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- U.F.B. Crew Thread - IT'S ALIVE IT'S ALIVE!!!!! "ROLL 'EM UP" DEC. 21

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Well wat i do kno is that i should b top three in PA cause i have been placing well in tourney.

the MM i'll take it cause i need u guys to stop underestimating me.

also even if i do loose to xzax i know that without MK he cant beat me. if we played against each other with all the characters in the game i know i would win most of those matches hands down.

thats why i kno vex is better cause he can play with anyone, thats y i respect him.
I consider top skill with your best character better than judging skill with a bunch of characters. Also don't underestimate MK-less Xzax. Since you don't think he can beat you without his main, I doubt you could beat him without ur main... unless u resort to MK lolol

Also, as Vex said as well, I can see u as top 5 but def not top 3. Top 3 in the state is pretty solid really.


This thread. Lol.

EDIT: Btw, someone's Wii got stolen from KTAR. That's why I don't ever take setups. -_-
Whenever I bring my Wii to a tourney I make sure it's the livestream setup. Cause you know if someone unhooks the main setup at a tourney earlier people will ***** louder than a .com and I'll know someone is trying to steal it the moment it happens lol.


Speaking of which, .com chill with us more. Wanna go to NY?

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
Chibo, I work Saturday, but I would go. I've only been to New York once, and even that's a blurry memory. I already missed one tourney because of work, and I was considering calling out.

Squall of fame

Smash Cadet
Jan 6, 2009
I consider top skill with your best character better than judging skill with a bunch of characters. Also don't underestimate MK-less Xzax. Since you don't think he can beat you without his main, I doubt you could beat him without ur main... unless u resort to MK lolol

well i consider great skill with a more complex character = better skill because it takes more skill to be good with that character.

example: xzax may beat vex's bowser(not an actual fact or maybe i don't know) he still won't be considered to have more skill than vex because skill gap between those 2 characters is too far apart. therefore, vex still is better because he can at least resort to another character if bowser don't work because it takes more skill to play more characters, even more skill to master harder characters.

btw I doubt his wolf or his falco can beat my wario, lucario, g&w, or maybe yoshi. just saying:laugh:

Give me ur top 3 picks then.

Squall of fame

Smash Cadet
Jan 6, 2009
man, do ppl let stuff go to their head. even m2k lost matches and yes even came close to loosing at last hit but even so the last thing i heard was GAME!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3ukK_WZ0SM

and **** about the last match being last hit thats a lie because i by far destroyed u tha last man.
if u remember so well then tell me wat stage was it on?

P.S. ur falco is better than ur wolf but only because u can chaingrab


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
So who is number 3? Chibo?? Cause i think squall is better then chibo. Although i guess chibo does have better tournament placings. But he also goes to more tournaments then squall of any of us do really.

Isn't dotcom top 5 as well?


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
So i was offered this job at verizon which starts at 13/hr plus commission but it's all the way up in king of Prussia mall. Thats like 3 busses away. I dont think i could do that especially with me starting college back up next month. But the money is worth it and i could get my car within 2 checks. Arrg.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
Ths season ive placed ***, no juans.
Havent been active that much.
but also lost care for it.
But im over the hump, and I think im making a return.

Sidenote: Got WASTED in school. Good times, bad idea.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
U could catch 1 of the R trains cause one of them goes there specifically the one the 18 bus route pass.
Really? I catch the 18 to the r train and it puts me right there?

Ths season ive placed ***, no juans.
Havent been active that much.
but also lost care for it.
But im over the hump, and I think im making a return.

Sidenote: Got WASTED in school. Good times, bad idea.
New years eve party! Nizzy Squad on deck!

Squall of fame

Smash Cadet
Jan 6, 2009
U matter as well .com every thing is just peachy, nobody snaking, or toon linking. everyone is getting down to busiNess,nobodies R.O.Bing ppl.

LOL i'm bored as help just waiting for my dam bus.

yea i believe so b cause my friend had to go to king of prussia for work i believe


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Chu couldn't think of anything for Pika? -_-

Anyways, I think I'm gonna give Brawl a break until I move into my apartment. We're goin to get my sister from college on Friday, and between hanging out with her, going Xmas shopping, dealing with family gatherings during the holidays, Xmas/New Year's parties..... I'mma be hella busy for the next ~3 weeks.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
New Jersy
1075 0704 6438 hit me up whenever oh and would you wanna team at the next dso if you go

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
Oh, you mean the one in JANUARY??? Sure, if I remember. I think you're the only (active) person in this crew I haven't teamed with......no wait, I have yet to team with Xzax........and Kendall.........


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
Why are people giving chibo such a hard time? Are yall forgetting that it's Christmas season? I wish i would waste my time hosting a tournament when there are obviously more important stuff to do around this time. At least yall know they will pick back up in jan.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
New Jersy
im kidding man i joke with him alot we aleady talked about it alittle at temple but he should really allow mk i feel like more people would show up


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
im kidding man i joke with him alot we aleady talked about it alittle at temple but he should really allow mk i feel like more people would show up
I agree with the mk thing(Even though i haven't defeated a mk in tourney since apex)

Yes even more new bbs screens!(I have a feeling everything is about to leak since it's a mere 3 weeks away. Im pretty sure commercials are going to start popping up within 2 weeks.)

OMG KAIRI'S GRANDMOTHER!!!!!!(I knew she had to be in it since radiant garden is in. Yes we will finally know more about the legend of kairi's grandmother story. They mentioned it once in kh1 and then never went back to it! I love normura now!!!)

