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Try Hard 4: Live Free or Try Hard (December 1st) AZ (Last one)


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
@Lv9: My name is Alexander but I go by Xander, but it's pronounced the same as you would pronounce xylophone or Xena.

You should def get Kyle to take you under his wing though. He's mad good. =]


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
I am almost done separating all of singles pools into individual sets, and I want to get peoples feedback:

Do people want the bracket matches on ATVSmash or Rubyiris?

Pro of ATVSmash:

780 subscribers.

Con of ATVSmash:

Videos won't be uploaded until Tuesday/Wednesday.

Pros of Rubyiris:

Everything will be uploaded by tonight.


99 subscriber

Btw Coty: You should def keep playing. You're mad good even with all the rust. Also you have like 20 sets played on the recording TV, so you'll have a BUNCH of footage to study. =]

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Hmmmm...... Personally.... It doesn't matter too much to me lol. I'm not really sure. I'm at a neutral decision.
Just posting my response for Xander here too :)

I'm undecided cuz I would love to see the videos asap (I'm so impatient lol), but I would also like for them to get more views. So.... yeah idk :)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2007
Flagstaff, AZ
Both =D lol

nah, i can personally wait a few days. got plenty of school work to catch up on anyways xD
With that said,


Axe - You're too amazing! And your Young Link is crazy haha. Good job getting first, you're way too good.
GG7 - Do0d you're awesome and hilarious lol. wish we coulda played more friendlies, I like playing that falcon P:
Forward - We didn't play at all lol D: , not counting doubles of course
Okami - Good stuff man! I don't think I played you at all in singles either, except getting gayed hard offstage in doubles lol *works on that*. Thanks for hosting the tourney and for the ride after ihop. much appreciated.
Rubyiris - Watched a few of your matches and they were goood. We didn't play at all either this time.... man I didn't play a lot of people lol
Tai - Yep, didn't play either lol. I always love watching your marth though
Kyle - I learned a lot from the peach matches. Changed how I look at peach haha. You're soo good! I took a lot of mental notes xD
Angel - Proud of you bro =D lol
Shiv - haven't ever played you yet haha. You're a cool guy though, thanks for the ride!
Me - Get better!... Okay!
Falcoty - I really enjoyed those friendlies after the tourney. *sheik experience increase*
Nicknyte - I'm a fan of your luigi do0de. can't wait to play you again with my mario =D
Sunnycide - Those friendlies were fun yo. Keep at it

Jackie - thanks for all those friendlies. Really got a chance to practice what I've been learning, and learned even more! Thanks for the tips too. I enjoyed playing your gay jiggs xD

Piman - Lol thanks again for the 2 hour housing and ride xD the Friendlies were cool despite my eyes dying P:

To everybody else and everybody in general, I had a great time and wanna come to the next one lol. I'm really excited about finally getting to practice what I've learn throughout all these years of theorizing in my head against characters other than yoshi P: Much love to everybody for being so cool


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Girku as I'm separating your pools matches you're looking REALLY solid with both your Mario and your Falco, but I think it's painfully obvious just how much more experienced you are with Falco than Mario.

Play whoever you have the most fun with, but something Umbreon says and I agree with is "Play whoever you feel you have the best chance of winning with." I'd notice you'd generally lose G1 with Mario and switch to Falco and bring it to game 3. Maybe that's part of your game plan, but why not spend more time practicing Falco?

Just sayin'.

