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~Touhou Mafia~ The Girls' Have Been Robbed - Independent Marker Victory


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Honestly, if it was that obvious, I would've been lynched days ago, but I seemed to always be cast aside at the last minute for someone else far too many times.

But eh, w/e.

Vote: Asdioh

loljk Vote: Rockin

Can we win this game already?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Maybe I was confused because I didn't think it was obvious at all why people were going to lynch me, especially toDay over Rockin.

In fact, I have been playing under the assumption that I'm obvtown for like half the game, which has been well over a month. I honestly didn't expect it to come down to this >_>
I made it pretty clear last Day, even if it's a bit circumstantial. There was no nightkill N5 or N6, the nights WL had you in limbo. N4, there was also no kill, but that's because Mentos was protected by WL and was also the NK target, made obvious N7 when he was killed. (Keep in mind also that Mentos was "lynched" D4 -- scum was eliminating an unlynchable that same night.) So we have only the N5-N6 nokills, which point to you.

Meanwhile, we have Zen who took no action N6 -- if Zen were a backup'd witch who was cursing people rather than killing in that time period, he'd still have been seen doing something. And on the subject of the backup witch, we're left with only you and Sold and WL being blocked. If we assume you're scum, the situation cleans up nicely -- there's no witch at all if you're scum. You'd be lying about being RBed, and WL only looked RBed because you claimed to have used your doc shot successfully. Sold was telling the truth, but he got cursed N1 and didn't run into problems until Gord was dead, and he didn't know what to make of it.

Rockin is a good lynch toDay, Rockin/Zen being the only possible scumteam (and I'd really like to see him dead out of vengeance) but in all honesty, I don't see him being scum. His ability slots in with every ability in the setup. He confuses the tracker by being a targeting role and he confuses Kuz's role by appearing out of the home, while in actuality he's just a targeting VT. And his play isn't really scummy, so much as just bad.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Because I don't think I quite got this out of that paragraph, Nabe, who do you find more likely to be scum if not Rockin? Asdioh or Zen?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Rockin is a good lynch toDay, Rockin/Zen being the only possible scumteam (and I'd really like to see him dead out of vengeance) but in all honesty, I don't see him being scum.
The Rockin/Zen confused me.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Just planning for contingencies. If there is a scumpair, as unlikely as that is, it could only be Rockin/Zen. A glimpse into my mind etc. but that's how I plan. More to the point, I don't really think Rockin is scum, even though I did for the rest of the game, lol.

I'm ready to hammer whenever, I'm extremely comfortable with Rockin toDay and Asdioh toMorrow.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
My sentiments exactly.

Besides my result toNight should shed some light on some things. I'll look into both Asdioh and Zen in depth toMorrow should we need to.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
@Nabe, if you don't think Rockin is scum then you shouldn't lynch him. We don't know for sure that the game will continue with a mislynch. I've lost too many endgames on that assumption. For example Celebrity, we had you pinned as scum. Had we gone with our gut, town could have still one. We don't know what he can do. You should always go with your gut and lynch who you think is scum. That's why I want to lynch him now even if the game can still continue.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
And he's pressing so hard to hurry up and lynch Rockin which makes me feel like he has something up his sleeve.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
You'll see me doing the same thing on the AA lynch though.
Unlike you, who didn't vote for AA during the entire phase.



Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
because this game is supremely boring at this point.
Ryker wants me to stay in, but I don't really feel like playing this anymore. I'll be voting for whoever Kooz is. Probably nothing else. Last scum is probably between Nix, wl, and Sold.



Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Man, when Seph has time to make jokes in thread, you know the Day should have ended already.

Let's win this thing already.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
@Nabe, if you don't think Rockin is scum then you shouldn't lynch him. We don't know for sure that the game will continue with a mislynch. I've lost too many endgames on that assumption. For example Celebrity, we had you pinned as scum. Had we gone with our gut, town could have still one. We don't know what he can do. You should always go with your gut and lynch who you think is scum. That's why I want to lynch him now even if the game can still continue.
This is absolutely bat**** ********.

Me, Seph, and Kuz are cleared townies. You cannot possibly think that the game will end with a single mislynch, because that would require there to be two scum left, and the only other two people that can be scum from your point of view should be Rockin and Asdioh.

