature to the techno-organic virus and bond it to Cable's body in order to simulate his previous life and prevent his powers from getting out of control again. This eventually led to modern continuity Cable, who has almost no powers save for being a strong, well trained soldier who has lots of guns and having very very faint mental abilities (like being able to cloak his mind from other telepaths).
Comic books are complicated.
Anyway, that's what Chris reminds me of in a way - a lobotomized Cable. He has a lot of the same tools that defined Cable, but none of the ones that made Cable such an incredible force in MvC2. He has guns, but none of them are quite like Cable's gun. He has grenades but they don't control as much space and they just kind of suck. He has no DP, and no real way to control the space above him at all. And compared to AHVB, Chris might as well not have any supers. Chris certaintly isn't unplayable, but he's definitely no Cable and a large majority of the cast are better than him.
if you cant keep full screen distance as arthur, you're doing something wrong.
Or you're playing against one of like ten characters in this game who can teleport?