Playing people who trashtalk on Call Of Duty is annoying and really a trial of patience. Actually, most people on XBox. Half the people you end up meeting are racist, half of them make things too personal too fast, and half of them trash talk when they have no idea what they're doing.Meh. Being a competitive Call of Duty player, I had to face a lot of people who trashtalked often. Until I destroyed them that is. Then they gave the good old "you're hacking" excuse. I miss those days.
That's right. 150% of aggravation.
It' s that effective.
I may be overreacting, but I'm probably not.
On the other hand, trashtalking between friends is always good, because nobody really goes to far, even when it gets personal. It's usually always funny, because it's just a bunch of friends having a good time, not some random person being an ******* and getting on your case.