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Touhoumon general discussion. Touhoumon 1.8x Let's Play by Rubyiris in progress!


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Anyone play this series romhacks of FR/Emerald? There's like a billion of them, but the most notable are:

Touhoumon 1.8x
Touhoumon Another World
Touhoumon World Link
Touhoumon Lunatic

Thusfar, I've nearly completed Another World, and World Link.

In Another World I'm grinding up for Gensokyo League. I went through most of the game without properly trained pokemon, but with Gensokyo League being all LV100, and having broken "Z" puppets, I probably need to compensate with properly trained mons.

In World Link I finished all of Hoenn and Kanto. I'm at a point where I'm severely underleveled and I still need to finish all of Java, E4 R2, Johto, beat Red, and tackle the Battle Frontier. I'm really discouraged due to how far behind I am in levels, and I still need to retrain my team at some point.

In 1.8x Merry version I'm heading toward Fuchsia. My guy's are moderately leveled.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
It's Pokémon with increased (now non-easy-mode) difficulty, a few new moves and all Pokémon/Trainer Sprites replaced with Touhou-related things.

Took a lot of work but eh.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
To elaborate further in 1.8/Lunatic

Type chart completely reworked.
DPPHGSS Physical/Special split.
90% of the Mons are only within 10-20 BST of each other.
Reworked evolution chains. Many of the mons have several evolution routes/alternative evolutions/trade-specific evolutions.
Revive/Max Revive prohibited mid-battle.
Out of Dex evolutions prohibited until National Dex is obtained, whilst mid/late game trainers are allowed to use them.
Quite a few move changes in both 1.5x based hacks (World Link/another World) In 1.8x nearly every move is reworked, including many new ones.
Many new items.
Special boss-specific Mons. Some of the bosses have mons with 800-1500 BST pokemon for another difficulty jump. Requires a lot of strategy to beat them, though often times a correctly EVed balanced team will still poop on these monsters.

The problem with Another World is arbitrarily high-leveled trainer mons. Other games don't follow this trope. Even with the forced grinding in Another World, there's a lot of good things about the game.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
A couple of those changes I like.

I think the type chart really does need to be reworked.

I'd have to see their changes though.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I wasn't actually aware that Touhoumon made changes to the gameplay. Interesting. I never actually played it, though; I always found the concept of capturing little girls in balls and then making them fight unsettling.

I may give it a shot at some point, though.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
You might be confusing Touhoumon with Moemon.

If you're familiar with the Touhou series, it's less unsettling. The girls are actually dolls/puppets that were made by Alice, or Patchouli depending on which game you play. In the touhou canon, the characters basically beat the **** out of each other for sport. Touhoumon takes that concept and replaces spell cards with Doll versions of other characters.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
You might be confusing Touhoumon with Moemon.

If you're familiar with the Touhou series, it's less unsettling. The girls are actually dolls/puppets that were made by Alice, or Patchouli depending on which game you play. In the touhou canon, the characters basically beat the **** out of each other for sport. Touhoumon takes that concept and replaces spell cards with Doll versions of other characters.
No no, it was definitely Touhoumon. One of my friends who's a huge Touhou fan was playing it once and I observed a little bit.

I've actually played a few games in the Touhou series (I've played Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil a decent amount in particular), but I wasn't aware that that was the concept behind the series, heh. My bad.

In any event, though, it does sound interesting.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
I'll be doing a screenshot+text Let's Play of Touhoumon 1.8x Merry Edition, an English Fire Red hack based off Touhoumon Puppet Play 1.8x. With the Japanese romhacks, they're rebuilt from the ground up. Many of the English translations are fairly lazily made, like this one. They take the game mechanic changes, etc of the Japanese version, and port it over to an English Fire Red without any change to plot/etc. Regardless, even with the blatant laziness, I still enjoy this particular romhack due to the difficulty. Clever mechanic changes make the game legitimately difficult, and I'll be doing a Nuzlock challenge on top of it following these rules:

*I will only catch the first Puppet encountered on each new route. Shiny Puppets are excluded from this rule.

