Okay, so just to recap and clarify, here's why everything about what J says is snake oil.
Before we begin, here's some required reading (I guess you don't technically have to read these, but if you don't then you're kind of just taking what I say at face value, which defeats the point):
Post #1570
Quick-hit in between classes before final MT rehearsal.
Ranmaru masoned me. The title was "You have been contacted by Rise!" I opened the PM and it gave me a pm listing that I had been masoned by Ranmaru, I got the revive ability, and I maintained everything else about my role. I chose to revive Kanty today rather at the end because I felt that having someone here at the beginning of the phase would have been better and yeah. I just got the revive as a result of Ranmaru masoning me. I didn't have this ability until then. Plus LyLo would be the best time to use the revive ability even if I didn't have it till now because of the fact that it provides a good buffer.
This is also a side-note but the night phase extension was given because me and Ranmaru requested we have a couple more hours since he is busy with school and we just got the QT/info a bit late from Nabe.
Anyways, gotta run so hopefully I will have time to do something tonight but it is looking sketchy.
Post #1578
I had potential in my original PM so I believe had something to do with it in the beginning and it made sense with how things worked out. It was just "Ran gives you Revive". It was "You have gained a new ability!" Hope that makes sense.
Post #1681
Exactly, I could have, and chose J.
I think it is related, yes. I think he got a day ability because he was now masoned to a day ability user. I don't know why he got a revive, though.
Post #1584
That doesn't sound right mathematical wise but that's for speculation when I have time. It seems to revolve more around the NKs with the about of normal doctors to posu-doctors there have been. However the aestic role thing is odd.
I believe Ranmaru has aestic (or whatever it is too). Don't quote me on it though, I'll get him in here to confirm whether or not he does. If Ranmaru does in fact have it, then that makes all of our investigatives claiming to have Aestic, but Circus which makes me even doubt him more. (not saying aestic = town, but it something I am toying with as an anomoly)
Post #1646
Dude, if I had the time I would love to be debating you however time just isn't with me which I even let Nabe know when the game started but I didn't think it would last this long.
N1: Chuckie
N2: Swords
N3: Ranmaru
N4: Ranmaru again due to him masoning me.
What info about my role do you want else Circus? I have given you every detail I know and have repeated it as well so saying that it has been "pulling teeth" to get info is a load of bull. You are not understanding this Circus because you fail to see it from my PoV. You are my biggest scum read who I know for a damn well fact is trying to pull a hail mary on my slot and you have been one of my scum reads since not just toDay but for a couple of phases. That has been known. The thing you don't get is the reason I am not giving you the information that you are claiming to need is because I don't believe you at all and see no reason why I should be co-operating with someone who I know is garunteed scum. It doesn't make sense to me as to why. Some of your questions are just and fair to ask for the rest of town to ask as well but I am not going to hand everything to you on a silver platter. It is illogical for me to do as such and you are being stubborn on this fact.
In fact, most of your points on me only have little truths and do not have full truths which I plan to expose when I get the time but yeah I have an assignment due in 30 minutes online and I am here posting. Ya see the problem?
Post #1659
I'll have Ranmaru clarify that question to you.
Aestic protects from poison, not from the NK. I protect from NKs, not the poison. However Ranmaru never got around to posting his role pm in our QT so I have no way of knowing the aestic thing for real till he gets back.
Okay. With that out of the way....
The Story of How Night 4 Went Down (As Told By J and Ran)
Ran, having finally disovered his masoning ability by...surviving to D5 (?), decides to wager the game on a J town read and decides to mason J. Nabe opens up a QT for them that very Night, apparently before J has even sent in his Night Action regarding who he's going to guard that Night. They apparently do not exchange role PMs of any kind, but supposedly talk about
things. Probably about what to do with the new reviving ability J has apparently just received and who to use it on, although the way J speaks about it, it sounds like it was pretty much all his decision. J, in a way that has never even sort of been explain, also becomes under the impression that Ranmaru is ascetic, even though he's not and never claimed to be.
With this knowledge, J decides to
guard Ranmaru N4. Then D5 starts and J uses his reviving ability to bring back Kantrip shortly into the Day, apparently out of the goodness of his heart, or so he would have us believe.