I happen to agree that Asdioh is the best lynch, but you're doing a hell of a job at convincing me otherwise. Suspicion of you just increased like 1000%.

What was the evidence you wanted to bring against Asdioh? Why are you trying to convince people without it?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
You're dumb.

My point isn't that there is two scum left. My point is that you should always vote for who you think is scum. There's always the chance of unknown factors. Like Delvro have that multiple shot thing in Celeberity. Or Sold being scum bomb in Upicked. I'm not saying that one of these things is the case. We don't know what is the case. Lynching someone you think is town is what's bat**** ********.

And I'm still looking. I haven't been on a CPU until just now. What do you mean why am I trying to convince people without it? All I care about is convincing you. Whether or not I have to put work into that doesn't even matter.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
urgh. Suggest something that might be the case, an unknown factor. For example, Asdioh could be a doublevoter, that sure would suck. It seems to me that you're being paranoid just for the sake of it.

Do you agree with what I said about Asdioh? You could voice that with or without a CPU.

What multiple shot thing in Celeb? I seem to recall Delv just being an RB.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Personally, I find Rockin scum quite likely after he refused to give scumpicks just "because we think he's scum."

But if you want to drag this Day out, then by all means, go ahead. Just don't bore me.

Now, aside from process of elimination, and "incriminating" evidence that is most likely a coincidence, how am I scum? By the same token, how is Zen town?

And just to be super extra clear on one point: the Nabe/Seph masonry confirms you're both town, right? Which means that either you're both town, or you're both scum. Cop clear aside, they're both confirmed town because if they were scum together, they would have quickhammered by now and won the game, by having majority after the nightkill.

Then there's Kuz, who I think is town from his play, plus the cop clear. The only weird thing is his claim, which in his eyes, nearly clears Zen, which is frustrating me. However, the cool thing is that he'll be able to use it again toNight, and I would prefer if he used it on me to confirm that I don't go anywhere.

Now... how am I scum over Rockin, Zen? I've been waiting for this.

Let's look at why I'm not scum, first. I claimed Sanae Kochiya, town JoaT on D2, without provocation. I did this because I had a confirmed sane cop clear that I wanted to get out in case I died. My character could have been a safeclaim, but JoaT? I have no idea whether mafia would be given a JoaT safeclaim or not, but it seems unlikely. However, if you want to think that, then I am forced to use the same logic on you: Zen claimed "Only VT" on D1, also without provocation, which could have been a safeclaim just as much, if not more, than my claim. I'm really not sure why he did this, and it frustrated me even back then, something OS was quick to point out about me. My point still stands though: VTs are next in line in my eyes for soaking up nightkills, after bulletproofs. This is exactly why I claimed masons with Ryker in Dexter mafia: I was a VT and wanted to be nightkilled. It boggled my mind why Zen would claim that, and the only thing I could think of was self-preservation, which doesn't line up with his claimed role.

Then there's the fact that I disagreed with the Soup lynch Rockin performed, the fact that I was not at all hesitant to get rid of AA, and even brought up his lynch of my own accord (self-wifom? I don't care) and the fact that I've been saying WL was town even though others haven't.

Then, I think it was the Night that Mentos was killed, I confirmed that I had use my doc protect on Kuz, and WL said he tried to jail me on that Night. Now, unless WL was already cursed or whatever, how would his jail on me have failed? I couldn't have roleblocked him before he jailed me, it seems the jailing takes place first. I also would have done it sooner to get more killed off, because I was jailed at LEAST two Nights in a row, remember? My only explanation is that someone else roleblocked him, or he was cursed which can't be proven.

tl;dr I'm town, now lynch Rockin.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
However, the cool thing is that he'll be able to use it again toNight, and I would prefer if he used it on me to confirm that I don't go anywhere.
So I just realized that if we're right and there is a roleblocker, and it's not Rockin, then Kuz is going to be roleblocked toNight. How annoying >_<

Now lynch Rockin!