*I will release a Puppet when fainted. A whiteout is not considered game over if I have Puppets in storage.

The first update will be from Pallet to post-Brock. I originally started with Sanae which has resistances up the *** dragon-style, but is deathly weak to the rival, and first badge. Alice and Brock legit become luck-based missions without massive grinding. I opt to go with Alice because she's the only starter who gets STAB early game. Sanae gets her first STAB at level 18, and Reisen at level 18.

Let's begin~

As you can see here, Oak is unchanged.

"Pokemon" is changed to "Touhou." I prefer the hacks where they're changed to "Puppets," or "Dolls. (Boneka for the indonesian version(s) made by Sanae)

Regardless if you chose Boy or Girl, you're forced to play as Maribel Han

An amusing oversight due to laziness. The truth is because the rival is Renko Usami

Trainer card.

Sanae is an extremely bulky Puppet, her final evolution having 90/115/115 defenses, and Shinto/Wind, this games equivalent of Dragon/Electric and Serene Grace. Her offensive capabilities are mediocre at 60/80/70. One of the changes is that each puppet only evolves once, but has many alternative evolutions. The way the game balances this is by having alternative evolutions being national dex. They're stone evolutions, which are locked until you own the National Dex. Sanae has an Attack form, and a Technitian form. Both ASanae, and TSanae respectively are very respectable attackers. ASanae becomes Shinto/Water and switches her stats around. 70/130/90 for offensive stats, and 80/80/80 for defensive stats. TSanae is another offensive-based attacker with 60/105/110 offensive stats, and 90/85/80 for defensive stats and she's Shinto/Nature, this game's version of grass.

Alice is the mighty glacier of this game. Mono-Reason typing, or basically Mono-Psychic. 100/70/100/110/100/50 for stats, and Doll Woll which is Rough Skin. Competitively, she's kinda ***, but she's the only starter who learns her STAB quickly enough for her to be viable early game. Attack Alice is almost identacle to Sanae in terms of stat distribution, but loses to Sanae's superior typing. TAlice is interesting in that she becomes a quick physical sweeper with 105 attack and 105 speed.

Reisen is the "Heart" type, and I'm not really sure which element it's trying to emulate. Her stats make her more of a stereotypical psychic-type sweeper. 80/75/75 defensive stats and 70/125/105 offensive stats. Reisen learns her first STAB at level 18 like Sanae, but learns a non-stab Psycho Shot at level 9 making her the second best early-game starter. Unlike the other two, Reisen has a defense form, giving her respectable 95 SPA, and 135 Special defense. she unfortunately not being the Nature type, and not having an -absorb ability doesn't make her the most effective special wall.

I go with Alice, and Renko choses Reisen. I **** her face off due to Doll Wall being broken early game and go through the derp fetch quest. I get my Touhou Orbs and go off to catch ****.

My first catch is a CNazrin. Unlike other early-game derps, she comes with Pick Up, and is 20 BST higher than nearly everything. She being a Beast type, and Tackle being Beast type makes her pretty amazing early game. Later on she evolves in to a fairly balanced mon with 90/90/105 for offensive stats and 60/70/85 for defensive stats, and potentially gets Sand Veil. She's potentially a decent mixed sweeper, but for some reason the AI likes to crithax my Nazrin so I've never been able to properly raise one.

My second catch is a CTokiko, a bulky mono-flying type, 100/100/90 for defensive stats. Attack stats are 80/40/70 (She can learn roost later on LOL.) She's amazing early game. Stalls out the first gym severely under leveled!

My Third catch is a CLuna (No pic because I suck.) In Touhoumon, there are only two bug types, Wriggle, and Yamame, so most Bug Catchers catch the various fairys from Touhou, Lunachild, Sunnymilk, Star Sapphire, Daiyousai, Cirno, Lily White, Lily Black.

