After Riciardos is dead, the survivors are Me, Medio, KevinM, DF, and Spam_Master. Two of them are confirmed town, I'm basically confirmed anti-mafia and semi-confirmed town through actions, while Medio and KevinM have character roles.
We all know each others characters, and we know that Legato is Riciardos. We know Legato is in the game.
If Riciardos doesn't end it, we can think of what to do. But at the moment, even if somehow Riciardos is town, we won't loose. The only way we'd loose is if me, Medio, and KevinM where all allied together, and I can assure you that we're not (I've pushed for both of their deaths in the past).
If it does go to night, however, then I say no one casts their roles. Not only will this push us closer to Day 8, but it also can weed out the anti-towns from the real towns. If someone ends up dead, then we can tell who did it from the description and the characters.
I'm not going to lie, if Riciardos doesn't end the game, then I'll bet my life that Mediocre and KevinM are independents. Both have been found suspicious, and both have almost nothing more then characters to claim for themselves. And as we've found out, characters don't go very far in this game. We've had no independents, and it'd make sense for their to be at least 2.
And because I know at least one person will claim I'm independent: Vash is strongly against killing, which by itself would basically mean I'm not independent, as there is no reason for Vash to want to kill everyone. Also, my role restriction (If I'm the hammer vote I die) make sit almost impossible for me to win if I was independent at the end game. Also, I saved Chill at risk to myself in order to try and kill Jiano. If I was independent, it'd be smarter for me to just let Chill die and then go after Jiano.
However, none of that is worth anything unless if the game ends. If it continues, we can talk about it more.