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TWEWY Mafia | scumbags victorious


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
With 8 Alive it takes 5 to lynch!

Delvro: (2) Swiss,
Swiss: (1) X1-12
X1-12: (2) Delvro, Cello
Not voting: (3) BSL, Afro Horse, Sworddancer

A deadline has been set for Midnight on the 12th Feb EST (10am AEST). That's about 6 Days!

Sho-Minamimoto: 1
Afro Horse: 1

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Really suspicious or delv, though I want to speak with nabe before I vote.

His flip-flops and hypocrite statements, in addition to his bashing and tunneling of X1, really give me anti-town vibes


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Hey look, I'm about to get prodded.

And my last post was 4 posts back. And one of them was a vote count.



Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@Dark Horse: Have you been in contact with Nabe this whole time? As in, you're talking about this game. And it hasn't been interrupted by any long period where you haven't been talking to each other? That's how it comes across.

Afro Horse

Smash Rookie
Feb 3, 2011
Really suspicious or delv, though I want to speak with nabe before I vote.

His flip-flops and hypocrite statements, in addition to his bashing and tunneling of X1, really give me anti-town vibes
Post consolidation hell yeah.

Cello, we haven't said more than a couple things to each other.

X1 is likely town (current play fits with his recent more-paranoid play style) but he needs to start putting in actual effort. :awesome: Hypocrisy but w/e. I'd be willing to take a lynch of either Swiss or Delv toDay. Sho is fine too. Swords-nee-Zim is very likely town given what happened. No indy reads so far. Cello is worth an FBI target. Willing to admit that my playerslot collectively skimmed all that math (and I'm a math major lol).

Vote: Delvro, kid's mafia.
Still avoided answering who X1's partner would be despite multiple iterations of the question.


J|Sephiroth's Masamune
Feb 2, 2011
Sine! Cosine! Tangent!
@Afro Pony: Not too long ago you thought Zim was mafia, what made you change your mind about him?

Nabe head here. Gonna go ahead and shoot my load -- Delv and Swiss are mafia, Zim is likely indy. Is the kid at L-1? L-2 is fine regardless, claim dat ****.

Cello -- have you dropped the name issue with Miniamoto v. Minamimoto? Haven't seen a post re: that in a little while when it seems to me that's a pretty important point? Are you letting it slide?


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
heads up, Sho, the quote says that Afro Pony htought Zim was indy.

homework is done, now... TO PAGE 4!


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Sho-Minamimoto said:
In any case, the question still stands.
Um, no, it doesn't. Because he said, "given what happened". What could that possibly refer to when it comes to Zim, I wonder?


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
I guess x1/Sho, but x1 is seriously scum. Not nearly as confident about Swiss, although if he were, he'd be the SK.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
X1/Sho and Afro for SK. I'm comfortable with this.

Unvote Vote X1

@Sho: I want your vote on X1. It will amuse me.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
FYI I'll hand out prods if you haven't posted in the last 24 hours when I check the vote count, not necessarily if you go 25 hours without posting for example.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Swiss and Sworddancer will be prodded

With 8 Alive it takes 5 to lynch!

Delvro: (2) Swiss,
Swiss: (1) X1-12
X1-12: (2) Delvro, Cello
Not voting: (3) BSL, Afro Horse, Sworddancer

A deadline has been set for Midnight on the 12th Feb EST (10am AEST). That's about 6 Days!

Sho-Minamimoto: 1
Afro Horse: 1
Swiss: 1
Sworddancer: 1


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Tell you what X1, you die for us and if you flip Town then I'll pursue your reads.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I promise with all my heart to do so.

If I am uttering a falsity, then may my britches burst into a scintillating display of pyrotechnics.

Afro Horse

Smash Rookie
Feb 3, 2011
i dont think swiss is on a team with delv and i think if swiss was shos partner he would make shn post more
Sho point is fair. Delv point needs some more substantiation.
Is it fair to say that you think Swiss is just generally scummy then?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Sorry guys I didn't post today. I did finish catching up, though, and tomarrow I will make a post about my thoughts of the game thus far. I'm going to bed soon, but before I go to bed, I have some questions to ask.

What's the case against X1 right now? Is it just the fact that his vote is not on Delvo?

