Here are my late shootouts. Ive been really busy lately with homework and sleeping….so here they are…
Timmy: Thanks for hosting a great tourney. Brackets weren’t to great but its ok. We had some good matches. I especially liked our Marth/Puff battle. That was a fun one. Anyway, Thanks again.
Tommy: Sorry we didn’t get to play at this tourney. I was really short on time. Sorry bout that. We will definitely play at the next one.
AfterMath: We didn’t get to do our $1 MM. At this weekends TANG, if I go, we’ll do three, k? It was fun getting my butt kicked in teams against you and jesse. I wasn’t very much help to MCS with my Puff so my bad. Lol
Juce: You’re just terrible. JESUS. Anyway….Puff/Marth MM next time we meet.
MCS: Congrats on winning your first tourney. Knew you could do it. Kinda sucked that we had to fight eachother in the second round. Close battles, but of course, you came out on top. We should definitely get together more and play. Congrats again
Bart: You’re still my favorite smasher, so you better not quit. Still good job in singles, still cease to impress me. Your falcons one tricky SOB. Lol. Need to get some friendlies in next time.
Andy: I don’t think we got to play any matches. Shame, shame. Next time we gotta kk?
DMStudios: Amazing Ness, I hate it with a passion, you’re my most feared matchup. Lol. Anyway, good playing against you in teams. Need more friendlies
Shin: I didn’t know that you spent so much money on the tourney for that food. Wow, if I would have known, I would have thanked you in person. But anyway, thank you. It was fun playing against your ganon in singles. Scary beast. BWAHAHA
Foosy: Good playin against you again. Close battles in singles. Maybe next time, ill sandbag even more and let you win, so you can be ahead of me. Glad though you somewhat dropped sheik. You can do better without. Impressive fox though. Keep improving and maybe sometime, we can get together and play
Buzz: …..
Gresham: Well, didn’t get to play any of you guys one on one. But got to play two of you in teams. No more trash talk K? Lol. Anyway, theres plenty of space to improve so continue to do so. Hope to play against you guys next time. LaTe
Jaymie’s Shoutouts:
Just to let you guys know, that’s how you spell my name, Jaymie, just for future reference.
Bart: *replying to your shoutout* Thanks, I know
Shin: *replying to your shoutout* Next time, its WAR!
Timmy / Tommy *replying to both of your shoutouts* Your very welcome. Glad to do the brackets anytime.
*Back to OC George*
Thanks to everyone that voted for me in the awards. But to be honest, I don’t deserve any one of those… well maybe besides “Best competitive spirit”. Lol. But I guess I do deserve the “Most Likely to Hit Himself in the Head with a Collapsable Baton”. That’s my title and no one will take it away from me. Lol. But then again, I was the only candidate. Haha
BTW: Someone owes me a **** Pineapple!!!