Post-Rival battle 1. Grinded Tokiko to level 6 and CAlice to level 10 before taking on Renko. Level 6 CTokiko bodies Her level 10 CMedicine, a bulky Miasma/Nature (Poison/Grass) puppet, and CAlice with Psy Shot eats Reisen alive.

I grind CTokiko up to level 11, and CAlice up to level 15 in preperation for Brock. Luck was on my side this battle as Stomp paralyzed both his Suika, a earth type with 95/55/95 defensive stats as a Chibi. Then he proceeded to Harden to +6 defense as I Sand Attacked for -6 accuracy. Quick Attack (flying type, stab) koed it slowly. He then sent in CYuugi at level 16, a Chibi with a base 90 attack unevolved. Stomp paralyzed, when he used Howl for +1. He then used Howl until he was at +6, while I sand attacked him to -5 accuracy. Karate Chop (i resist this) missed and I got the -6 accuracy. With resistance, a +6 karate chop does half damage, but ohkos on crit. He got two hits, but no crits which I potioned away the damage whilst chipping away with quick attack. Got my badge, and ****ty TM and went on my way.

My next update will have far more screenshots/information, and hopefully be less rushed in writing. I won't be able to update until sometime around wednesday, so let me know if anyone finds this interesting.


CNazrin LV.2

Current team:

Lv. 15 CAlice
Lv. 12 CTokiko
Lv. 7 CLuna

Also; type chart!



Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Well, this looks really ****ing awesome. I've only managed to beat about half of the PC Touhou games, so I feel like I might miss out on some stuff.
Which version would you recommend? It looks like there's a lot of options.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
my personal favorite is Touhoumon Another World. I'm playing a translated Touhoumon 1.8

Update two! Also sorry, even less screenshots this time. I was sidetracked when doing Brock > Misty, and frustrated with killing mons i want/catching ones i didn't/getting gibbed by crits. Furthermore, my game locked up when I had like, my absolute ideal pre-misty party, so it took me an hour to get my motivation back.

Update two: Brock - Misty.

During the time I was working on leveling up my CLuna, it got gibbed by a crit pursuit when I was switch leveling it. RIP Level 8 CLuna.

Caught CChen just before Mt. Moon. Fragile Beast-type with 100 attack/130 speed. Mediocre ability. It just kills ****, and happens to be my absolute favorite Touhou character. Expect lots of babying.

...Except it got gibbed by an Ember from a Kisume, a Water/Fire with 155 Physical Defense.

RIP Lv.7 CChen.

Bought CSatori for $500. This game's Magikarp. Knows Transform. Doesn't learn another move until Level 20. MFW.

Upon evolution it becomes a solid Puppet with 95/60/80/120/85/90

Mt. Moon encounter was a Kisume. Caught it and boxed it. **** you, Kisume.

During this period of time, I used only Alice and Tokiko, grinding their ***** to level 20 in preparation for Rival+Misty. Mt. Moon was uninteresting. Just outside of Cerulean, I recatch a Chen. **** YEAH. I grind it to level 16 in preparation for Rival battle, but never use it. I buy a metric ****ton of Super Potions, and status healers, and withdraw Kisume for cannon fodder, switch Tokiko to first slot, and bring the heat to Misty's lackeys. They both have a bunch of Murasa, so I spam stomp for SE, bringing Tokiko to level 22, then go to fight the Rival on the bridge.

Rival leads with CWriggle, a Nature type. Wing Attack'd.
Rival sends out CTewi. Wing attack.
Rival sends out CMystia. I send out CAlice. Sing misses. Aurora Beam sends gibs flying.
Rival sends out CReisen. I send out Tokiko and spam Double Team like an *******. Take less than 20 damage in the process.

I go back to cerulean and heal for the **** of it, and buy a few more super potions.

