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Try Hard 4: Live Free or Try Hard (December 1st) AZ (Last one)

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
P.S. I have 110% more respect for Tai than you right now, Xander.
Is that supposed to be an insult or a compliment to me?

I can see at least two ways this can be interpreted, but I'm not sure which it is. Mind clarifying? :)


Smash Champion
Mar 29, 2009
20 miles south of Irvine, SoCal
I didn't kick you out of the room. Ask Tim who it was, cause he was sitting in front of my computer from 5 PM on.

And compliment. I'm saying that I've realized you're actually a fairly nice person, Tai.

At first my respect was like:


And now:


AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
LOL Joey you got kicked out the room!?!? Hahaha what did you do? I love you =P

Contrary to what Xander says, I think Rob did a great job running things this tourney. He always does. Just cuz others helped out doesn't mean he wasn't doing his job. Stop trippin lol


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
okami you just need to be real with people instead of thinking about how to say it nicely to them and just tell them to fuck off. thats it god damn man. you need to be assertive and say "youre a bitch" and just walk away. lol and btw fuck you for kicking me out of the room. XD
in my opinion rob is being VERY real with xander. sure, he doesnt say bad words, but he still gets his point across very clearly


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
okami rigged the bracket
that's the only reason i got 3rd and not 1st or 2nd

if okami didn't rig the bracket
i would've beat axe and gg7

makes me so mad
i shouldn't be losing to these guys
i would **** them if the brackets weren't so rigged

quick question:
when does okami go home to socal for the summer?
or in other words, how many more monthlies are we gonna have before then?
Lol. I c who u did thar.

Anyways, back to pointless waitress talk: she was wearing minimal makeup and looked bangable, I'm sure if she tried you guys would've been gawking much harder. The reason why I even bothered mentioning this waitress because our last two were a fugly one and one that would perhaps appeal to Kyle but he wasn't there to take advantage of that one.

That might have been my only double post ever and somebody edited it, I'm surprised.

I wasn't joking when I sad Rob rigged the bracket. You see, earlier when we were playing friendlies, *Modak theme*

Shiv is da bess at making sure we get to IHOP at a reasonable hour.

Elvis is still boss at looking after our backs.

I like playing devil's advocate so I will say:
Rob is trolling Xander by telling him what he will say. IT'S A TRAP XANDER DON'T DO IT


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
First of all, let me apologize for being upset at the tournament. I was having an off-day. I know that I need to get more than 6 hours of sleep per night.

As far as I know, after 12:30, when people started actually showing up...late as usual...I didn't play any friendlies at all until after I was eliminated from the tournament, 6 hours later. In fact, I was accommodating others who came to the tournament by in essence, giving them a discount on their food. Jeff can vouch for this. In addition, the livestream died and I had to fix that as well. Shiv is a great co-host too.

However, you, Xander, are a little whelp. I appreciate that you were defending me about not rigging the bracket, but you're still one of the biggest jerks out there. You're constantly telling me how bad of a TO I am, and to be quite honest, every single time you over exaggerate. I'll give you your respect. I'll even give you respect after I beat you. But you have to realize that being a tool isn't going to help.

You know what the best part is? You're not even going to read this. You won't take any of this to heart and say, "Hmm...maybe I am a jerk and I should stop. Perhaps I've made my point clear enough."

I also want to note that until you apologize for being such a jerk, I don't want you being a part of running the tournament in any way.

P.S. I have 110% more respect for Tai than you right now, Xander.
How am I a jerk, and what can I do to change that? I'd apologize, but I can't be sincere if I'm not sure what I've done.

You're a great person and I have a lot of respect for you. If my constantly bashing your TO skills is insulting, then I'll stop. I'm just used to a much higher level of organization that comes from other games in comparison to Smash, which is entirely community-organized as opposed to having companies like Wizards of The Coast, Upper Deck, Konami, Nintendo, and Pokemon backing them, that it's difficult for me not to criticize, and I'm very sorry I did so. I didn't take into account your feelings and that was wrong of me. I know I have a problem when it comes to tact, and that I always say what comes to mind, without too much thought regarding the other persons feelings, but I have enough respect for you, and Arizona's community to put an honest effort into changing that.


Even in the off-chance that Rob IS trolling me, I don't like being disrespected, especially in my home state, so I'd rather put an effort into making myself into a respectable person and possibly take the troll bait, than to ignore it.

Also; I really don't think he's being sincere, and agree with Jane and Kyle. He's done a very good job of making his point without using strong words.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
In this thread:

Okami Rigs the Brackets :troll:
RubyIris is the DREADLIEST WHELP OF ALL TIME (NAH dude) :troll:
Nicknyte is better than Okami On clutch moments. Did it for Vaughn. :troll:
I see dumb drama.


Overall, The Nicknyte says this. Balls, Okami. You have them to call Ruby out for being Ruby, but if you'd understand him a bit better, you'd know what you'd be saying was pointless. You pointed it out yerself "You're not even going to read this. You won't take any of this to heart" Xander did read it, whether he takes it to heart depends if he feels if he is really an ***, or if you believes if you are tripping over ****.

I think you are. If I'm wrong, tell me. It doesn't bother me.

I just read the last two pages of Ruby Praising you, defending you for getting the tourney done early and being realistic, but seriously, we don't need this type of dramatics, or lack of being respectful.

Even if Xander isn't, I'd expect a man to not demean another.

OH I RESPECT TAI 110% MORE THAN YOU! That is some f-ed up BS. How dare you. That's worse than calling Xander a whelp, because you demean Tai as well.

