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UCLA VII: AVALANCHE - was too good, does no one do shout-outs anymore? WOW


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
btw who won between DSC and PDALE in team crews? i left after ******.
we did... there was nap-time and flying knees all over the place

some quick shoutout

ken: was really nice talking to you, and the friendlies were way too fun
boa, teba: you guys SUCK
aesis: i lub you... you did a great job
creepy + macky: WOW ****, 1st time teaming, gj guys
oh yeh, lee puff: we had too much fun :)
petoo: prosu driver, and awesome job in singles... too bad you missed out on teams

Neal, you are prosu tournament runner... and GAME II (Glen) thanks for recording a bunch of matches. BTW Glen, i picked up a cable that was attached from one the VCR's to the TV, if its yours, let me know and i'll try n get it back to you as soon as i can.

All the singles and friendlies i played throughout the day, it was too fun: DEHF (larry), you got me :(... mike y, wolf, plan 9, kira, boss, romeo619, blitz, bone, St. Patrick, edrees, knives(z)/ fox/marth pro.. and optimus prime! lol GG's! :)


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
schrute bucks, i'll give edrees 1000 haha.

romeo dont be jealous cause im the original fox/marth pro LOL.

btw my marth ***** you, even in sandbagging mode. WOW

i'll give proper shoutouts later with my new SN: Fox/Marth Pro.

btw who won between DSC and PDALE in team crews? i left after ******.
******!? I recall Boa and Teba 2 on 1ing me, i was caught in the middle, and you were like firefoxing while talking to someone behind you. LOL.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 19, 2006
San Diego//Berkeley
First off, this was my first tournament and I really need to thank Aesis again for making the experience so smooth and fun. Haha I realize how much everyone needed you cause everytime someone called out "Alan!" I kept turning around thinking I was the one being called.
Emerican and Kira: Thanks for making my first matches against pros so humbling and giving advice, I really appreciate it.
Ken: It was amazing watching my idol in live action :D It's too bad I didn't get to play a friendly with you but maybe next time. Anyways, its too bad about how you feel about Smash now but I really hope you'll be able to have the same passion and enjoyment as you first did with Melee in whatever you decide to pursue in the future.
@ everyone else: Thanks for all the friendlies, advice, and great performances.


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
that guy DSF was like...only too good for a while. looks like he is getting back to his toooooooo goooooodness.

gj mango you finally got some BoA blood :p

Mike y - you should move to Palmdale.

Emerican + Lee Puff = dang almost moneys for teams. you guys got that next time.

Boner - wow gj i knew your peach was crazy at nexus.....but not thaaaat crazy.

wish i could of gone :(

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
emerican, i'll let you know what tournament I'm heading to next and we can meet up. Today in Moreno Valley, I was setting up a tv-to-comp so I could record matches and I saw I was missing a cable. I thought i left it at my apartment.


EDIT: Once I get dinner, I'm going to start working on the vids. It was indeed 60 matches. I'll probably do them in sections, so some should be up tomorrow (monday).

Since I got nearly everyone taped, I'll just do the "you ask, you're last" rule (with some exceptions).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
WayChu here. i just wanted to thank everyone for ****** me at my first real smash experience. I had a great time. Its too bad my pool was so **** good. Hope to see you all at OC3.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2006
Pasadena, CA
Okay, I've read the last few posts and have developed some serious nostalgia. Good to see Plan 9 and The Boss again, and thanks to Bone and his friend for schooling me with Peach and Ganondorf and making me realize how much practice I need against those characters. Bone, next time we meet up, I fully intend not to be as pwned by you as I was this time. Good games, guys.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
good tournament! yay for making it out of pools!