The opening looks crazy as well! TAV looks amazing in CGI (Square Enix proves they do the best CGI time and time again!) Looks like ven has the same "Awakening" Sora and Roxas has(Didn't expect that) Just adds even more questions to the whole Sora/Roxas/Ven connection. I wonder if he just falls into the water, or would it be the same exact way Roxas plunged in his. Also Aqua in CGI looks alot like Lighting.

Also it seems mickey is a official partner of Aqua. They probably team up when they have to save kairi(From whatever)


TEEN HERC!!!!!!!!!(5$ says Zack was the "Hero" Phil was training in days!)

Ok now im mad. So not only does mickey meet ven(Who seems to know everything about everything but don't tell us nothing) But Donald Goofy and Yensid also met ven. You mean to tell me that they couldn't tell sora not once that "Hey we met this kid 10 years ago who looks identical to your freaking nobody. ARRG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Edit wait now that i think about it Mickey Donald Goofy and Yensid never met Roxas to compare. ARGGGGGGGGG again!

Edit again. Wait riku did give sora a pic of roxas and his friends. Donald and Goofy could of recognized him then. But it has been 10 years and they did just wake up from being sleep for over a year.

Edit one more time.
Ever if Mickey/donald/goofy don't remember How the hell can they explain Phil not saying anything to roxas about ven in days? Roxas/Ven are practically identical twins. And they **** sure cant use the "Ven wasn't thought about yet" excuse cause we know bbs was in development before days even started.



Potential Box Art


CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
yea ebo i kno ur jokin

but for real ppl

its xmas season, stuffs busy. and oh yea, if any of you remember anything about drexel tourneys is that i cant hold them on break, and drexels on finals week now. I can't hold tourneys the week b4 finals, on finals, or on break after finals until the next term starts. The next term doesn't start till January.

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
Leave it to us to leave out important details like that.

OK, I have the money for Pound 4 on my debit card, but I think I'ma wait before I pre-reg, the list is still looking a little thin.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
Leave it to us to leave out important details like that.

OK, I have the money for Pound 4 on my debit card, but I think I'ma wait before I pre-reg, the list is still looking a little thin.
If i ever thought something was a waste a money it's pound 4. Did yall even discuss hotel costs yet? Or are yall only going for one day(Which would be even more dumb)

Turbo Ether

Smash Master
Apr 12, 2006
You're joking right? It's probably going to be the best event you've ever been to for Brawl.
That's like being excited about the best trip to the dentist ever. Getting teeth pulled or drilled always sucks, regardless of the quality of the procedure.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
You're joking right? It's probably going to be the best event you've ever been to for Brawl.
Im not doubting it's going to be big. I just dont see myself spending all that money just to lose. Im sure to top level players it's going to be amazing.

That's like being excited about the best trip to the dentist ever.
lmao. Truer words have never been spoken!

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
Well, he's not going, so........yeah. I don't know what his problem is, or why Pound 4 is such a waste all of a sudden, so honestly, I'm not even gonna pay him any mind. Let's not bring up the fact that he's willing to spend $200 worth of drinks just to have a load of trash and barf to clean up the next morning. (Yes, I WANT you to respond.)

Vex, how you getting there? I don't know if Matt or Ebo still wants to go, or if they ever wanted to go, so I may get a Greyhound ticket just in case.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
all i remember is i was awful at the time of pound 3 but it was still like the best thing ever. i just dont feel the same hype this time unfortunately.

though lemme get in on a ride with someone and make hotel arrangements b4 i make any financial commitments


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
Well, he's not going, so........yeah. I don't know what his problem is, or why Pound 4 is such a waste all of a sudden, so honestly, I'm not even gonna pay him any mind. Let's not bring up the fact that he's willing to spend $200 worth of drinks just to have a load of trash and barf to clean up the next morning. (Yes, I WANT you to respond.)

Vex, how you getting there? I don't know if Matt or Ebo still wants to go, or if they ever wanted to go, so I may get a Greyhound ticket just in case.
Why do u want me to respond when u never win arguments?

Im only spending 100$. Kage is spending the other 100$. And no were not cleaning up anything since the party isn't at my house. Also ITS NEW YEARS. It is your right has a human to be drunk on New Years Eve. It's mandatory. Not to mention were making the money back since were charging 10 at the door and we already have more then 50 people confirmed. So umm yea were actually making a profit off this party. Anything less would be stupid. I wouldn't spend 100$ on drinks for no reason.

I don't have a problem with Pound 4. Im not doubting it's going to be a great tournament. However i also don't see the point of spending all that money to go cross state just to play a video game. You obviously care about it more then i do and that's fine. Im not bashing you for that. I was just stating my opinion on the matter.

I know matt and terrance aren't going. However i know kendall said she wanted to go. Maybe you Vex Chibo and Her can split a hotel(Assuming yall going for all 3 days)


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Ignoring all the arguing.................

Omg the KH spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam. <3333333333333

Dude, this is making me want to just play the game in January. But I want English, god****it.

ARGH, decisions, decisions.

Lol, Teen Herc is madd crosseyed. It's cute.

And yeah, I was gonna bring up the picture in the box that Riku left. You'd think Donald or Goofy would say, "Hey, he looks familiar," no sleep johns. They don't just resemble each other..... they're IDENTICAL.

The other thing is..... people notice time and time again that Roxas and Sora "look just like" each other. People say it to Roxas all the time. So if they can notice the connection between Roxas and Sora just by looking at them, I'm sure they'd make the Ven-Roxas connection since they're practically twins. Donald and Goofy have no excuses, lol, and unlike Mickey, they don't seem like the type to keep a secret like that.

As for Mickey, I'm sure he knew, but he knows a lot of stuff that he doesn't talk about..... that's pretty much normal behavior for him. -_-

This game looks so ****ing good.
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