Final shoutout to Nicknyte:

You're a lot better than everybody gives you credit. Myself included. You may not have noticed but you improved significantly during the short period of time I stayed at your house. Every day you would get progressively more and more difficult to beat. I know your silliness and gimmicks are your M.O. but just try to imagine your potential if you played a more standardized, solid game. If you don't take that advice, at least take some time to study Vish and Eddie and check out how they deal with players significantly better than players you're used to playing with and try to incorporate some of what they do into your goofiness.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Girku as I'm separating your pools matches you're looking REALLY solid with both your Mario and your Falco, but I think it's painfully obvious just how much more experienced you are with Falco than Mario.
Seriously? Idk, I kinda felt like both his Mario and his Falco were at the same level. They both have different styles, so I think you should work on both of them. That way if you can't win with one of your characters, you have a backup character with a different style that might work better against that particular player.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Idk. There was a few times where his mario would just get wrecked, then he'd play much better with falco then lose game 2 narrowly, or lose game 3 narrowly.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2007
Flagstaff, AZ
@Rubyiris, yeah... I picked up mario like, in between last tourney and this one, so of course i haven't been using him as long. But I do have a lot of fun playing him. Honestly, I wasn't really too focused on winning as much as getting experience and exposing myself to the higher tiered characters in serious tourney matches because I generally don't have much experience at all vs most of the cast.

I only regularly play against yoshi, and one style of falco and that's pretty much about it. I on the other hand, play most of the cast in order to give my bros a lot of scattered experience, but i've narrowed it down to mario and falco simply because they are the most fun for me. Not that I don't have fun with a lot of other characters, but yeah....

I was trying to get general feels for the higher tiers both vs my falco (top tier) and my mario (lower tier). Reason I'd pick mario first was too get a better chance to watch my opponent since he doesn't get gayed off stage -as- hard (or quick) as falco. Plus, the biggest thing I'm trying to get is simply getting used to tournament play.

I should spend more time using falco when we practice rather than a whole buncha random characters, But again, The only practice as falco i get most of the year is against angel's yoshi lol. Hopefully this tourney helped my mindset during tourney matches, and I'll see you guys next time better than ever =D
<3 melee

@axe, yeah i'm keeping mario as my secondary. you're right i do play differently with both characters. but mainly, mario is too fun for me xD


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Friendlies are generally a good time to play a bunch of random characters, but when it's crunch time, like friendlies at the tournament or the smashfest the night before it's generally a better idea to bust out whomever you want to do the best with.

Playing multiple characters is an excellent way to expand your knowledge of the game, plus it's fun.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
i think everyone should main a low tier AND a high tier that way you can be both aggressive and defensive a lot of problems that AZ has is defense. everyone just plays top tier characters so they dont have to worry about DI or working around things or any of that. and being precise is another bad thing. (no offense) but rusty for example just throws out moves hoping itll hit. and thats not good. so yeah everyone should main a low and high tier :)


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
study Vish and Eddie and check out how they deal with players significantly better than players you're used to playing with and try to incorporate some of what they do into your goofiness.
STUDY? OTHER SMASHERS? That wouldn't make me Nicknyte. I will, however, take what you said with respect and gratitude, and make myself into a more...um.... well rounded Luigi.

I can't say standardized tho. That what falco's do. Same Sheet, different day. :p


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
all elvis really needs to do is lose his habits and pay attention to other people are doing. like if you fall for something once you should never fall for it again in that match. and lol i love your sig elvis haha


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
standard isnt the word i was looking for lol. Basically I just wish you had more solid move choice. There's being unique, and there's just outright being bad.

Take our dthrow dair argument for example. I showed you numerous times again and again that it didn't work and suggested alternatives. It's one thing to be unique, but stuff like that for example should be removed from your gameplay and be replaced by something that does work.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2006
wait does this lv 9 guy like not know pro smashers or something? thats what it seems like.
Wtf are you talking about!? Giving props to good players? Or maybe because i moved here last month? You dont like "outsiders"?

YEAH you seem to do a lot of picking on people. You also seem to be trying to put yourself above someone without even meeting them.
Whats up with that?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
Wtf are you talking about!? Giving props to good players? Or maybe because i moved here last month? You dont like "outsiders"?