BoA - nice to officially meet you!!!
Blitz - your falcon sucks in teams.. you owe me lemonade
Hugo - I'm gonna buy you one of those voice boxes
PBody - your art is tooooo good, dah fu
Knives - still at the top of that list of mine ^__^
Mike Y- of course we won! my mindgames are rediculous. we'll play soooooon again, i promise
Bone- crazy peach!! toooooo good, hope to see you again!
JTB - thnx for 4 stocking that kid


sorry to anyone who was told by that little kid they'd be "kicked in the nuts" just for talking to me

nice to see everyone again! See you all soon ^____^


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2004
So tourney was awesome. I'll do shout outs tomorrow hopefully. Just got off a 13+ hour bus ride, so I'm pretty wiped out. And gotta' be up for work at 5 am. Good ****ing game LOL. Anyway, just when I was thinking I had almost broke even for taking this trip, I did a few calculations and realized I'm short about 30-40 dollars.Apparently the crazy little kid who had an obsession with kicking people in the nuts, as well as some other random dude, found a grand total of about this much.

What was the point in mentioning that? None, really, since I can't prove it was mine, and I wouldn't get the money back anyway.

But even for now, thanks to Alex and Claire for picking me up and driving me around and stuff.

Thanks to Oscar for the same reasons...driving my *** back and forth for free from the greyhound so I could try and catch a bus lol and letting me crash at his place until then.

And of course thanks to Alan for hosting the tourney and having the perseverance to host the tourney and still be in relatively good spirits by the end of the day. But hey wtf @ last UCLA tourney. =( Understandable, though. Thanks for the hard work man.

So yeah more shout outs tomorrow. Crazy weekend. All was awesome except for the fact that this bus ticket was the most expensive thus far, and that I still wound up short about 40 bucks...not to mention I was only there for two days. ********.

Anyway, off to bed. Night night.


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
emerican, i'll let you know what tournament I'm heading to next and we can meet up. Today in Moreno Valley, I was setting up a tv-to-comp so I could record matches and I saw I was missing a cable. I thought i left it at my apartment.

Well i talked to aesis earlier today and he said that one of his staff members was missing the cable... its just a black cable with red-white-yellows on both ends, so im not sure if thats what you're missing.

check your apartment again and if you're missing it, then you could probably pick it up from UCLA on your way back home to LBC.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Palmdale/UC Berkeley
shoutouts? mmmk.


BoA: uhhh your not rigged at all? wow everytime i come home and see you play i'm like wow grats on sucking more butt. =P
Aesis: plese turn god mode off? taking 2v1 with like 3 stocks? ridiculous. Gj in singles too almost beat arash such a close set
Emerican/Leepuff: wow second time you guys teamed and yu almst got money. it was pretty rayp.
Mackin Fingers: gj guys. macky's firt tourney since champ combo! yay!
ROFL: grats on being in norcal noob.

Everyon else:

Ken: good seeing you again man its been awhile. too much rayp
Neal pro: welp im noob at your prgram =( but i still tried to help hahahaha. good seeing you again man.
Edrees: wow grats we didn;t play again hahaha. I think that just whats ging to end up happening at every tourney till we stop playing this game lol.
Knives: ummm your fox is not rigged at all? after watching you play i have no doubt your fox can take lunin or other foxes. just flat out ridiculous.
st. patrick: fun dittos man. your ganon has got some serious potential.
dc: good seeing you again.
People in pools: I forget your names moslty. but close matches to those i tied with.

I know im forgetting a lot of people but eh no johns. till next time.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
Ok official shoutouts:

To my cat: for feeling better after getting sick and letting me come to the tournament.

To my brother: thanks for driving me and finding our way after getting lost( even though he'll never read this). You're getting better but i think its time to switch characters ^_^.

To keith( my roomate): for never playing with me and still somehow giving me practice.


Edrees(e): Man our first time teaming and we went strong. Maybe we shoulda practiced the night before and we *mighta done better.

Mike Y/ Dahkterem: I loved your hair cut and WOW on watching your peach. You should bring her out in doubles sometime. Keep the fox hidden away though ^_^. ( "*BUT MY ANGLES ARE TOO GOOD!", right?) LOL

Champ: It was fun playing fox dittos, we dont play enough. I had no idea you were optimus prime LOL. But i still think Fox/Marth pro is better.

