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- U.F.B. Crew Thread - IT'S ALIVE IT'S ALIVE!!!!! "ROLL 'EM UP" DEC. 21


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2008
Ya girl Bedroom
TUSM is right i played at phoenix online and whoa. u REALLY cant touch her it is stupid. "But then again I really suck atm, lol I didn't even know the game had a mission mode till yesterday LOL. steph and Terrence clowned me for a hour. Just give me time then I will be on Terrence and TUSM status.

@ keitaro my win% is like 33 on ps3 online lol.

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
@Keit: Yeah, I'm trying to keep it there, I'm 201-50 right now. It's getting tough keeping a streak going nowadays. It's just that every loss affects your percentage more than a win. 4 wins is equivalent to a loss.


Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2009
Lancaster PA, Campin away wit Fox & TL
Phoenix is ****in untouchable. Its like WTF @ TK Trap it lasts fot like 45 seconds thats more than 1/3 of a 99 min fight -___- nd shes OD strong like.......but shes still super weak outcamp her xD
Dante is beginning to be too much work
Wesker takes work to be good
Nd Sent is NOT the best character........jus sayin
btw I need a steady team I use Deadpool/X-23/Dante alot but I make random teams wit Chun-li, Hulk, Ammy, Wesker, Akuma, Zero, Super Skrull, nd Phoenix


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
I know what you mean Tusm. Since I had a record of 29-37 not too long ago I tried to keep a ratio of 4 wins for every loss so I could at least get to where I'm at now 146-78.

My win percent is currently 65% and I want it to be 66.6 aka twice as many wins as losses.


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2008
queens NY
Ok so I played mvc 3 yesterday for an hr nd I didn't win a match vs my one friend. He isn't anywhere near good but he just kept spamming long range attack that I could not get around. I wanted to punch him in his face for being gay nd then remembered that i play mk lol. Nah but seriously how do u beat that stupid dog -_- I hate it ever so much. And like Wut do u do when Ur a million miles away vs a long range character nd I got out a close range one?

Btw dead pool seems broken


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Depends what characters you're trying to play. With my characters (Dante/thedog/Zero) Dante: I can press down down support and teleport behind the camper. With the dog her air dash goes all the way across the screen. Zero can jump and shingetsu across the screen.

You can also try to outcamp him too to make him approach.

Just gotta figure out what your character can do to close in fast.

Also if the dog applies a lot of pressure on your sheild don't forget to advance guard to push her away. Advance guard by pressing 2 attack buttons while blocking.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
If you really think it's that simple, you have a very long way to go. Hitting someone who does nothing but spam fireballs in the air, homing fireballs at that, isn't that easy of a task. On top of that, she has her teleport.

I mean, these people have impressive records for a reason. If it really was as simple as "snapping her out and hitting her three times with Sentinel," or any character really, they wouldn't be where they're at now.

Keitaro, his PSN name is Squall8088.
I said it's easier said then done. Your right about that. But still Sentinel with a good AA assist should be able to beat phoenix. I don't know what assists your using for taskmaster or cap but i do know Task does have a AA one.

I wouldn't worry about her teleport as phoenix is not going to use supers to kill u anyway. So if u do snap her in you just have to fight her. Sent has the highest health in the game so he can last a little longer even against Phoenix.

I also messed up my ranked. Ask terrance. I was 90 and 21 the first couple days but then i was trying out new teams cause player matches everyone sucked and caught more then a couple losses when i was trying out thor spencer felicia etc. I have a solid team now so trying to build my rank back up. I think im like 180 and 70 or something like that.

I need to play TUSM and Matt.

i made a girl cry at pound
She didn't know what she was getting herself into....


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
I actually hate the way the ranking system works. It's really dumb. People can just grind out wins and stay on the top of the leaderboard. If you beat someone who is like top 10 it just counts as another win for you., So people who have nothing to do can just pick sentinel and trounce on people that suck and climb the leaderboards .It's really stupid.

The 5th ranked person on 360 was streaming yesterday against some people on Shoryuken and was getting his *** kicked. He didn't know what the hell to do against someone who stayed in Sentinel's face. But because he just plays alot he's top 5


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
The only thing I really don't like about MvC3 so far is X-Factor. It's pretty dumb imo.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
The "idea" of xfactor is good. It gives more combo potential and allows mixups and tricks like canceling block stun and the like. But the execution is dumb. There shouldn't be 3 levels. There should be one universal xfactor that has a set amount of speed/damage increase for all characters and thats it.

The way it's set up now is it's rewarding the player who is losing. I actually feel like i have a advantage when i have one character left and the other person has 3 and that is stupid as hell.

This whole generation of fighters are actually encouraging you to lose. MvC3 with xfactor. SF4 with ultras. Naruto with awakenings. Hell even Brawl has mercy smash balls. Smh.

The game could actually be one of the best fighters ever with just a few tweaks. Tone down xfactor. Add back tech rolls(Seriously lv 3 otg??? what the hell were they thinking??) and reduce the damage output slightly and you will have a great fighter. One of the things i do like about the game is that every single character seems viable with the right setups and thats saying alot when u only had 4 viable characters with maybe 5 other viable assist characters in mvc2.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2008
Ya girl Bedroom
X Factor is the dumbest thing known to man I swear to god. I love the game but that, and not being able to tech roll will kill this game. I mean 5 specials and Dorumu "whatever his name is" is just dumb. I just played terrence he beat me 10 - 5. The ten he got on me was horrible lol x factor BS. And Taskmaster is the ****ing 2nd gayest character on this game im sorry.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
X Factor is the dumbest thing known to man I swear to god. I love the game but that, and not being able to tech roll will kill this game. I mean 5 specials and Dorumu "whatever his name is" is just dumb. I just played terrence he beat me 10 - 5. The ten he got on me was horrible lol x factor BS. And Taskmaster is the ****ing 2nd gayest character on this game im sorry.
Yea i think Dormanmu and Sentinel are the sole reasons xfactor is total BS in this game.(Chun-Li to an extent)


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
I still like Brawl better but MVC3 can be alota fun.