@X1: Is their any other reason you're voting Swiss, other than the fact that he considered voting for inactives?

@Delvo: Do you always overeact so much when pressure is put on you? Don't be afraid to use personnal meta to answer this, we have others to confirm it if need be.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I got a prod? Learn to play Swiss.

me no quote from phone. And yeah I think swiss is generally scummy
Generally scummy in general, or in general this game scummy?

Cello what happened to Delvscum? Yes on X1 and Sho as scum anyway. But still.

Lynch Afro first, we both think he's SK. Less risk.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
With 8 Alive it takes 5 to lynch!

Delvro: (3) Swiss,
Sho-Minamimoto, Afro Horse
Swiss: (1) X1-12
X1-12: (2) Delvro, Cello
Not voting: (2) BSL, Sworddancer

A deadline has been set for Midnight on the 12th Feb EST (10am AEST). That's about 4 Days!

Sho-Minamimoto: 1
Afro Horse: 1
Swiss: 1
Sworddancer: 1

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Jeez, X1 was right, the first five parts (40 ppp) of this game were pretty tedious to read.

Btw I did not read Cello's 233.

Also if it concerns anyone I am not in support of a no lynch of any kind. I didn’t run the numbers to a precise point like Cello did but I did kind of skim over the math and I can already see the advantages of lynching over no lynching. Plus since pretty much everyone has been saying that no lynch is not a good option , I’m going to go on and assume that it’s really not.

Okay so here are my thoughts on all of the players + questions for them:


Generally, Cello has been pretty okay this game. However, there are something’s about his play that do worry me. For starters, Cello seems to generally get a lot of claims out in a relatively short period of time. This is risky because it increase the change of outting the FBI agent Day 1 (unless he's suggesting the FBI claim mafia under LPM? I honestly don't know if he is, and I would like him to clear this up for me).

Also, there are two points of his case against Zim that bug me. The first is where he compares tHE-MAN’s play to what Zim was doing to try to prove a point about how Zim could be the SK. It’s wrong to do this because tHE-MAN was under completely different circumstances. THE-MAN was mafia, he could afford being lynched. SK cannot. So yeah.

The other point about his case against Zim that bugged me is when he called him out on NOT asking him about something (I don’t remember what post it was and I don’t feel like looking back). To refresh everyone’s memory, Cello called Omni out on not asking him a question about a character’s name (I think?), saying that it was uncharacteristic for Omni not to ask about it. I don’t like this because it’s trying to make a scum tell out of a vague lack of action. I could see why someone deliberately not doing something is scummy (for example, not voting someone while you’re logged on, which ends up causing a no lynch). However, this is something that’s really vague. You thought he was scummy because he didn’t question something which (I think) was just flavor? Sure this is based off of meta but couldn’t you make that kind of case against anyone? It seems too easy.

Some may say that this is just town Cello, and I’ll admit that it does seem awfully similar to how townie Cello plays. However, I could also definitely see a sk Cello playing like this because it is still in his best interest to hunt mafia, and he could just as easily do it. Since it’s much more likely for Cello to have been given a town role than the role of SK, I would have to assume that, going off of meta alone, he’s probably town (not saying I’m going off of meta alone btw).

So yeah, in the end I got a slight town read on this guy. He honestly seems to care about this game which I think is the strongest tell for him. However, him trying to root out the FBI and plus the fact that Cello could still be SK and acting this way (maybe even mafia trying to hunt the SK) keeps me from fully believing in his towniness.

@Cello: Forgive me if I missed it but what exactly made you get off of the Zim case? Why do you not believe he’s sk anymore?


Null, nothing much to say about this guy, except that he needs to get back into the game ASAP. However, there is one question I would like to ask him:

@BSL: In your 130 you say the following:

BSL said:
i dont understand how Zim's lack of comment on your confusing question makes him the SK. i mean.. only Sho and I commented on it.
Disregarding Cello's current views of this playerslot, did you, or do you, find this to be scummy at all for Cello to be calling Zim out on the reasoning that he did?


A couple of things worry me about Swiss. In his interactions with X1, especially in his 251 and 253, he seems to be trying way too hard. Obviously he’s trying to get reactions, but I don’t see the townie intent behind doing so. I mean what, are you trying to get him angry? If so, why? How would that reflect on his alignment in anyway? Explain.