Look, I just don't like BS, Good job with the tournament. I am happy we finished early.

I think everyone needs to realize that if there is something you don't like about someone, Don't post it here, post it on a Damn PM, not publicly. Get a room. I don't need to see this kind of discussion if it doesn't pertain to the entire Tournament, as revalant.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
I made a huge post but then the browser closed and I lost it.

@Nicknyte: I don't mind that he brought this up in public, even if it isn't exactly right. I also shouldn't have criticized him in a public mean either. I think it's wrong for me to have criticized him in the first place, as it was just my being selfish and a little bit unreasonable.

I really should have just brought up my complaints in private, and I shouldn't have done it in such a crude, tactless manner.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
I appreciate your modesty, XanderIris. /serious

U also suck, and you have no teeth. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGG

To piss Tim off: I had an off day at the tournament. I shoulda done better. /notserious


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
You all need to grow up and learn to take/disregard criticism. You can grow from the criticism if it was thoughtful, ignore it if it wasn't.

Off day johns annoy me, unless you were at a funeral before the tournament or have burns on your fingers from rescuing orphans from an orphanage on fire, an "off day" is inconsistency in a competitive setting.

Good job Xander on beating me, I look forward to watching the match and hearing my girlish squealing as I try to DI out of your monster combos.


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
^ Thank you Elvis... <3 you

^ Double thank you Jetfour....Off day Johns are so ****ing annoying, and all (many) of you in Tucson use it so much it's annoying. Accept your wins/losses for a damn change. **** happens, for all you know, both "X" Player and "Y" player could've had "off" days, but since one of them has to lose, the loser will show their johns first. If it ain't SK, throwing his controller, Rubyiris, getting upset, Okami, getting upset, Tai calling Johns (INSERT ANY PLAYER HERE) calling johns, it's always something. Adapt to tourney style setting, adapt get better, repeat. Seriously stop taking away the win(s) from another player. I remember my VERY first tournament at T5, when even I had this type of behavior, it's MAD disrespectful. luckily 'Butters" Forward, and Taj fixed me up REAL quick. and that was 5 years ago, now granted some of you are getting better at letting it go, but still ****'s annoying

^**** seriously needs to stop, if it ain't someone complaining about brackets, a match.. etc, it's someone johning about something. Real Talk.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2005
Yoooo, just want to say, thanks for claiming that you and I basically ran this tournament Xander, but...welp, that just wasn't the case. Yes, I did some work, but it's menial and not worth mentioning. And, as much as I tell Rob to harden up against criticism (which I do and he does), is that really the community we want to be--ruthless and cold? This is coming from a once and somewhat still existentialist. We're humans. That's it.

Anyway--I've got more important things to post about, namely, great tournament guys. I don't always post, but when I do...it means something. You guys are a great community and an anchor for my sanity. Each one of you is a priceless friend. And as we all know...

Friendship is Magic.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
You rock Tai :) Thanks for recording/uploading.

And thanks to Okami for streaming/ running the tourney / rigging the bracket.

And thanks to Taj (and Vman I think?) for commentating.

And thanks to Jared for getting us all pizza!!!!

And thanks to everyone else for being awesome :)


Just to make things clear, we always say that Rob rigs the bracket just as a joke lol. He ran everything perfectly as far as I know.
Oh shoot I almost forgot one more thanks:

Thank you Nicknyte, for all the hentai :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2011
Tempe, AZ
Too lazy to do proper shoutouts. The lazy version will have to do.

Tai: Dude the brackets were rigged against you, you could have done way better. ps thx for the monster :D

Xander: I'll get you next time!

Okami: I thought you were going to 2-0 me easily, you destroyed me the first match.

GG7: I like your hat. you're too good at this game now. unlike...

Axe: You're a jerk for not visiting me more often, but other than that you're awesome :p

Shiv: Runs brackets like a boss. And somehow looks like a baller in any hat we can throw at him.

Also new tag is because I've seen at least 3 misspellings of my name in this thread lol

EDIT: Also shoutouts to everybody else I played with. Frosty, Book, Tag$, and others I don't remember now due to tiredness johns. You guys are all cool beans

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
Yo someone needs to bring Marvel next time.

Tourney was mad whack. So much that you actually got me to use the word WHACK. Yeah.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Spencer's still gay for sandbagging. You really should have gone Fox. you underestimate just how good it is!

I'm still upset I missed my walljump dair vs Tai match 1 game 1. I don't think I would have won the set, but that game was mine. =[

oh well, I missed it, and that's that. Still makes me sad tho.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
We should've taken a pic with that random chick we all stared at at the same time hahaha.

Shiv looks so amazing in hats.

Actually Shiv just looks amazing in general.

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
Seriously though, bring Marvel next time. Makes me more inclined to go and would also make me less bored.

It also makes my brother more inclined to go.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
Everything except for crews (LOL) has been uploaded.

Anyone wanna make a video thread for me? :)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
wow the smash community is so fake. watch now when you guys GO to the tourney and meet each other youll be buddy-buddy right? ****ing fake as hell. i dont really care about the arguments and stuff cause thats in human nature to be like that. but when you fight with someone and just be best friends with them later is so stupid. its a waste of time for everyone to pay attention to and youre just putting unneccesary bull**** on the boards.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
WTF are you talking about Joey? lol

It's natural to talk **** to friends. I do it to Tim all the time. Competition and Friendship do go hand in hand.

Fake to me would be the opposite. Being friendly IRL, and then talking **** behind them on the boards. That's fake. Hiding behind the veil of the internet to avoid conflict.
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