Tried to grind Chen on Nugget Bridge. Everything had type advantage against her, so I just grinded up Chen and Alice instead while switch grinding, getting Chen to 18 in the process. I go to the area with the Camper to catch a Nature type but Chen crits it. Go to the route above and successfully catch a CMinoriko.

Minoriko is mono-grass Oddish line. End of story. Knows Leech Seed, Absorb, and Growth. I taught it Decision, a 60 Power Shinto move that never misses for coverage. If a Minoriko and a Shizuha are traded, they'll evolve into the broken Aki Sisters, a mixed wall breaker with 125 atk/120 SPA with Nature/Earth

I grind up Minoriko to level 18 on the trainers en-route to bill(Zun)'s cottage. Get the S.S. ticket, and heal up back at Cerulean City. Alice is forced to take out the Rocket grunt, I drop off Satori at the Daycare in hopes to pick it up later after it's learned its first attacking move (TMs are disabled ala Magikarp.)

I fight only the forced battles on the way to Vermilion since the trainers are higher leveled than I currently feel comfortable dealing with. I heal up, then hop on a boat

CMinoriko is grinded to level 25 and evolves to Minoriko, it's final evolution. CTokiko evolves to Tokiko after defeating the rival, who's only change to his party is minus Wriggle, plus CKeine, a bulky Reason type. Tokiko took out Tewi, and Mystia, Minoriko took out Keine, and Reisen with ease. +3 Mega Drain ohkos. Get cut, which is a 60 Power Steel type in this version, and leave the boat. Go to the right of Vermillion, catch a CMomiji

CMomiji evolves in to a Steel/Beast physical sweeper/HM slave.

After I've had enough derping around, I go back to Cerulean, and Minoriko makes her my *****.

First up is level 20 CKomachi, a bulky as **** water version of Spinda that doesn't suck. Leech Seed, +6 Growth, Decision to KO.

Then comes out level 25 SKomachi, or "Speed" Komachi, a speedy water physical sweeper. Potentially learns Swift Swim.

Sorry, +6 Mega Drain, peace. Collect badge and **** TM, dip.

Post-Misty team:


Level 7 CKisume
Level 6 CChen


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Okay so it turns out that of the three ROMs I ended up downloading, one of them happens to be the one you're playing


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Coolio, let me know if you have any questions, what you think, etc.

Surge - Erika - rocket - koga to come tomorrow. Sabrina and Blaine are out of my league currently. Considering grinding up 4 or 5 new Mons before attempting.



Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
this is what happens when i don't check the Poke Center for a couple weeks? lol damn i missed out

I wasn't actually aware that Touhoumon made changes to the gameplay. Interesting. I never actually played it, though; I always found the concept of capturing little girls in balls and then making the fight unsettling.

I may give it a shot at some point, though.
definitely give it a shot, it's grindier than most even if you aren't nuzlocking it, but a normal pokemon game is probably something you could beat with your eyes closed, so it's a nice step up in difficulty. and the whole fun part is the capturing little girls in balls cuz they're actually youkai who would melt your face off if they weren't treated as little girls. trust me.

Well, this looks really ****ing awesome. I've only managed to beat about half of the PC Touhou games, so I feel like I might miss out on some stuff.
Which version would you recommend? It looks like there's a lot of options.
another world/world link are very good. any touhoumon game is gonna be a lot grindier than a regular pokemon game, so pick a version based off of a fr/lg hack rather than the emerald ones running around so you at least have the vs. seeker. i think my first one was aqua+yui ver., but there's so many of them out there and a lot of them are basically the same, so i wouldn't sweat it. you can check puppet stats and alter the items pokemon carry with YAPE if the headers are unedited, which is handy.

rubyiris: you're nuzlocking thmon? good luck, hope your second chen doesn't get screwed over like chen the 1st. ran would be ashamed...watch out for big level spikes in the gyms. you're gonna have to grind a lot if you want to actually keep your core team alive, since in most hacks they don't really change the levels of the trainers too much but the gym leaders get higher levels and access to the rarer evolutions, like S/A/D/T forms in the early-game, and legit broken stuff like Tensoku in the later game. dunno if JKSanae, the water/electric kyogre stat clone is in that game or not, but if it is, watch the **** out cuz it's a pain to take down.