Why That's Bull****
J apparently always had a modifier for "potential." He theorizes his gaining the revival ability has at least something to do with that, but was activated through Ran masoning him. This seems illogical, as Ran apparently could have masoned
anyone he wanted. We're expected to believe that he also just
happened to choose the person who gets a bonus from masoning with someone? Doubtful. It's easy to see why J and Ran would have different theories on this though, as shown by how differently they talk about how Ran's masoning role actually works. J talks about it
like Ranmaru found a specific person, which is why J "unlocked" a hidden ability. Where Ran talks about it like he just partner up with J because he liked him and J got a day ability because Ran himself has a day ability. Like, whoever Ran masoned would have gotten that ability, regardless of who it was. But then why does J have "potential" if the revival ability is attributed solely to Ranmaru masoning
someone, rather than J being the one he has to mason
This discrepancy is easily explained if we accept that J and Ran discussed making a mason gambit, but didn't clarify the details with each other, resulting in different stories. Ran goes with "I got a masoning ability and decided to mason J, who then got an ability," while J goes with "Ran found me, his mason buddy, and I unlocked my true potential."
Next, there's the issue of J deciding to guard Ranmaru on N4, despite the fact that everything J learns, or claims to think he learns, about Ran that Night should repel him from such an idea. He guards a player that he thinks is immune to the one killing method that we have soft proof actually still exists in the game, which is not only useless, but
detrimental, as it raises J's chances of being poisoned without defending Ranmaru from anything.
Based on this information, one of two things MUST be true:
1. J actually thought there was a standard killer to watch out for, and was trying to guard against that, or...
2. J
never thought Ran was ascetic and only said that to try to take a cheap at my slot by framing me as the only investigative role without the ascetic modifier. This way of framing things is observably inaccurate, as Kantrip is not ascetic, and Ranmaru denounces the ascetic idea as a result of this.
Option two is obviously the correct one, but let's explore number one just in case, as it has its own set of problems.
First, J can't protect against even a standard killer; he can only sacrifice himself
to the killer in exchange for saving the person the killer was actually trying to dispose of. This already makes his choice to protect Ranmaru dubious, as Ran and his role aren't exactly worth sacrificing
yourself for, but this is made even more dubious by the fact that J was given the ability
that Night to revive another player. J suddenly had an ability that had the potential to be REALLY useful and important, one which he can't use if he dies. And yet, he still decides to protect Ran. On the Night when he is actually
least expendable. Keep in mind, J lists the possibility of a standard NK as the reason an ascetic Ran would be worth guarding, so he would knowingly be sacrificing himself to an immediate kill here. It's not like he's just planning on taking the poison and then reviving someone the next Day before the poison takes him.
Then there's the whole idea that J thought it was a good idea to just immediately revive Kantrip without consulting any of us which I've hit on so many times that I won't even summarize it again here. Basically just a complete waste of the ability that results in nothing but J polishing up his image for a brief, fleeting moment.
Also, J never explains why he allegedly decided to guard Ran on N3. Remember, that was
before he was masoned by him. He had decided to guard Swords on N2 (pretty logical), then Soup got killed and made us skip the entirety of D3, and J then decides to guard Ran the next Night. Why? Did something about Raz's, Soup's or BRB's flips make J suddenly trust Swords less? Or find Ran more trustworthy? Or find Ran more
likely be attacked? Even if he did think Ran would be more likely to be attacked than Swords for some reason, what about Ran would J consider worth of
sacrificing himself for? Remember, this is only N3. Ranmaru hadn't even claimed in thread by that point.
Cue J going V/LA for literally the rest of the Day phase, leaving all of these holes in logic wide open.
There. I think that's all of the important bits. There are one or two other things I wanted to comment on, but they have more to do with what we should be doing after J's flip, so I'll hold off on them for now.
Sorry it's a wall J. That's just how it goes. These are pretty much all points that I brought up over the last several days. That you are only able to respond to them now is not my fault. I have little sympathy for your situation because you're scum and you deserve to get lynched anyway.
Someone be a hero and make this J wagon move. We've only got about 12 hours left.