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- U.F.B. Crew Thread - IT'S ALIVE IT'S ALIVE!!!!! "ROLL 'EM UP" DEC. 21

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
What exactly can you do "as well with your ******** game plan?"

EDIT: Never mind, you were responding to the quote at the bottom, right?


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I hate Comcast.

I tried to post my essay, but it was so long, it timed out my slow *** connection. :urg:

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
Alright, so my dad had one of my GT's in his room, GT4 to be exact. I'm pretty sure I can have something up tomorrow. I'm still dusting off the cobwebs, trying to get back in the groove. Also, my original paper would have been MUCH larger than what Evan wrote, but since we're all in the opening stages, I'll hold back as well.

Now, I just have to figure out what to talk about.

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
GT doesn't have metagame at all. Everybody competing for the world record on any given track do one thing. Pick the fastest car in the game, tweak it to go faster, than race "the perfect lap." GT at surface level is fairly simple, race and win. It's when you get down to various options where the depth begins to show.

By the way, Kenny, Matt, anyone else in this thread, this is probably gonna be a long, drawn out battle. If you thought Evan's essay was bad, and he's posted way more than that in the past, you are gonna hate this thread for a while. Fair warning.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
i dont care because i never read any of yall spam.
12 more days(Or maybe even sooner depending on if the game leaks or not) And i promise im out of here. Ask TUSM and Kendall how i was when days came out. This is going to be worse!

come on kaylo u know im not wierd lol

VIDEO LEAKED!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the final promotional video until release! Just go to khinsider as they have the translations on the front page!



My thoughts!

0.09-Ven is "sleeping"? Most likely this is the Room of Sleep. We already know it's in Castle Oblivion and judging from the background thats where he is

0.27- MX is talking to ME. I noticed 3 chairs. This is the same room where the "Master Qualification" Are held at. We know both MX and ME sit down and watch. Now the 3rd chair there makes me think there is a 3rd keyblade master.(Yensid!!) Maybe he couldn't make it cause he was too busy training mickey?

2.08: Ven/Vantias reacts the Sora/Riku scene from KH1 opening(EPIC!)

2.14- 3 Different "Dive into the hearts" Confirmed as there are 3 different Station of Awakening Platforms. Ven's has to be snow white's as that one was Sora's.

2.18-The summary said Terra was running from water. Umm thats Darkness he's running from.

2.59-Ven/Vantias in the same room Mickey was in when he saw Xehanort in the KH2 flashback. You can tell by the telescope! If i remember correctly i think this is Ansem's Lab. I could be wrong though(Need to replay kh2)

3.29-MX Defeats Mickey?? His bada$$ meter just shot through the roof! Til now no one could beat Mickey. Then again mickey isn't "King" Yet.

3.49-Kairi is holding the same exact flower that designs her keyblade. Nomura said her keyblade is explained from Xehanort's Memories. I swear we just better find out how the hell she got a keyblade from practically nowhere.

3.59-So in early scans we seen Braig without his eyepatch and scar. Now here it is. Looks like Terra is the one that gives it to him!

4.31-Frozen Ven is still Alive as he's blinking(Looks like whatever Heart transfer thing that happens between Ven/Sora does indeed happen after the Big fight at the end.

4.55- Terra Fights Braig and the fight looks exactly how it did when Sora fought Xigbar


5.05- Aqua fights Vantias at Radiant Garden

5.14- So not only does Aqua have a d-link with mickey she also has one with donald. Does mean Donald also meets Aqua?

5.28- Aqua's "Holy Blast" D-link with Mickey

6.01- Multiplayer looks fun!

6.14-Radiant Garden becoming Hollow Bastion(EPIC!)

6.18-Ven going to "Sleep"? On the papou tree at Destiny Islands.(Symbolic of Ven going to sleep to give birth to the keyblade wielder Sora? Looks like there is a keyblade over top of ven. Could be something else though. http://i48.tinypic.com/21wvfk.png

6.21-Aqua is indeed facing Castle Oblivion(Which probably foreshadows her being in the Room Of Awakening)

6.33-Whatever Terra "Changes" into it's Happening now.