the type chart changes are wack, frankly. you'd never expect stuff like beast to hit ghost super-effectively, and the renaming Fighting-type to Dark so that ghosts are immune to it...sigh, it makes things more complicated for people like me. i like the ones with the original type chart. on the other hand, 1.8 mon stats are a lot more balanced, so... :urg:


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Whooo, I remember this game~! :D
Its changed an awful lot since last time i've played though. Soooooo dumb question, but how do ya get advents in this game? Just curious in case it changed. I seriously want an advent China, Ran, or letty~ =w=

I'm playing 1.8 btw.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Advent touhou aren't available in 1.8 except for a very select few which you get with rainbow shard. Requires national dex.

Kirbyraeg: I'm at Giovanni. So far I've only lost Satori since last update. Used Max repels to guarantee that I don't lose out on a chance to catch power plant and seafoam island legendaries. Chen ended up getting boxed in lieu of better Mons for the sake of completing the nuzlock. Started to go back to.older routes to catch **** specifically to meet the 50 pokemon requirement for experience share. Grinding up a secondary team which will likely replace my core team for Giovanni/rival/e4.


I spent an hour typing up Misty - Sevii Islands, but then I accidentally clicked cancel, so **** it. Massive update to come Friday. Sorry guys.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Holy ****, Remilia. Holy ****. I had like 5 Pokemon at level 13, and got wrecked. I saw stuff like Shadow Ball and then I trained up a CLilyBlack, because Dark-type. And then I figure out that CRemilia is a Dark-type. Then I trained up a CMeiling, then got killed by a resisted Heart Break. JESUS she has **** special defense. Took me forever to figure out CRemilia is part Flying (or at least weak to Electric).

Anyway, I'm really enjoying Another World. I love how I don't know everything. It's been a while since I've played a Pokemon game through trial and error, and it's surprisingly fun.


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Thats the best part~ :D
Its a learning experience, like playing the pokemon series from when we were still scrubs trying to figure out how the **** to beat brock~

Also ya know.
Touhou~ <3

Renko needs to get a bigger belt for pokeballs. :I


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
I beat brock with a stupidly overleveled charmander on my first playthrough.

The best way to take out Remilia is either by grinding the **** out of your starter to around level 18 for evolution, or chosing Marisa.

I'm doing a new playthrough of Another World, and trying to use mons I didn't on my previous run; Started with Reimu.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Man, this game is really tough. All of the "mini-bosses" have great type coverage. Or at least I assume they do, since I'm not sure what the types of a lot of these moves are.

Anyway, kind of regret taking Reimu. I like her character in the games, I didn't expect Normal / Flying. Probably going to replace her and LilyBlack with Remilia. LilyBlack carried my *** through the abandoned mansion, though, kind of feel bad. Also, caught a Modest Patchouli, **** yeahhhhh


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Don't let normal/flying discourage you. Soar is a 90 power flying working off her high Atk, and tons of high power noral moves.

She's an absolute MONSTER until post-e4 miko charity is a buffed pay day and she learns it mad early making money a non-issue.

Also end-game you can buy literally everything in the game.



Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Eh, I ended up ditching Reimu and LilyBlack for Remilia, working pretty well. Remilia is really frail, though.

So I beat Marisa, is the next step beating Reimu? I get some weird message about it being the end of the story, what's up with that?


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Hey, heeeeey touhoumoners~
Gotta question. Do any of you know the name of the touhoumon version wear Yukari turns your maze into a house and the versions drastically harder then lunatic?

