i would guess that 98% of the time, when someone is looking for a tournament, they are looking for a specific game... how many people in the smash community actively play both games enough such that they would be willing to go over 1 hour for either of them? In norcal, there is probably only one player out of 80/90 people in both communities combined for which that holds true, and based on my cursory check of results in other regions, I don't think that our ratio is any more bizarre than anywhere else
"hype"? check the pound4 thread; there's almost ZERO hype for barlw, simply because melee is dominating the existing conversation. if it had its own barlw thread, you bet your *** that there would be more barlw "hype", whether deserved or not
your fuzzy condition doesn't matter, because if it's a base barlw tournament, it would be posted in the barlw forum. when you actually make a decision to include melee, you can post it in the melee forum
no melee player would go to a barlw tournament just because there 'might' be melee, and vice versa
lastly, what you posted definitely wasn't worth all caps
edit: the whole "barlw" thing is just a habit i can't break anymore since i've been doing it for a year and a half; i'm not overtly trying to mock it in this post