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Just went through d1. There isn't much that hasn't already been said. Rockin had much more intereaction with scum than Asdioh did. Again, Gord felt really comfortable lynching Rockin and OS felt comfortable defending him. Gord never even mentioned Asdioh and when OS and Asdioh intereacted it was very little like in 537-538. That's the first interaction between them. OS had been making unecessarly large and elaborate posts when he responded to others but here he simply responds with a quick one liner as if he is avoiding him. If you continue reading from here Asdioh and OS' second interaction is when I claimed. Asdioh voices suspicion on my claim and then OS calls him dumb out of no where. OS scum thinking that Asdioh scum is coming off scummy (when he really wasn't) and and attempts to add in some disconnection.

Another post that points to them being buddies is #715 Asdioh suddenly claims he had been willing to lynch OS and Rockin yet he had not mentioned it lynching OS at all before. And then in the same post he goes on to push the Rockin lynch. This is a classic scum move- fos your buddy, push another wagon.

Gord's #713 is an example of how comfortable he was with lynching Rockin. This doesn't look bussy/distancing to me at all. And again notice how he doesn't mention Asdioh in his reads or at all in the day.

urgh. Suggest something that might be the case, an unknown factor. For example, Asdioh could be a doublevoter, that sure would suck. It seems to me that you're being paranoid just for the sake of it.

Do you agree with what I said about Asdioh? You could voice that with or without a CPU.

What multiple shot thing in Celeb? I seem to recall Delv just being an RB.
I'm not sure what you're referring to about Asdioh. As for an unknown factor, I don't really know. Uh I might be mistaken, I thought one of you guys had some double night kill thing.
Now... how am I scum over Rockin, Zen? I've been waiting for this.
I've been saying this. He hasn't shown any scum motivation:

-His claim is not something scum would claim to try and live. Like the powerful claim that aa claimed to try and survive.
-He hasn't been trying to appeal to anyone. When he was king he made a personal decision, showing no care for what people thought about him for it. He hasn't changed his reads once in order to get pressure off him.
-His interactions with scum. Gord's push on him is the main thing.

This all just seems obv town to me.

Let's look at why I'm not scum, first. I claimed Sanae Kochiya, town JoaT on D2, without provocation. I did this because I had a confirmed sane cop clear that I wanted to get out in case I died. My character could have been a safeclaim, but JoaT? I have no idea whether mafia would be given a JoaT safeclaim or not, but it seems unlikely.
I don't think maf were given safe role claims based on aa and Sold. Bulletproof Super Saint looks to me like he just looked up a powerful role that could keep him alive. And Sold reserved claiming until the very end and still couldn't make up his mind. I don't think he would have been that way if he had a safe claim.
Then there's the fact that I disagreed with the Soup lynch Rockin performed, the fact that I was not at all hesitant to get rid of AA, and even brought up his lynch of my own accord (self-wifom? I don't care) and the fact that I've been saying WL was town even though others haven't.
None of this says anything. As scum you would know the alignment of all three of them so of course you'd be right..
Then, I think it was the Night that Mentos was killed, I confirmed that I had use my doc protect on Kuz, and WL said he tried to jail me on that Night. Now, unless WL was already cursed or whatever, how would his jail on me have failed? I couldn't have roleblocked him before he jailed me, it seems the jailing takes place first. I also would have done it sooner to get more killed off, because I was jailed at LEAST two Nights in a row, remember? My only explanation is that someone else roleblocked him, or he was cursed which can't be proven.
I don't see how this makes you town either.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
wow I thought that 502 screwed up my post

I'm going to try and read more by tonight, but I'm going camping tomorrow until Wednesday


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Sooo.. I had no idea Gord was scum on D1, and then he died. I had few if any interactions with him, I'll admit it. I had some suspicions of OS when he was alive, but not enough to be confident in pushing him. My interactions with him were also few, and fairly brief. Joey/AA were utterly inactive, though I clearly wanted them dead at a point when we were inactive hunting. You can call it bussing, but I had other options at the time, and I pushed an AA lynch hard. You, on the other hand, never voted for him.

You can point fingers at me for this, but I can guarantee your own interactions were no better. You had posted, and done, very little in this game. If the game continues past toDay, it's going to be hard to bring anything incriminating up against you because you haven't done much.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008

i said "why not at least tell us what you are" in response to your first post but got 502'd
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