Yea I know sounds weird. =p But like, that was the absolute hardest touhoumon version i've played. I think it might have been discontinued. But basically at the beggining of the game you can catch any touhoumon you want by going threw these yukari gaps. It was pretty cool to make your team from the get go. and trust me, you needed a full team. That game was hard. ._.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Never seen that touhoumon. It sounds like it would have been Discontinued, though. Most of the insane hacks (from my understanding) besides Lunatic (kanto and johto version) and Insane version were kinda killed off, although the only one I know of 100% is the "extra" version.

To your earlier question: To get Advent form, it's usually Sun Stone.

No no, it was definitely Touhoumon. One of my friends who's a huge Touhou fan was playing it once and I observed a little bit.

I've actually played a few games in the Touhou series (I've played Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil a decent amount in particular), but I wasn't aware that that was the concept behind the series, heh. My bad.

In any event, though, it does sound interesting.
There are touhoumon games with many changes, and some with very little. You're thinking of Touhoumon 1.5 iIrc, where the changes were very minimal, and the type chart was not changed much at all (I think psychic was the only change so that it was neutral to dark.)

Nuzlocking 1.8? Good luck! ^_^. I'll be watching and cheering for ya the whole way.

Sad about the CLuna. Unless they were nerfed due to Wind type, they're very useful. D:.

Why the Kisume hate? ;-;. Are they not as tankish in this version as they were in 1.5 and 1.5 mods?

Loving the Minoriko and CChen <3. I hope they both make it to end game.

My Nazrin always die in the same way ;-;. It's so sad :c.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
@Wave: The "main" storyline of gensokyo is complete until around the time you get the silph scope, then it continues again. Around the time you get fly, more stuff opens up in Gensokyo, and you can start to freely jump between Kanto and Gensokyo. Post-E4 gets super intense with all the amazingly awesome post-game content. It's pretty crazy when your entire team ends up level 100 with zero forced grinding. :p

I hate Kisume because her attacking stats suck, and she killed Chen.

1.8 Nuzlock is postponed until I stop feeling lazy. Currently doing a second run through Another World using mons I've neglected to use in the past.

Current team:

Lv 50 Isami
Lv 51 Advent Yuyuko
Lv 54 EX Yumeko
Lv 58 EX Iku
Lv 43 EX Kurumi
Lv 56 EX Reimu


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I couldn't play through Another World because it was just so un-nuzlockable @_@. Got to
Reimu's ZReimu
and lost sooo badly lol.


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
Wow, Ichirin confirmed for broken in 1.8 guys.

Stats: 100/55/80/85/80/60
Ability: Unzan (Huge Power)
Notable level-up moves (chibi and regular): Low Kick, Decision, Tickle, Mach Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunderpunch, Substitute, Superpower, Bulk Up, Cross Chop, Force Palm, Snatch
Notable TM moves: Focus Punch, Calm Mind, Earthquake, Brick Break, Thunderbolt, Steel Fist

so it's got the same bulk as azumarill, better attack, access to Bulk Up, elemental punches, AND stab priority. And if you feel like it you could run an adequate mixed set or mixed Calm Mind set.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
I would have mentioned it in my update last week but then swf eat my hour-long post.

Ichirin made me drool.



Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Does Touhoumon do the thing where you learn moves earlier if you don't evolve?


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
in 1.8 the learnsets for evolutions are actually different than the lower forms, and there's no incentive to not evolve them right away since the chibi learnsets don't extend past the evolution level.

In all the other versions i've played, it isn't like that though.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
So on top of not knowing which Pokemon need evolution stones to evolve, I also don't know if I should evolve them at all.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006

that's a reason


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Typically advent and final forms are inferior to last word.

Exadvent mokou is the exception.

They're broken early game, though.



Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Holy ****, CVIVIT takes forever to level up. And learns Flamethrower at level 16, damn


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Vivit is kinda poop. Vivit and Angel Vivit aren't in the same evolution line. AVivit is found just before Gensokyo E4, and is basically mewtwo.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
What the **** EXMarisa and is Electric / Fire and EX Sakuya is Ice / Steel

I feel so jipped right now. Though Miko Charity is hilarious, so that's okay I guess.
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