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UCF Brawl in Orlando (Central Florida) + CFL PR Thread


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
so, heres what happened.

I was gonna team with mike, who ended up not being able to make it due to technical difficulties. mampam and dtorr apparently were going to team. xdeth asked me if i wanted to team, to which i thought about it, and said nah. viper then said that i should team with mampam to do double diddy. he then said that mampam had signed up with dtorr already

at that point i said im not with anyone being ditched same-day of tourney like that, so i said only if everyone else agreed to it, i would team with mampam and xdeth can team with dtorr. I assumed everyone agreed, cause they signed us up :laugh:

btw, the tourney was gdx presents holy smash


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
gdx remember when you were playing halo with nick and my roommates and our power went out and we disconnected? Do you still have that replay? Cuz my roommate wants it.

Also the team thing, that's pretty f*cked up. I would have punched someone, just saying.
they told me to save a replay, so i think i saved it to my local files. im pretty sure its in there


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
so, i decided to turn off my internet on my computer, and use my phone as a wireless 3g/4g router. mainly out of boredom, but also to see just how ****ty brighthouse really is

and the results are...man, brighthouse sucks. Using my phone as a router from 3g/4g was about the same as using brighthouse cable internet. I tried visiting webpages, going on youtube, and even playing on WoW for like 5 minutes with a new trial character.

they're lucky we dont have verizon fios in orlando...or hell even att u-verse. i would drop these people in a heartbeat

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
No, just holy smash. No pot **** or taking advantage of people. Kyon doesnt care cuz he got paid too.
If your going to use my name like that then don't use it at all. It's not my fault that Wato clearly had more hype and people in it than most of the tournys here. Nor is it my fault Hbox didn't want to change anything even though I clearly tried to. No reason for me to get upset about it cause the money was quite a plus because it was actually some hard work managing 2 games and making sure nothing bad happened to an under aged kid's mothers house that has full trust in me. SO NO ONCE AGAIN I DONT CARE.

Thank you so much again dtorr for helping me again. I'm so sorry i ruined stuff for you.


Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
Thank you so much again dtorr for helping me again. I'm so sorry i ruined stuff for you.
Man, you didn't ruin everything for me. I basically got an anxiety attack because I was nervous which is all me
(I think I have OCD)
. I wanted to make sure I did a good job, and I got sick because I wanted everything to be perfect. However, if the end result was perfect or close to it (which it was), I would do it all over again.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
I can't claim to understand everything because I was confused a lot this tournament (it was so loud :(), but my understanding of what happened was that I asked GDX if he wanted to team and he said no. Viper asked me if I was going to enter teams and I told him that GDX had just declined and that I was not going to. I don't entirely recall why he brought it up, but I think that Viper asked GDX if he was going to team with Mampam (I'm not sure why). I told Viper that Mampam and D-Torr were teaming and he suggested that GDX and Mampam team and that D-Torr and I team.

That last part is what is concerning. The truth is that I wanted GDX and Mampam to team so that I could team with D-Torr, but I don't recall suggesting it and I don't think that I would do something like that (I've been dropped by my team mate on the day of the tournament multiple times by multiple players, and it has been quite hurtful each time). Even so, the correlation of the events suggest that I was indeed involved when viewed with my own [attempted] objective logic. Furthermore, the time line in my memory suggests that I was the initiating factor. I am very sorry for my role here.

I will say, however, that Viper didn't do anything wrong. Mampam was asked (I don't remember if it was Viper, GDX, me, or any combination of the above) if he wanted to team with GDX and he said yes right away. They both paid for their doubles registration and I then told D-Torr that Mampam was teaming with GDX and asked if he would like to team, which we did. Viper was attempting to be helpful and did not abuse his power. As far as I know, the only bracket fixing was done by me. I put Poltergust in Red Halberd's pool and I put iPresea in Xaltis' pool. Poltergust was put in Red Halberd's pool simply because they were in the same pool last time and I thought that it would be interesting/hype for the re-match (which it wasn't). I don't really have any good reason for putting iPresea in Xaltis' pool; I simply did that because I found it amusing. It wasn't a good thing to do, but even so it didn't cause any problems and did not aid me in any way that I am aware of.