Trevyn: it was great seeing you again and thanks for the friendlies. You need to come down and play more often. I'm sure the long trip didnt help either. It's always good to see your crazy stunts and some of the best suicides ever- ( Pdale vs DSC team crew battle- " i suicided at 0%") hahaha.

Azeem: Great performance as always and say hi to Angie/ Jamie for me. Wait...isnt that panda's gf?? ****

Everyone else:
Alan: Thanks for being so cool and laid back. You're such an a$$hole but people still find you comical.

To alan( Aesis): Thanks for organizing the tournament and helping me out when i was running late. Im sorry to hear this is gonna be the last UCLA tourny because they have always been good and efficient.
On another note, you're playing pretty sharp now and i like your style- you know i say anything to make you smile! (RHYMES)
If there is anything i'll always remember is that when playing against palmdale... to expect a 2v1 with aesis yelling in the background LOL.
where was my support anyway??!?!
Mike Y sits in the opposite corner of the room: " Go alan..." WOW THANKS hahaha.

Aesis's UCLA group A.K.A the Power Rangers- Cool people with cool food. Enough Said.

NEALDT- Thanks for helping make this happen and i'll dance for you if you gimme a quarter.
( i owe u 50 cents noob)- You're too cool granting me my wish of Fox/Marth pro even though it messed up TIO even worse hahaha.

Ken: Thanks for taking time to talk to me and giving me advice on what i'm doing right and wrong. It was fun playing you in pools AND tourny hahaha, although you beat me pretty bad the second time around hehe. You're always in good spirits even if you're tired of smashing, and what you're doing for Caotic is very nice. See ya sometime when you get back.

Alex: WOW thanks for ****** us in doubles, although the first match was ours GRR.
Good stuff on your placings as always and hope we can friendly again sometime( if u come over $_$)

Claire- thanks for keeping me at the top of your list hahah. Its really funny to hang out and make jokes with you. See ya next time.

Blitz: You let Claire down in teams LOL. We'll play another time and that falcon is coming along.


Vince- It's always great to see you wearing that blue shirt with the crappy smash logos -WOW **** hahaha. I swear, we all think he wears that ONLY to tournaments but i talked to TEBA/TBA/TIM(Thomas is back)/ Timoun/ Simoun/ Cabron/ ok thats as far i can take that, and he tells me that Boa wears that outfit EVERYDAY just like Sasuke. BUT I HAVE THE SHARINGAN- LOOK AT MY BANNER hahaha. Anyways great set with you and that ken combo at the end was too good. Next time i'll counter it with my own knives combo because i've seen it now with my sharingan...or i'll DI the first hit better haha.

Teba- WAY TO confuse me in teams by labeling yourself BOA. I ended up going after the real BOA and i got a nice shine on him hahah ( i called it out like KOBE). It's always good to see you and keep fighting the good old war.

LeePuff- Always staring at me and belittling me in front of Edrees. Well, i'll show you... I"LL SHOW ALL OF YOU! MUAWHAHAH.

Emerican- Now i know what you're named EMERICAN. I always thought you were being patriotic and didnt know how to spell "AMERICAN". Well, **** happens...i mean look at HUGO GONZALES......well thats for another time. Good stuff in singles and doubles and you're definately starting to prove yourself.

ROFL/ WAFFLE( my new nickname for you)- Great performance in whatever you had to do, i'm sure. Don't get discouraged just because Champ can't say "pizza" without turning heads.
( I HAVE NO IDEA why i said that)

PetooO- Nice ganon and thanks for the comments. They mean a lot coming from a norcal guy. We'll have to play again sometime.


Coyote A.K.A- Wolfestien- Great playing you and that set was extremely fun and at times very close. My mistake caused me the 2nd game, and your mistake caused you the third hahah. You play different from Edrees and i was surprised to see you moving so much haha. Maybe next time i'll brng out Marth for security hehe.