6.34-Sora spotting A (Ven's?) Heart

6.35-Vantias defeating Aqua (About to stab her??)

6.37-Vantias Keyblade surfing done in In Game graphics.

6.40- Terra kneels down in the same position the lingering sentiment did in the battle in KH2FM. Looks like this is Terra's true keyblade form!

6.48-Got just a little more at a shot of Vantias. His hair is long.

6.53-OMG Is that Aqua at the Deep Dive Beach???(The one where Sora/Riku found Kairi's Note.

6.59-Yea Sora has to be part of the secret ending. Nomura confirmed that unlike the past 2 secret ending this isn't done in CG. Rather it's more like a event cutscene. It even have voices!

12 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also the last chapter of Coded was released and we know NOTHING!!! NOT A **** THING. I swear coded is the biggest waste of technology ever. What the hell was Nomura thinking? Whoever was the "Tormented souls that needed to be freed" We still have no idea. It just left us with 2 cliffhangers and not answering a **** thing.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
omg what is this stuff -_-

quickly, i need 2 other ppl who share a common interest as me so we can spam this topic with info on a different game no one cares about lol

edit: might as well embrace whats goin on lol, evan or kaylo - wanna write a guest article for my website about BBS?

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
omg what is this stuff -_-

quickly, i need 2 other ppl who share a common interest as me so we can spam this topic with info on a different game no one cares about lol

edit: might as well embrace whats goin on lol, evan or kaylo - wanna write a guest article for my website about BBS?
Waluigi, hes a pretty cool guy.

Garchomp is broken.

Brawl+ is getting dumb.

Camping in Brawl is fun.

Missles are cool.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
good **** vex, lets roll with pokemon

who's getting HG/SS when it comes out in march? i got the import a couple months ago and was playing through it but the whole language barrier became a course for concern...

the updates from DPPt are actually really impressive considering its on the same system and coming from GSC of course is staggering

in terms of metagame enhancement theres more emphasis on defense which is pretty interesting considering how Plat had so many offensive changes (lol scizor)

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
good **** vex, lets roll with pokemon

who's getting HG/SS when it comes out in march? i got the import a couple months ago and was playing through it but the whole language barrier became a course for concern...

the updates from DPPt are actually really impressive considering its on the same system and coming from GSC of course is staggering

in terms of metagame enhancement theres more emphasis on defense which is pretty interesting considering how Plat had so many offensive changes (lol scizor)
I probably will.

The game is becoming more defensive, as in camping? Pokemon might become more interesting for me now! Time to set up the tent and plank in pokemon.

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
Chibo, Vex, I appreciate the effort, but please, leave it to me. I got this. I'm putting my paper up tonight hopefully. So just sit ack and enjoy the show.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
lol not that bad with camping, but like any of the noteworthy changes are more defensive

there arent as many changes as Plat - which really changed the competitive scene a lot - especially for OU. Plat introduced things like the god that is scizor, outraging salamence I believe, among other things. Though those two things alone are huge

HG/SS noteably gives
-Rotom pain split (a low HP ghost type)
-various pokemon super fang like nidoking
-clefable gets Gravity, Role Play, Magic Coat, Heal Bell, and Aromatherapy because we know clefable wasnt good enough as it was lol
-gengar gets pain split (might be useful in some builds)
-dragonite gets extremespeed (a useful offensive change)
-Blissey got Gravity, Heal Bell, Block
-Walrein got aqua ring

practically every pokemon in the game got new moves but these r some that stood out to me

edit: what paper?

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
the term paper is quite vague, especially without any adjectives

and i dont recall any talk about any paper
Exactly...just read back a few pages and everything will com together.

From now on, if I'm on my phone, I won't post in purple. It's too much work in the long run.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Evan, I got the day off for wensday. So it is official. I'll be there for sure after work 2morrow.

Now I have to figure out what I am gonna where. Maybe I should gof for the smooth look.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Wha? I like to look decent when I go out. And meet new people. I hardly dress street (as in baggy jeans, name brand shirts and those expensive sneakers. Usually in tournaments I have a decent look. Only when I am lazy I would dress street when I go to tournies or smashfest.
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