These pools were then inspected and passed by Masky, GDX, Red Halberd, and -- I believe -- MVD and -- aside from re-arranging certain pools and adding other players in due to late registration -- no one had complaints about either pool, except I there may have been two Tampa players in Xaltis' pool. In fact, Red Halberd's pool was the first pool to be deemed ready for the tournament.

I shall cease my digression. D-Torr is enjoyable to be around, is a player of good standing who is well tempered/mannered, and one of the few people who has paid me gas money. He is a respectable member of this community, and does not deserve such treatment. I am in the wrong for my instigation and Mampam is in the wrong for leaving D-Torr without discussing it. I apologize, D-Torr.


Smash Ace
May 20, 2010
i was just curious.

you say you want to play but you never get @ me :laugh:
Gdx, i need to play you more often. I need more exp because I don't have much with diddy. The next NLL they have would you mind doing a couple friendly sets with me? It would be greatly appreciated. Wario vs diddy.

Also, if radix is reading this, I need to get at you too the next NLL. Please and thank you =]

And also to gallax, thanks for all the help with your training and such, I really feel like I'm sharpening my reading and playing skills. ProfG will make you guys better!!


Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
Manly legit post
I accept your apology, but you didn't need to apologize to begin with.

After you came up to me and told me what happened, I was upset internally but not at you. It was at Viper for even bringing the option up. I was hoping we did very good at this to spite everyone else because I took that personally. I work hard to be the competent player I have become, even dropping my old main Yoshi (my favorite character) to be respected amongst my peers, so situations like this don't occur but they still do.

Unfortunately, our ZSS+G&W team didn't work out as we had hoped, but we had promise as DK+MK and I enjoyed teaming with you.

It was this same day last year where I said I quit this game, and I'm having those same general thoughts right now. While I was able to change myself mentally for the better after that moment last year and continue on with competitive play, it might be different this time around.

I have to reevaluate myself through the next couple of weeks. I don't have to find out why I'm playing this game this time. I know what I play for. I play because I love this game. I play because I love the community. I definitely DON'T play this game for the money. If that was the case, I would've dropped this game a long time ago as I haven't reached a level of monetary gain that is somewhat attainable on a more reliable level.

What I need to examine is if I'm getting the most I can get out of this game. My crew doesn't play Brawl. My crew plays traditional fighting games. I was brought up on traditional fighting games, since I was a baby. I didn't really get into Smash until late 2007. I have an infinite amount of resources to better myself in those traditional fighting games whereas I have little to none for Smash. If I hit a bump in the road playing SSFIV or Marvel, I can get back up quickly and continue my advancement in those areas rapidly. Same situation occurs for Brawl and I don't have that luxury. Only thing I can do is dwell upon the trials and errors I've taken and hope for the better next time around.

I hate to bring this up (I'm not one to bring upon my problems to anyone), but holding it in won't do any good.

For those that read this, thank you for your time. While it sounds like I'm asking for something, I'm not. I just need to express myself and let it out.

For those that don't read this and push it to the side, it only reassures me of the pending decision I think I have to make.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2004
Orlando, Florida (UCF)
Gdx, i need to play you more often. I need more exp because I don't have much with diddy. The next NLL they have would you mind doing a couple friendly sets with me? It would be greatly appreciated. Wario vs diddy.

Also, if radix is reading this, I need to get at you too the next NLL. Please and thank you =]

And also to gallax, thanks for all the help with your training and such, I really feel like I'm sharpening my reading and playing skills. ProfG will make you guys better!!
I didnt read anything bc i drank too much but i saw my name.
Come find me!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2009
First off, I love it when I can read a long post and not have to read it 3-4 times before it is completely digested.( Yes 2-D Jeff, i'm pointing at you ;) <3 )

@Xdeath- From what i understand no one is really at fault. Looks like mis-communication and if anyone wants to cry about it, grow up it's a game ^.^

@d-torr- Just do what you want. From my stand point you should play what ever is fun at the time. Games SHOULD be fun! Our people often forget that.

1.) Who misses Razek?
2.)Who should ask off for all Saturdays off?

1.)Everyone, Black people twice as much ;)
2.)Razek = duh.


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
Bookmarks full?
no had to go on a dif computer where i didnt have the preceding links saved on notepad so i posted here cuz i didnt feel like physically writing them down. had to try an application out that wasnt workin on my computer. wanted to see if it would work on a fresher one. it didnt though =/

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