They just need to do something about the timer. And the damage is f-ing rediculous. Once people completely stop dropping combos I won't be playing anymore lol!!

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
It really just looks like Phoenix is the problem, she just puts the other team into a horrible position, and building those 5 bars didn't look hard at all based on all the phoenix teams I just watched on the stream, she really lame's the game imo.

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
MvC matches are 99 seconds. Brawl matches are 8 minutes. That's a bad comparison to make. There's a lot of timeouts, yes, but you can't compare it to Brawl.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Yeah I don't know what Capcom is thinking nowadays. They put those ******** 1 person team robot monsters in TVC and they almost put it in this game. Luckily they didn't but they replace it with Pheonix??

Pheonix just should have never been created. Its cool at first, but will just be something that pissed you off from now on.

@ Tusm: There's more timeouts per match than there is in Brawl atm. I find it to be a decent comparison simply from that fact.

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
MvC matches are 99 seconds. Brawl matches are 8 minutes. That's a bad comparison to make. There's a lot of timeouts, yes, but you can't compare it to Brawl.
You can compare the timeouts when punishments in the other game are much more severe then the other, Phoenix is just a bad concept imo, what you have to do to actually beat her kinda makes her dumb, like Keitaro said about Gaint's in TvC(although they're alot less viable because they have heavy counters)

MvC3 is still new though, but it's kinda lame atm from what I've seen! Hopefully this won't be the dominate style of the game.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
My main problem with Mvc3 is how your completely helpless during a combo unless they mess up. At least Tvc had a crush that costed 1 bar......


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
WTH is every1 *****in about X-Factor it can be blocked and ran away from
Certain characters can run from it. You tell me what the hell x-23 and vjoe are going to do against a lv 3 xfactor sent/chun/or dormy.

Marvel is such a lame game LOL, timeout's all over the place, constantly, worse then Brawl atm when it comes to that.
While i agree timeouts are kinda crazy at this point(I've had more timeouts in a week in mvc3 then i have over my entire 6 years of playing mvc2) i still wouldn't compare it to brawl. brawl is 8 mins. MvC3 is 99 secs. And the reason there is so many timeouts are because
1-The damage output is so high so people are playing very conservative
2-People are still dropping combos left and right.

It really just looks like Phoenix is the problem, she just puts the other team into a horrible position, and building those 5 bars didn't look hard at all based on all the phoenix teams I just watched on the stream, she really lame's the game imo.
Phoenix is far from the problem that is making this game lame. X-factor as a whole is what's laming the game. Every "broken" tactic(I say broken loosely cause the game is still fresh) are only possible cause of x-factor.

Phoenix dies in 4 hits. No matter what she can do you can't be broken when you die in 4 hits.

People act like Phoenix is the only "high risk/high reward" character invented. Like strider didn't exist in mvc2. In fact Phoenix plays EXACTLY LIKE STRIDER. Just with a bigger reward when played right.

I also find it funny that before the game came out we were all saying how free she was now people are saying she is breaking the game. Lol.

My main problem with Mvc3 is how your completely helpless during a combo unless they mess up. At least Tvc had a crush that costed 1 bar......
Why do people think like this? Why should u have a "easy button" when your in a combo? You shouldn't have a cop out. If i start a combo on you i shouldn't be able to lose it of cause you don't want to get hit by it. And people act like mega crash was some sort of miracle fighting mechanic.

Mega Crash was the sole reason Zero dominated that game. Zero was intended to be a pure rushdown character with very high offense but low defense. Meaning he can whoop your *** but once u get a hit on him he is very fragile. However with Mega crash in the game even when u get a hit on him it didn't matter cause he can just throw you off of him.

So say Mega Crash was in this game. Characters ike Hulk/Sent/Thor/and Dormy who have crazy health just becomes even better cause now the combo that you actually did land on him even though it barely harmed them mega crash will now completely keep u from killing them anyway. Especially with certain characters having meter assists and the cross over exchange giving u so much meter to begin with.

Mega Crash is a very bad mechanic to be in a "vs" type game. The "Burst" system in Blazblue is a great example on how to make a feature like that work.

Everyone was saying how gay that was at the tournament. I honestly think KT would of won that round. He got spanked on PS2 though.


Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2009
Lancaster PA, Campin away wit Fox & TL
X-Factor Sent is pretty tough i'll give you that, but Chun can be rushed down easy by X-23. X-23 is way too fast to jus sit or run and Dormmamu is a straight camp character. He will NEVER approach he'd rather attack wit Dark Hole/Liberation/Purification the whole fight so Dormmamu X-Factor isnt too scary imo
X-Factor Hulk now **** that *****s a problem
Also Phoenix isnt broken @ all. Although her offense is ridiculous (So is Wesker for that matter) her defense is worst in the game 1 hyper combo from damn near anyone will get her to death or close to it -__-
@M@v - They aren't infinites bruh, most MvC3 combos stop........usually with a special @ the end lol
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