YEAH you seem to do a lot of picking on people. You also seem to be trying to put yourself above someone without even meeting them.
Whats up with that?
@ my partner-what the heck? how in the world was i picking on you? you just sounded like you didnt know pro smashers thats all. whats wrong with that? and how did i put myself above you? and you were the one who was acting pretty cocky anyways so................ and how was that post offensive in anyway? and no offense but theres no way i would care about outsiders unless theyre already really good not saying that you arent but i mean like great players. i dont care for people who are getting there tbh, dont take this the wrong way, i want people to get good but i just dont care about helping them or any of that. i just care about people who are already there thats it. *sigh* you probably wont understand and i dont care tbh and i pick on people who deserve it or if im bored. what do you wanna MM me or something?

@ jane oh ok lol


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Wtf are you talking about!? Giving props to good players? Or maybe because i moved here last month? You dont like "outsiders"?

YEAH you seem to do a lot of picking on people. You also seem to be trying to put yourself above someone without even meeting them.
Whats up with that?
Lvl9, Joey is a troll. He is a 16 yr old, I am better than you at everything "Ur a pedophile, u suck" troll. In fact, I have no clue why he never gets infractions. However, take all he says with a grain of salt. He might say things to piss you off, but he's not serious. He's just a troll.

I love you too Joey.

Axe - We will do that random match, and I will win the money. AT POUND 5, MM HYPE :D
GG7 - Chris, you're damn hard. I wish your band awesome luck!...not mine though. Lava's a beech.
Forward - Nice to see you again Birthday Boy. Come by more often to 2-son.
Okami - Okami, we had our differences, but overall, I'm happy we got to fight at the tournament. We will have some revision on stage glitches though. For now, Brinstar is legal.
Rubyiris - You've gotten better Ruby Road. I think your time in SV helped you improve as a smasher, and as a person. Glad I got to know you on a more personal level. I wish you luck on your trip through life. I will try to lend a hand when I can.
Taj - You one black *** motha trucka. You insult me by not wearing the Nicknyte hat. Next time, you will wear it, and you will like it :D
Kyle - Silly. Teach me how to play Brawl with Luigi.
Duff0 - Teach me how to Duffy.
THE FLAGSTAFF CONNECTION - Jesus, Angel, you guys make me feel good knowing that Flagstaff has potential and skill. I might take a trip up to Flagstaff just to see you guys soon. It was fun playing with you. Also, Girku, you are now Girkunyte, Nicknyte of the North.
Shiv - Jesus, you may not know this, but this is the first time I beat you in tournament. It is always a pleasure to see you. Keep frosty Hindu Jesus.
Me - Nicknyte Nicknyte Nicknyte
Nicknyte - Sucks.
Sunnycide - Up!
Jackie - You didn't say Nicknyte Sucks in your shoutout! WHO ARE YOU! AM I BONDING WITH JACKIE YET?!?! Thanks for housing Xander that night :D
Piman - Thanks for housing Flagstaff. Pima would not be Pima without Piman and his Pie.



Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2007
Flagstaff, AZ
THE FLAGSTAFF CONNECTION - Jesus, Angel, you guys make me feel good knowing that Flagstaff has potential and skill. I might take a trip up to Flagstaff just to see you guys soon. It was fun playing with you. Also, Girku, you are now Girkunyte, Nicknyte of the North.
wahhhht, that'd be friggin awesome do0d haha. if you do just let me know so i can set aside some quality melee time =D
and lol, I'm honored to have become Girkunyte xD


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
dammit joey, accept my apology~
wtf? i did -_- lol
Lvl9, Joey is a troll. He is a 16 yr old, I am better than you at everything "Ur a pedophile, u suck" troll. In fact, I have no clue why he never gets infractions. However, take all he says with a grain of salt. He might say things to piss you off, but he's not serious. He's just a troll.

I love you too Joey.
LOL yeah pretty much what big elvis said haha :) and i dont know why i dont get infractions either, i try to get them. maybe thats why i dont get them lol but im still confused on how that post i made was derogatory in anyway. people just like to throw bitch fits. lol jay-kay

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Did you just make a quadruple post Joey?

Lemme guess... You're not gonna get an infraction for that either lol

Elvis, if you go to Flagstaff, take me with you!!
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