Some of Swiss’es reads match mine. That’s cool. . . I guess.

I like how he got a non sk read on Zim with what I would consider sound logic, but I also know he’s not new to defending townies as scum for points so meh.

Overall Swiss is slight scum. If he is mafia he’s definitely not in it with X1. Right now I think that there are bigger fish to fry than Swiss.

Also, more questions for Swiss:

@Swiss: Would you agree that it’s funny how both of the hydra’s are the most inactive? IIrc, you’ve said earlier that Afro was playing safe. Would you say that this is evidence of that (the fact the a hydra is playing safe)?

As we all obviously know, Cello has been number crunching for quite some time now. Do you feel, though, that all of it is necessary? If not, do you think that it’s excessive to the point that it’s scummy?

Swiss, could you expend on your 237? Specifically, what do you mean when you say that Delvo’s reaction is like a “recycled version?”


Null, leaning scum. This guy just jumped back into the game, and right out of the gate he’s tunneling Swiss. This by itself is null because I know that X1 pretty much always does this. However, I think that the content he’s doing it with is pretty weak, and I kind of think he’s just phoning stuff in.

I pretty much already asked him everything I already want to know from him, so I’ll just leave it as it is.


Ugh, I do not like you guys this game. For one, why is your playerslot so inactive? You’re a hydra, you shouldn’t have a hard time staying active. Also, I’m not to fond of your 248. Some of the accusations in it are dumb (mainly 1 and 2). Also, the timing is too convenient, as the case comes right after the tides started to turn against Delvo and it’s also a case from nowhere in the sense that it came after a bunch of inactivity on your part. I also find it weird that you don’t vote for your scum pick, and don’t say it’s because you you didn’t want to put him at L_1, because in your 309 you did so with ease. I generally find that it’s scummy not to vote for your scum pick because it shows a lack of commitment, and thus a lack of genuine interest in scum hunting. Plus, just like town, it’s also helpful for scum to keep their options open.

Also, why DID you think it would be okay to hammer Delvo? Prematture hammering is really, really sketchy.

Question. Can you expend upon what you meant when you said Delvo was acting like the middle man?


Null. Reads are good I think but just a bit too inactive for my taste, or at least has been. Again as a hydra he really shouldn’t have this problem. He really needs to get into this game more.


Not liking you. Just the general way you’ve been carrying yourself seems . . .off. Like, you overeact at everything, even when not under pressure. It seems phony. I’m also not liking your reasoning for jumping on the Zim wagon, it seems weak and looks like you’re wagon hopping without a reason. Also, in my last post I asked what the case on X1 was. This question was addressed to everyone, but not consider it to be just addressed to you. Why are you gunning for X1? What’s the full case against him?

Luckily, I cannot see Delvo and Sho on the same faction (unless they’re both town, which I doubt) so I definitely think one of these two should be lynched toDay.


Phew, done.

vote Sho

Would be fine with Delvo, but I don't want to put him at L_1 yet. Probably really would like Sho over him though.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
With 8 Alive it takes 5 to lynch!

Delvro: (3) Swiss,
Sho-Minamimoto, Afro Horse
Swiss: (1) X1-12
X1-12: (2) Delvro, Cello
Sho-Minamimoto: (1) Sworddancer
Not voting: (1) BSL

A deadline has been set for Midnight on the 12th Feb EST (10am AEST). That's about 4 Days!

Sho-Minamimoto: 1
Afro Horse: 1
Swiss: 1
Sworddancer: 1

Mod Note: Delvro is V/LA until thursday


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@Sworddancer: Sho isn't an SK, X1 might be. Both are likely to be mafia. Lynch X1 first. Do it soon so we can switch over in case X1 is the FBI Agent, so we don't feel forced to lynch an UNCOUNTERCLAIMED COP FBI Agent.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
What makes you think that Sho isn't SK, but whether the mafia? How could you even differate between the two?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
If Sho-Minamimoto actually was Sho-Minamimoto, then the scum would have pushed against him for his silence and general nothing-play. That didn't happen. Dark Afro was at least relevant in his commentary, so any push against him would have felt forced.
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