Omar: Always great to hang out with and that sheik is too smooth and fast. Never seen one quite like it. Maybe you can teach me some trixsies with her sometime hehe.

Jose- Thanks for talking and supporting me during the tourny. You were always back there calming me down and i appreciate it.

Gabe- Another sorority meeting to go to? That yoshi hasnt come out in a while.. it must feel like taking a very big DUMP.

Hugo- I cant believe you money matched a kid...Dont you have any decency at all? LOL
Anyways, stop trying to be the next Bob Money and stick to Samus. PS- Your ganon sucks also.

GOT *****?​

Romeo: you and i go back and forward haha, even though we started out so friendly. Now you have as many JOHNS as i have jokes. Or is it the other way around? Either way, i **** you worse than a red-headed step child meeting with a priest on a thursday afternoon.

The boss: Wow way to mindgame me by playing friendlies and not trying, and then playing me in tourny and trying. You made me play you carelessly, but your rests are too good. I'm glad you made it out of pools afterall.

DC- good stuff in singles and our set was pretty fun, if not strange hehe. See ya later and dont lose to some random noob named fox/marth pro next time LOL.

Danimals- That yogurt is too good, and it was fun playing fox dittos with you even though you seemed more in practice with them than me hehe. Next time dont go to the floats unless you can handle the POKEMON challenge.

Pbody- good to see you and "play me in tournament".

Papaya/Mango- You're becoming ripe the more tournies you go to, but make sure you dont get spoiled by all the attention. Ultimately, we're all dried fruits. WOW PRETTY GOOD HUH?
Good stuff on 4th and that one rest failed you haha.

JTB- good stuff on whatevers since i wasnt paying attention and i'll **** you soon. Next time get luigi to come.

Saint Patrick- Nice to meet you officially and i've heard some crazy stuff about your ganon. Hope to see you again sometime.

Bones- WOW outstanding placement and your peach is pretty smooth. Very cool to meet you as well and i'll try to be aware of your turnip tricks if i ever have to play you hehe.

anti/snpr- Your tech skill is pretty good and it was fun messing in friendlies.

umm i think that covers it and if i missed someone who i've talked to, or shared fake pleasantries with, then please by all means feel free to speak up. Its just more spam for neal to deal with.

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
By the way I'm not going to repeatedly announce the newest vids from the tourney. Your best bet to find out what's up is to get on my youtube.com/getyourtournament subscription, and I guess you get notified what's been uploaded.

There is a ken/arash teams match available now.



Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
Vector Sigma...

Fun and great tourney as always. Thanks to Aesis for teaming with me and hosting the tourney. Too good haha. Also thanks to Neal for taking me there and run the place too cause he's crazy

palmdale - why does palmdale call em CHAROO????? hahahahahaha. Always fun to meet u guys anytime. Such friendly people and good at smash too! Also, tell konohamaru to step it up.

superfriends - nice having conversation with u guys. It was nice to meet u guys too. Hugo .. why so late haha. U couldn't defend ur title and get a trifecta

deepsocal - wow guys when do u keep making fun of me haha. Mikey gotta stop being so cocky with his fox and start going asian mode again. Alan know officially looks like Neal. Trevyn looks crazy as ever. Edrees new look make him blend in with a big group now =( The new deepsocal look is phooey. Oh, azeem is still locked in my basement

people i play in pools - youngshin, deth, seto. Nice palying all of u. keep it up and u'll make it up there in no time.

ken & arash - great seeing u both again. I still owe ken a yakiniku dinner and I need a rematch vs arash in pokemon haha. Freaking ice punch is too good haha

every1 who was playing pokemon - u guys all rocks!!! We need a pokemon tournament =)

to every1 else - good game and have fun


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2004
South Central L.A.
Aesis - What a hot tourny it was. I walk to the bathroom & its all breezy then I come back to the room & immediately the room heats up like hot ***.

