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UCF Brawl in Orlando (Central Florida) + CFL PR Thread


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
lets do a $5 dollar tourny
i'm teaming with HRNut
our team name is father and son.

me being the father of course


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
So I stayed up all night waiting for the sun to rise, you know a typical Monday morning for me. As I saw the sun pop up from the night I thought to myself, why do I main Falco? The answer I came up with was his broken *** chain grab. Then another thought came to mind, why don't I just main Ice Climbers? They have a broken *** chain grab that kills the entire cast guaranteed. I feel like this decision is for the best, Ice Climbers is clearly the better character. Falco is just too hard, I never even get the chain grab on good players now anyways.
o.o... :( lol MEAT RIDING ALLY?!??! Lol jk jk today ish sad day now :p

[FBC] Papa Mink

Smash Legend
Feb 15, 2010
Orlando, FL
Here is a story about something that just happened to someone you love and know.

So i'm leaving Gallax's, about 80% of the way home, and then i see a cop pull out behind me. Now i'm also the ONLY person on the road, it's ****in' 3am... so, no surprise... and the cop car stalks me for 3 lights.... And i get that feeling like... hm. Somethin' is wrong here. Sure enough, The cop pulls up real close, and i realize she's scopin' out my license plate, and i get ready to pull over, and then the lights hit.

so i pull over, and i'm on the phone with yoko and i inform her i have to hang up, so i do. Then this hot sexy lady cop comes up and is like "
I want your jock and
I need your license, registration and insurance".. I was like, ****. Okay.
So sounding stupid, as i always do, i open my glove box and i pull out my pile of papers and i say "It's in here somewhere". So i find the registration, and then she asks:

"Have you been drinkin' tonight? Where you driving from?"

Me: "No, i'm pretty groovy right now and uh, Tues and thurs i'm in orlando for school, so i drive back at night"

"At 3am? Isn't that kind of late?"

"No. There's no one on the road, and i'm in college"

"Oh, Well give me your license"

So i open up my wallet, and she sees me pull my ID from the back of a pile of ID's on my wallet. She asks what the top ID i had was in my wallet, and i had the enjoyment of telling her, it was my lucky cheerleader pokemon card. She didn't seem amused.

Then a knock on my shotgun seat window, and i roll down the window and another cops asks "Is that a butterfly knife in your glove box?"
I then realize that i left my butterfly knife in my car, forgetting i owned one, and it was broken.... I was highly embarassed and thought for sure i was screwed. But, he let me off the hook... How lucky.

She comes back, and says "Well, your brake lights aren't working, and nor is your tag light... but i'm not going to give you a ticket."
Me: Thanks awesome! (then wondering how a drunk person would dismantle brake lights)
Ladycop: "Where is Estero florida?"
Me: It's south of here
Her: Do you live here??
Me: Yes?
her: Well, you know you have 10 days to get your address on your license changed?
Me: You mean, like, as of right now?
Her: No. In general, you need to change it.
Me: Oh okay. My bad.

So now i drive away, and call yoko back. I explain the above situation and then drive past 2 cop cars that are camping on the side of the road. I said to her "****, watch now i'll get pulled over again".. Sure enough, a cop car pulls out and gets on my *** and does the same license reading thing, and then WOOP WOOP cop lights. I check my phone and we've been talking for about 2:11. That's how long i was between cop cars.

I hang up, and the officer says "Did you know your tag light is not working?"
Me: "Yes, my brake lights arne't working either. I found out about 5 miutes ago from another cop"

He asked me to describe the other lady, then realized that he knows that officer and that 5 minutes ago, was literally less than 5 minutes ago. He then takes my license, and dissapears for 5 minutes.
At this point im thinking about hiding my butterfly knife. But i choose not to, cause that would look suspicious.
He then comes back informs me he wont give me a ticket, which is nice... Since i didnt do anything.. again.

"Where is Estero Florida?"
"Sigh... about 3 hours and 45 minutes south of here..."
"You know you have to..."
"Yes. 10 Days. DMV. Got it."
"Oh, so she ..."
"Yes. Literally less than 5 minutes ago"
"Oh well, you're good to go."

And lets me go. Before he leaves, i try to fonzy the lights to work, the cop is unamused and i look like an idiot.
Then i drive home and hope to hit another cop car, but sadly. There wasnt one. When i got pulled over the first time i made a funny FB status, only to post another one after the 2nd cop.
That should be pretty LOL at how long it was.
Best waste of your life ever. My bad.
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