To be honest, the main part of this leak I want to be true is Ridley and Mewtwo.
I Feel like after all the teasing (especially with Ridley), Sakurai kind of owes it to the fans who have been waiting for these guys for a long time now. Not to mention, relax alax (a guy who could care less of ridley) said that the only thing going against Ridley at this point is if Sakurai/Smash team have faulty beliefs (thinking that non-playable ridley is what we want), or are just insensitive to fans and/or hate the series/character/fanbase.
Also Metroid defiantly, DEFINITELY needs a new rep. Seriously, three games and we've had the same character......twice? If Metroid is such a important franchise to Nintendo, why dose it always have such bad representation in smash?
I just hope we get something, anything on minday that hints that these guys and the other 3 are coming....
And yes I called monday minday.