Dannimals ~ we did good on teamz, we even "AH RAAAPED, RAAAAPED" 4leaf mango lolz.

Dc/romeo ~ its amazing how u guys take a match off ken/isai & lose to a random team who isn't ranked. Good ****z, good shiz-ka-botch!

Leepuff/emerican ~ cookie power too good? =] . Its so hard to get in on a marth, don't know how you did it, but good ****z

Boa ~ we never play. Lets team up next time lol

Champ ~ who would ban neutrals -_-

Bone ~ peach is good, now I know how good u are when u awake.

Sick/the HAZE ~ u got a lot better

P ~ thankz for the gas money =] lol. Jk u got better too

Calire ~ daaa fuu, imagine if u took a picture of my drawingz foo & you put them on the internet! Imagine!!

Knives ~ Play me in Tournament. I should've played you, & DC should've played champ lol. Has anyone told u that u look like Neal? Lol

Jtb ~ what happened? You should've taken out Danny lolz, since they all make fun of me for losing to a pbody counter.

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
A couple things to mention ...

You know how I do with vcrs. I would please ask everyone who brings vcrs to future tournaments to please check the recording speed before you bring it.

vcrs work best for tournaments if they're all on one speed, and that's typically standard play (SP). If they're on any other form, the tracking can make it hard to match the speed on other vcrs (not just mine).

I did appreciate that we had vcrs other than mine. However, one vcr was on extended play (EP), and when I played that tape in my vcr, the automatic tracking couldn't match the tape. You're eyes will bounce up and down watching those matches; it's not worth trying.

So the only way I can pull those matches out is if I have that exact vcr.

If you're wondering, there were about 10 singles matches but no real significant ones. The singles finals were on another tape, and that was working.

I'm not upset one bit, but this is something that I just noticed. So before we have any more big tourneys (oc3, scc, etc.) I wanted to bring it up.

Please check your vcr. Thanks again.

Now that the public service announcement is over, I want to thank the LB library for having a kick-arse internet connection. I've put up something like 15 matches in just one hour.



Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2006
Torrance, California
A couple things to mention ...

You know how I do with vcrs. I would please ask everyone who brings vcrs to future tournaments to please check the recording speed before you bring it.

vcrs work best for tournaments if they're all on one speed, and that's typically standard play (SP). If they're on any other form, the tracking can make it hard to match the speed on other vcrs (not just mine).

I did appreciate that we had vcrs other than mine. However, one vcr was on extended play (EP), and when I played that tape in my vcr, the automatic tracking couldn't match the tape. You're eyes will bounce up and down watching those matches; it's not worth trying.

So the only way I can pull those matches out is if I have that exact vcr.

If you're wondering, there were about 10 singles matches but no real significant ones. The singles finals were on another tape, and that was working.

I'm not upset one bit, but this is something that I just noticed. So before we have any more big tourneys (oc3, scc, etc.) I wanted to bring it up.

Please check your vcr. Thanks again.

Now that the public service announcement is over, I want to thank the LB library for having a kick-arse internet connection. I've put up something like 15 matches in just one hour.

Seems like singles are not up yet.... are they?(I'm on my phone)


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
Glen doesn't know who me and aesis are T_T

against the green peach and marth. It's Wolf and Inks not Kokichi and Quailman

against trevyn and mikey. We're red!!! They are blue. Dunno if there's any more little mistake

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
i was trying to see if you were paying attention champ lol

i'll look at the emerican match again

singles are being put up right now


edit: emerican that match doesn't even work on my comp, i'll put it up again in a second

oh wait, it does work wtf


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
yeh the match is working now, wasnt working earlier... thank the youtube godz :p

thanks again for putting all these matches up, and so quickly too.

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
Bone was saying "wow Glenn, I like your site, but someone was telling me how it takes forever for matches to get put on your website."

Of course, that person won't want to reveal his/her self now that I've put up about 35 matches in a span of 48 hours. :)

And there's still one tape remaining.

Finals for teams/singles should be up tonight.

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