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UCF Brawl in Orlando (Central Florida) + CFL PR Thread


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2012
Queens, NY
I heard that the problem with SFxT is that most people play it as if it's AE (poking and trying to be safe n stuff), which leads to a lot of time-outs in the matches. Apparently it's supposed to be more fast-paced or something.
At least that's what my cousin is tellin me.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
That's pretty much it actually lol. Footsies are important but people aren't getting enough damage from their successful hits for one reason or another. Almost any team can make like 400 health combos which is almost half for most characters



Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
No, no and no. The problem with SFxT has nothing to do with people playing like it's SFIV. Block strings in SFxT are derp level safe and anti-airs altogether got nerfed allowing for a scrubby jump-in playstyle to somewhat thrive. In SFIV, your block strings have to be on point and if you jump you better hope your opponent didn't **** you up for that. Also, people are not commiting to big combos because they don't want to get blown up if their opponent blocks so most players are sticking with safe pokes until they can get a hit and convert to a simple chain which is not the most optimal damage.



Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2007
Orlando, FL
Fuuuuuuuuuuu you guys keep playing new games! How am I suppose to catch up?

Dang it.. and I was just getting good at rock paper scissors.


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2012
Queens, NY
No, no and no. The problem with SFxT has nothing to do with people playing like it's SFIV. Block strings in SFxT are derp level safe and anti-airs altogether got nerfed allowing for a scrubby jump-in playstyle to somewhat thrive. In SFIV, your block strings have to be on point and if you jump you better hope your opponent didn't **** you up for that. Also, people are not commiting to big combos because they don't want to get blown up if their opponent blocks so most players are sticking with safe pokes until they can get a hit and convert to a simple chain which is not the most optimal damage.

That's pretty much exactly what we just said. People are being overly safe and not going for high dmg stuff, hence the abundance of timed out rounds.



Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
What's wrong with SFxT?
put it this way. its a really scruby game compared to sf games. they dumbed it down like they did marvel. its very upsetting. the japanese didn't take mvc3 seriously because its a joke game. its not a top priority game like any of the sf. its fun but skill full? not that much. its too water down. I mean ill play it but too much bs happens and a lot of **** that dosent make any since. you have to play other fighters to get the full understanding.



Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
people don't care if its played like ae or not. everyones jab in sfxt should not be like cammys x10 in sf4 ae. jump. ins should not be for free. vegas izuma drop should not beat out dp. gief should not have auto footsies. gief's lariate SHOULD hit behind him. tekken characters normals shouldnt all be + on block. its just a lot of things. like the abc system is dumb. I think you should just do a combo into launcher. also this is the most vs thing but ryu sweep should NOT cancel into hadoken. that's way to broken. that's how he got automatically top tier I swear. lol. just a lot of things about the game the could have been better. poisons heavy wiffs on hit sometimes when you use it as jumping antiair. and ok kyon lol



Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
Jeff, btw, Japan thinks MvC2 is ****ty as well (Kusoge) just like MvC3. The reason they still play MvC3 is because more characters are viable in their eyes in spite of the fact they don't respect it as a true competitive fighter.

That's pretty much exactly what we just said

No, it's not what you and Keith said. You both forgot the part where SFxT is more lenient to scrubby playstyles which was what my whole thing was about. Sure, I got into the safeness and the less damage yada yada but it was broken down to that point when I compared it to SFIV where scrubby play will get you wrecked.


Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
I personally don't care. I play Marvel 3 as my main game regardless of the fact that many people look down upon it.

Regarding Japan's take on "true" fighting games is any game that's not broken in their eyes. For the most part, they view the Marvel series, Anime-styled games, and any over the top games as Kusoge, meaning s.h.i.t.t.y. However, there are players who don't play as serious as the Daigos or the Magos or the Tokidos and they just play these broken Kusoge games and play them while having as much fun as possible. The most recent and obvious example is Ageo Joe who won UMvC3 at Final Round, using the team of Viewtiful Joe/Frank West/Rocket Raccoon, a team that featured two characters America views as unviable. Ageo Joe didn't care though because he just plays to have fun.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
You know, people work hard to make games. They want it to be as perfect as possible, but they know they can't just do "perfect" yet. :/
The least thing they want is people to go butthurt on them about what they did bad.


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
@ dtorr yea i know they thing all Vs games are ****ty. except cvs2. and vinyl shut up please. these are ****ing opinions. no one is telling you to stop playing them. No one is butt hurt. we just rather not play the game for those reasons. its not like im telling you to quit and be serious about it. now sit back and STFU please your annoying and you dont know wtf your saying. This typing saying this is actually jeff


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2012
Queens, NY
As long as all the fighting communities stop trying to talk crap and condescend each other, then they're all fine in my eyes. For some reason Smash seems to take the brunt of all the hate.
I just don't understand why communities have to harass each other, it's your choice on which game you wanna play, why does choosing one make one guy a better person than someone else?

I would say that it's comparable to a bitter sports team rivalry, but honestly it's even too primitive to say that.


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
Wumbo you don't understand how much i try to bring peace among the 2. But in all honesty i may just stop because both community's are the same and they're just to stupid to realize it. so im not going to bother. Im just going to focus on me


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2009
Kissimmee, FL
When they said they were coming over, i had literally just came home from Islands of Adventure lol...if they didn't come i would have been hibernating also.

Thanks for the practice guys.

yea mad fun learning the match up n' stuff. Your getting nasty though x3...I still say you should use the hammer if you read your opponent's airdoge. I played a few kirbies back in Pound V...they were mind gaming the hell out of me with that hammer. Like how I air doge in the air and they use the hammer as bait to time a f-smash when i am near the floor. Yup, tons of fun.

So what games are a true fighter game? Must not be many lol

oh look, a question you can put on your thread, Gary. Just saying.

Wumbo you don't understand how much i try to bring peace among the 2. But in all honesty i may just stop because both community's are the same and they're just to stupid to realize it. so im not going to bother. Im just going to focus on me
That peace almost happen at Apex...somewhat. Zoro told me, whom he been told by a apex resource, that a few AE and Marvel players were thinking that Melee seems like a good game to pick on while not thinking so much about brawl. What happen that doped the interest in melee? Hbox vs Armada happen. I think this whole war started back when Jebailey and Hbox work together at that one CEO...didn't turn out nicely by what I heard so I am not 100% sure of this intel.

Either way, I won't mind playing both SFxT but I plan to play and learn Marvel cuz is looks mad fun. I know D-torr told me that is stressful, witch I am used to after playing smash for so long. Like, I was watching some of the SFxT/Marvel matches and was entertained and decided to give both game a try. I am also bringing my xbox set up for FFD.

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
As long as all the fighting communities stop trying to talk crap and condescend each other, then they're all fine in my eyes. For some reason Smash seems to take the brunt of all the hate.
I just don't understand why communities have to harass each other, it's your choice on which game you wanna play, why does choosing one make one guy a better person than someone else?

I would say that it's comparable to a bitter sports team rivalry, but honestly it's even too primitive to say that.
I haven't had someone come up to me and bash me for playing smash..... If someone does... I'll just be a ***** and say your playing a game with tight clothes wearing men you closet homo pervert. <3


Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2005
orlando, fl
This is probably a longshot but any of you guys ever play any of the Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen games? One of my favorites aside from smash.
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